Chapter 6

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3rd Person's POV

When everything went black, Tord decided to walk around for a bit. Since he was standing there for a bit and nothing was happening. Where was he going? He didn't know, nor did he really care. He eventually came to a halt, just something told him to

But with the other three, Tord had stopped right in front of them. Edd tried reaching over but was stopped by a wall like think. An invisible wall

"Tord?" Edd spoke

Tord didn't response, he only stared off into the blankness of the void. He seemed to be lost in thought. But he shook himself out of it. He raised his hand touching the wall in front of him

"Strange... I never knew there was a wall here..." Tord said more to himself

Tord looked around before turning around completely. The scenery was different. But it was still glitchy, and ripped here and there

They were in the base of Tord's boss... And yes, Tord's boss doesn't stay in the same building. Tord has the whole Red Army Base to himself

"Hello!?" Tord's voice rang throughout the room

They seemed to be in a dark room. You could hear a small jingle of chains against the concrete floor. That is until the lights were turned on

Oh but what a worse sight to see. The four males eyes widen at the sight

Tord was attached to the wall by chains, his hands are bound to them, making it so he cannot escape. But it was worse for the others. Edd and Matt where both full of bruises and still knocked out. At least, that's what it seems like. But Tom was awake. Well it seemed as so anyway

Tom had his arms restrained behind his back. His head lowered as he was sitting on his knees. Breathing heavily, yet slowly. He had bruises everywhere too. The room was silent. Other than the breathing of the males and the sound of the metal hitting the wall and floor

"T-Tom?" Tord said. Tom had no reaction, he stayed still, it was like he was dead. Then the sound of a door opening was heard. Tord looking over to see who it was. His expression immediately changed into anger

"You bastard!" Tord yelled

Someone chuckled darkly "What a wonderful sight, don't ya think, Red?" He asked, you could just hear the smirk on his face

Footsteps were heard, you can see a male wearing some sort of Army uniform walk up to Tom. Gripping the Brit's hair and yanking his head up to look at the Norski. There were bruises on Tom's face, cuts, blood dripping from his slightly opened mouth

His eyes were half lifted, proving for a fact that he was awake at the moment. He seemed tired. But he was trying his best to keep his eyes open in the same time

"It's fun to play with them" He smirked (Imma just call him Black, because idk-) "But it seems this one's a feisty one" Black said looking at Tom, before looking at the two other males on the floor "But these two others are as weak to be classified as pathetic" Black said letting go of Tom after shoving him forward forcefully

He stumbled forward but stayed on his knees "Thomas!" Tord said struggling against the restraints

"Let's make this quick" Black said pulling out a gun and aiming it at Tom's head "Any last words, Thomas?" Black asked with a sinister smirk

"Fuck you" Tom choked out weakly, his words filled with venom


Everyone flinched at the sound

Tord's eyes widen, as Tom's lifeless body fell to the floor. He fell to his knees. It felt as if he'd been stabbed in the heart. His heart ached

"N-no..." Tord mumbled tears welding up in his eyes

"Alright now that that's out of the way, I want you back at the Red Army and next time listen to me" Black spat with venom before leaving

Tears slipped from Tord's eyes, it was a rare sight to see but he didn't care. His friend are dead. His crush was just shot dead in front of his very eyes

"You son of a bitch... You will pay for this!" Tord growled, it wasn't like Black would even hear him anyways

When Tord attempted to pull at the restraints again, they came off. Like they were detached. He fell but instantly got up and ran over to Tom's corpse. He removed the ties on his wrists. Pulling them apart to break it. The wire cutting his hands as he did so

If it wouldn't have broken, it would've probably cut through his fingers. Tho he was able to break it. But his hands were bleeding. It wasn't like he cared at the moment anyway. Pulling his former friend and enemy in a hug, as he sobbed

"I-I'm so s-sorry..." Tord choked out

Then everything disappeared, going back to black. Tord let out a shaky sigh. It was extremely painful to see that. Maybe a bit less for the others. But that broke Tord. He placed his back against the wall sliding down it, bringing his knees up to his chest

"That is what would've happened if you didn't do what you did Tord" A voice said

One Tord was way to familiar with... Paul... Tord looked up, he stood there with Pat next to him. But they weren't real. You can tell. Because they were slightly transparent

"You sacrificed yourself for your friends..." Pat said

He sounded hurt. Well of course he would. His son is in the hospital. Not even sure if he's going to even wake up

"You don't have to worry about them. There fine. Black is dead like you asked" Paul said

"But all we ask from you is" Pat said

"Please wake up..." They both said in the same time before disappearing

"I don't know how..." Tord said lowly

"Tord! Were right here!" Edd said knocking on the wall

Tord flinched at the sudden sound. No he didn't hear Edd, but he heard the knock. He looked around but saw nothing. Edd was about to knock again but he woke up

Tom's POV

"Excuse me, but visiting hours are over" A female nurse informed "You can come tomorrow" She said

"Thank you ma'am" I said

She smiled before walking off, Edd stood up and stretched. Ringo hopping off the bed and running over to him. As Edd had a small reunion with his beloved cat, I pushed myself off the couch as Matt did the same from his chair

Matt walked out of the room, probably to go see if anything happened to his face. Ya know, Matt stuff. Edd picked up Ringo and hurried out going after the ginger. I looked over at Tord. He looked so peaceful. But we all know he isn't at the moment

I walked over to him standing next to the bed. I looked at his hand for a second before grasping it with mine. Giving it a little squeeze

"Get well soon Tord..." I said with a sigh "I have some major apologies to give you" I laughed sadly "Sorry" I said, giving his hand one last squeeze before leaving his room, after turning the lights off

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