Chapter 38 - Prettiest Girl At The Party

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Chapter 38 - Prettiest Girl At The Party

The rest of Christmas break was much less melancholy than I feared it would be. I worked a couple of shifts, practiced my bass, jammed with my band, read, and exercised a lot. I also talked to Kelly at least a little everyday.

During our conversations I tried to play it as cool as I could, but inside I was analyzing everything she said, looking for signs that she was really doing okay. I wondered if this was how parents felt when they called their kids at summer camp or college. My protectiveness would spike any time she mentioned going to her mom's, but I kept my comments encouraging.

On Christmas Day itself I seemed extra aware of every little detail of the time spent with my family. Probably because it occurred to me that it would be the last Christmas with them that I wouldn't be a visitor. Kristy and I spent all day in our fuzzy pajamas eating, watching Christmas movies with our parents, and generally just enjoying each other. Finally, on the Friday after Christmas, I got some contact with a friend.

"Tara!" I yelled as I stomped across the floor of The Gutterball in my snow covered boots. I threw my arms around her and hugged her. I hadn't seen her in far too long. I grabbed her arms and held her out so we could see each other, smiling like a toddler with a puppy. "By the gods of estrogen, it's good to have a girlfriend back in town!"

"You are way too chipper for me to handle before my first cup of coffee. Let's get a booth, girl."

We found a booth and sat down. Almost immediately a waitress appeared, and we ordered a cinnamon roll for Tara, a fruit cup for me, and two coffees.

"So," I couldn't stand waiting any longer to talk about the elephant in the room, "did you and Kala make up yet?"

She rolled her eyes, "Highschoolers are so bad at foreplay. Again, I haven't even had my first cup of coffee."

"Come on! You two are my best friends ever and I love you both and I can't stand it that you're fighting and it's like-"

"Slow down! It's not like it's a simple tiff over some stupid girly issue. Did she tell you what she did to me?"

I proceeded with caution, knowing that if I took sides, it would suddenly become my fight, too. "Well, she told me her side of the story."

"Did she tell you she got me drunk and used me?" She whispered the last part like a mean sounding hiss.

"Sort of. She said you were both pretty drunk, you were giving her hickeys in front of some frat guys, then ended up in a bedroom. She didn't elaborate on the rest. Did you want to...elaborate...on the rest?"

"That's the problem...the rest! Kala knows I'm not-" Tara stopped to let the waitress plop down the food and coffee mugs. After asking if we needed anything else and getting negative answers she left. Tara continued. "Kala knows I'm not gay, or bi, or whatever!"

"Just because it happened, even if maybe, you know, you enjoyed it or whatever - and I'm not saying you did! - that doesn't mean you're gay or bi. Kala knows that. She was feeling bad about the girl she was pining over, you're really hot, you were both drunk..."

"That's no excuse." Tara looked a little deflated after the comment about her hotness. "She had to know I was going to regret it."

Tara was being so egocentric, I didn't know how to get her off her pedestal. I tried bald-faced placation.

"Well, yeah, Kala screwed up. That's why she apologized, right? She said you told her you would accept her apology, but only if she tried to break up her crush's relationship. Is that right?"

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