Chapter 16

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Tord's POV

"Anything happen after we went home?" Matt asked as he walked over to Tom and grabbed a chair sitting next to Tom

"Haha not really" Tom said and his smile faded as he remembered something "Well actually, the doctor had told me earlier. If Tord didn't show any signs of being awake or if he would ever wake up, they would've pulled the plug" Tom said and squeezed my hand a bit, I could feel it as he did

I put my hand on his gently, him seeming to relax "But, Tord had moved his hand earlier when we were talking, and that was good enough to extend the time to a few more months" Tom said

He really did that for me..?

I smiled, I couldn't help myself, but I kissed his head softly. I blushed realizing what I did and pulled my hand away. I covered my face and looked away. It wasn't long until the place faded into black. I let out a sigh as my blush calmed down

I look around as another scene appeared. Tho, this one was ripped and stuff. It's either what could've happened with something but I choose a different path. Or, it's something that didn't happen yet. I do remember one time it seemed as if the memory wasn't even from this universe

Tom was different and he was nicer. The others were weird as well. But nevermind that, I need to pay attention to the memory. The place seemed to be inside a dark apartment. The room was dark and the only light was from the moonlight shining through the window and the light from the TV

I sat upon the couch wrapped in a blanket, in tears. I was hurting so much. I thought he loved me.. Why did this turn out this way..? We were so happy together. I did everything I could but he left... Why? What did I do to make him leave?

I let out a sob and pulled out my phone, looking at a picture. A picture of me and him. He was happy. We were happy. Is it because I wasn't good enough? I stared at the screen. What's so special about her anyways? Is it because she isn't me? Is it that reason you like her?

My phone screen turned darker before shutting itself off. I let my hand fall limply to my lap. I stared at the floor and only flinched slightly when the door opened. I sniffed and quickly wiped my eyes and cheeks. Pretending as I wasn't crying. I knew it was him who was here

I flinched a bit as I felt the couch dip next to me a bit then arms wrapping around me, pulling me into him. I hugged the blanket around me tighter and leaned into his touch

"Why are you still up Love?" He asked softly

"Waiting for you.." I said quietly, it technically wasn't a lie. I just wanted to know if he was going to come home

He hummed and kissed my head "But I told you if I didn't come home at the time I said, that means I had to work late. I said you can go to bed. I would've just climbed in with you" He said

I stayed silent and moved a bit to be more comfortable "Thomas?" I said

"Yes?" He hummed looking at me

"Do you love me..?" I ask looking down

"Of course I do" Tom said and tilting my head up to look at him "Why would you ever think I don't?"

I glanced away "No reason.." I mutter

Tom kissed me softly "I love you. And only you" Tom said

I slipped my arms around him hugging him tightly nuzzling his chest "I love you too Thomas.." I said "Please don't leave me.."

I stared as the scene faded to black. The words 'Please don't leave me..' echoed throughout my mind. I held my hand to my chest "Stay with me Thomas.." I muttered

I bit my lip. I love him. And I can't deny it. I already knew that. It's all about if he loves me back. Well, at least he cares right?... Right..? He must. Or else he wouldn't have done anything he did for me. I want to hug him again. It felt nice when he hugged me

I sat down and hugged myself. Wanting to feel the warmth of his body against mine again. I sighed and bit my lip as I stared at the darkness in front of me. I just want to escape this place. I've been trapped in this place for so long. I just want this nightmare to end.. I jumped when another memory started playing

"Tooom" I wined annoyingly "Why don't you smile for meeeee" I wined poking his cheek

"No" Tom huffed covering his mouth

"They're just braces! What's so bad about that?" I huffed tugging on my black overcoat

"Because they look ugly" Tom said

"I doubt they do" I said moving closer to Tom "C'mon Thomas it's just a smile" I wined. Tom shook his head keeping his mouth shut. I huffed "Let's make a deal" I said making Tom look at me showing I had his attention "If you smile for me, I'll tell you about something I never told Edd or Matt" I said

He covered his mouth again "Sounds temping.. But I doubt it'll be worth it" Tom said which was a little muffled because of his hand

I huffed at his stubbornness, I grabbed him and began tickling his waist, which I knew he was ticklish there. His breath hitched as his eyes widen. I could see him trying to hold back his laughter but it didn't last long. I continued to tickle him and he started laughing. What I wanted

I smiled as I saw his braces. He kept trying to push my hands away from him. And I eventually let him. His laughing soon calmed down as he caught his breath smiling a bit "Your braces look nice" I said causing him to blush and look away

"Lies" He said

"No lies! It's true!" I said making him look at me "Maybe you don't like them, but I do. I find they look pretty" I said making him turn more red

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