Chapter 12

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Tord's POV (Short)

Once I had finally calmed down I had stayed on the ground. I honestly don't know how long it has been but I've given up on trying to know at this point

Tom's POV

After seeing that whole thing we had woke up. I left my apartment and went over to the hospital to see Tord again. He was still alive and well. He looked so peaceful. But I know he truly isn't, that he's trapped in something he can't get out of

I sat down in a chair next to his unconscious body. I stared at his unconscious form. He had scars over the right side of his face and his arm was gone. His hair was messy but it still looked like his natural hair style. I brushed his bangs from his eyes softly with my fingers staring at his face

He looked so calm dispite all the troubles inside his mind. I grabbed his hand softly and put my hands around it. It felt slightly cold to the touch, but my hands warned his up. I rubbed his hand softly with my thumb

"I'm sorry Tord.." I muttered leaning forward and resting my head against his arm

I let my eyes flutter closed and I fell asleep again. When my eyes opened again, I found myself back in the void. Edd and Matt were here as well, they had probably fell asleep again as well. Tord was sitting on the ground, the place changed catching our attention, and Tord's as well

We were at this cliff place again. But Edd, Matt and I were there this time. Tord looked at us, as we stood in front of him

Tord's POV

I stared at the others who stood in front of me. I didn't know what was going on. But I don't think it would be so great for me. As I never is. The place flashed black and when it showed again, the robot parts were scattered everywhere. But they still stood in the same spot

"Why did you do this?" Edd asked

"I had no choi-"

"Fuck you and you're lies!!" Tom interrupted "All you did was lie to us. I don't want to hear your lame excuses"

"I didn't want t-"

"We're better without you anyways" Tom said "Better without a traitor" Tom continued and glared at me

"He would've killed you all if I didn't do what he wanted!" I screamed at them my eyes filled with tears "I did it to protect you all! I never wanted to hurt you guys. It's all my fucking fault.." I said as tears ran down my face "I'm so sorry.."

I put my hands in my hair curling up, I just sobbed uncontrollably. I hated this.. I just want this all to fucking end! Why can't it stop..? "I-I don't want t-this.." I stuttered

I slowly let go of my hair and wiped my eyes and cheeks. My breathing was uneven again. And it was worse because no one was here to help me. It's the hard truth. I'm going to be stuck here forever aren't I? I don't want to be stuck.. I look up as the place changed again

At this point it's not just bad memories. Some memories have been good ones. But that was like one or two times. And the others have only been the terrible parts of my memory. Well minus the one where it wasn't real. The surroundings changed to the tree Edd, Matt, Tom and I used to hang out when we were little. When we were kids

I sat on the ground my back against the tree staring at the ground. I had my knees pulled up into my chest and you can see tears sliding down my cheeks. My arms were crossed on top of my legs, and you can hear my quiet sobbing

Soon the guys were there. Edd was the first to notice me. He ran over to me, the other two following a second after noticing me too. Edd sat on my right and Tom on the left holding his bear in his arms. Matt sat in front of me

"What's wrong Tord?" Edd asked concerned and worried for his friend

I sniffled and looked up at my friends. My eyes all red and puffy from crying "Am I-I demon..?" I sniffed

"What? No!" Edd protested

"Of course you aren't Tord" Matt said

Tom hummed in agreement "Who told you that?" He huffed

Tom's younger self looks so adorable all angry. He was hugging Tomee Bear tightly and an adorable pout on his face

"Some kids at school.." I said and moved my hands to my head "They say I look like demon.." I said touching my hair horns

"You're not a demon Tord!" Tom said

"Yea! You're a great friend! You're so kind and caring. And you protect us too!" Matt said fixing his cap

"... What do you guys think of my eyes..?" I ask looking up at the others as I said that

"Your eyes?" Edd repeated "Well I think they're nice. But I don't pay attention to them. You're a great friend and that's what I look out for!" Edd said with a smile "I don't care what you have different from us. You're, and always will be, my best friend!" Edd said happily

"I think your eyes are pretty" Matt said looking at my red eyes

"Yea! You have very pretty eyes! They are so unique and I've never seen any like them before" Tom said with a big smile

I smiled a bit and wiped my eyes and cheeks "Y-you really think so?" I ask

"Yea!" The guys said all in the same time

I sniffled staring at me and my only friends as the memory slowly faded into black. I hugged my knees calming myself down. I stared at the darkness at my feet. I jumped a bit when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I looked over to the person who hugged me and saw, Edd?

He sat on his legs on my left hugging me close. Then I felt another pair of arms around me. I looked to my right and saw Matt. What was going on? Why are they hugging me? I then noticed Tom. I watched him walk around Matt and go onto his knees in front of me. But what he did surprised me

He hugged me

My eyes widen a bit from the action. They most likely aren't real. But Tom..? Why would he hug me..? Why would this place make Tom hug me? I always want to hug him.. But I can't.. He hates me.. Right..? No. He can't like me. Or else why would he pretend to hate me if he didn't?

I slowly wrap my arms around him feeling my eyes begin to water again as I did. I gripped the back of his shirt and buried my face into his shoulder as the tears began slipping from my eyes. I let out sobs and they hug me tightly, and I did too

We stayed like that for a bit and I can feel Tom slipping away from my grasp. I hugged him tighter not wanting to let him go. He leaned to my ear "Please wake up Tord.." He whispered before they all faded away

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