Chapter 16

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 We all looked at Nicole somewhat suspiciously.

"You're not luring us into a trap for Carter are you?" Cynthia asked her.

Nicole shook her head. "No, absolutely not. I swear."

"I don't think Carter's that clever," I told Cynthia.

"Well, he did actually lead a few dead fuckers this way," Cyn replied.

"I'm telling you guys, I did everything that I could to try and stop him," said Nicole.

"We believe you, Nicole," Cyn told her.

"Okay, so what is this new shelter you're talking about, Nicole?" I inquired.

"A dentist's office," Nicole answered.

"Seriously?" I don't know what the hell I was expecting. But a dentist's office? I wasn't even due for a teeth cleaning.

"Why a dentist's office?" Cynthia asked Nicole.

"I used to date the dentist that owned the place," Nicole answered.

"Oh, so you know what it looks like and everything?" Mick asked Nicole.

Nicole nodded. "Yeah."

"Is it a big building or what?"

"No. Actually, it's pretty small. Brick with little rectangular windows."

Cynthia and I exchanged glances, "Hey, that could work," I replied.

Cyn agreed. "Yeah."

"Depending on what it's like when we get there," Angie said. She just had to rain on our parade.

"Thanks, Ang for killing the mood," Cynthia told her kid sister.


"We should probably get a move on. I dunno about you guys, but I really don't want to stay here in the warehouse another night," Mick said.

"Let's get to it," replied Cynthia.

Before we could all leave the warehouse, hopefully for good this time, we had to recover the rest of our supplies from the van. The problem for us was that there were still a couple of stenches that were feasting on Carla's remains. Three dead things to be precise.

Mick, Cynthia, and I elected to go to the abandoned vehicle and deal with the eaters. The van wasn't that far from the warehouse, and the three of us were able to stay out of sight.

We stayed on the other side of the road as we approached the van. I could hear those dead bastards still ripping into what was left of Carla. Which, wasn't much. A good portion of her face and scalp had been eaten away, and a large pool of blood had formed on the street and sidewalk. I didn't want to look at the rest.

Mick went around the front of the van while Cynthia and I snuck around the back. I popped my head around the corner of the vehicle and looked at the stenches. The dead things couldn't care less about us as they feasted on Carla's midsection. I saw Mick at the other end of the van and he gave me a quick nod. Cynthia and I sprung into action.

The two of us rounded the back of the van to take out the eaters. The first undead creature looked up from Carla's body. His mouth was covered in blood and he had pieces of Carla's flesh in his teeth. The dead guy snarled at Cyn and I and he shot up to his feet. The other two undead creatures did the same when they saw us.

Mick ran from around the front of the van, swinging his chain and connecting with a shot to the back of one of the eaters' head. The creature fell face first to the ground and before it could get back do its feet, Mick stomped down on the back of its skull, caving its head in.

The Rot: Book 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz