Chapter 57 - Something Different

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Chapter 57 - Something Different

Kala reached around me with her left arm, grabbing my right breast and pressing my entire upper body against hers. Her right hand reached around from the other side and worked my most sensitive spot. Warm breath, soft lips, a moist tongue, and tickling hair all worked their way methodically up and down my neck from just below my ear to my shoulder and back again. I had one hand on her left arm, the other was on her head, massaging her silky hair. A needy whimper came out of me each time her mouth reached high on my neck and the sensation sent shivers through me.

She straddled my lower legs as we kneeled on her bed, naked bodies trapping the heat between us, her breasts pressed firmly into my back. We were raised up on our knees on her soft mattress. By holding ourselves together, we kept each other in balance.

Her right hand reached around a little farther, and I felt her fingers start alternating between massaging my exterior and teasing my entrance. My chest worked hard to keep forcing air in and out as deeply as possible despite the urge to hold my breath.

I had never felt this exposed before. Maybe 'open' would be a better word. Kala was in complete control at the moment, and I felt the sweet surrender of knowing that I would let her do anything to me right now. I would obediently follow any suggestion.

"I love you, Analee. God, I want to be with you. I've wanted you to want me for so long, Ani. God, I love you." Between kisses, Kala babbled like she was drunk. I had never heard any words more beautiful. Everything she said was honest and unfiltered. There was no facade, no pretending, no worrying about choosing just the right way to phrase a thought.

It was a surprisingly short time before little pre-orgasm tickles started shooting through my center like tiny shocks and my muscles started to tighten. When the jolts started getting closer together, I involuntarily bent at the waist and fell forward with a gasp. My forearms and face landed on a soft pillow, and my hands grabbed the sheets.

Kala's left arm released it's grip on my breast as I fell. Her hand slid up the back of my neck and into my hair. Her fingers gripped gently, asserting a soft control. At the same time she started kissing her way down my back like her mouth couldn't stand to be separated from my body and her right hand moved from the front of me to continue it's work from behind, no longer teasing my entrance, she explored deeper. I felt her inside of me, outside of me, kissing me in worship, gently pulling my hair in dominance.

The muscles in my pelvis started to tense up, and a stronger feeling than anything I was used to began an agonizingly slow crescendo. It was like my own body wanted to see how long it could prevent the inevitable, how tight the feeling could wind before release.

When it happened, I felt so many sensations all at once I got tears in my eyes. I felt Kala's soft fingers probing and massaging me. The slightest tug on my hair from her other hand felt good on my scalp. I felt her kisses on my back, her long hair falling over my body. I could smell her on the pillow my face was smashed into, and I could feel the texture of the cotton sheets in my grip.

I heard a guttural, undignified, high pitched series of moans come out of me. My vibrating legs tried to straighten, lifting my backside up even more. Kala maintained contact and her hand kept moving. Kisses worked their way to my lower back, waist, and hip as she renewed her passionately sincere vows.

"I want this to be forever, Analee. God, I've wanted you so badly for so long. I love you, Analee."

* * *

I admired her terrifying beauty again. Her glowing black hair and dark mahogany eyes still reflected the artwork around us as she closed the distance between us. I expected her lips meeting mine to feel surprising. It didn't. The fact that she was kissing me certainly was. I had a dozen possible scenarios pictured. None of them involved her saying nothing, but instead, just kissing me.

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