Chapter 58 - You Earned Them

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Chapter 58 - You Earned Them

My face tensed up as I fought against consciousness. I did not want to be awake. Not yet, anyway. The horrible sound kept happening, though. It was a mix between a buzz and a rattle at regular intervals, a sound that everyone recognizes. I was cozy, clean, and oh-so relaxed. Soft, warm skin was pressed against a good portion of my body with no clothing in the way. The smell of perfume caressed my soul. Wait, not perfume. It was the smell of shampoo from the shower we took in the wee hours of the morning. Soft strands of Kala's hair were lying across my face.

The buzzing stopped and I thought I might be able to drift back to sleep, but the memories of our shower kept looping through my brain and woke me up a bit. Soapy hands gliding everywhere, holding and kissing each other under the spray of hot water, the way she pressed herself against me tightly as she hugged me from behind and hummed happily, the way she kneeled down and lifted my thigh over her shoulder... I was starting to wonder how Kala felt about morning sex when the buzzing started again.

I felt Kala tense, then grab for her phone. She looked at the screen and touched it with a sigh.

"What?...Mmh...Yeah...Really good. Yours?...Sure...Probably. Hang on. I'll ask." She moved the phone away from her face and turned a bit to direct her speech in my direction. "Tara wants to know if we want to do breakfast and hear about each other's dates."

I tightened my arm and gave her a little squeeze. "How much do you think Tara wants to hear?" She smiled and rolled over a little more so that she could kiss me. I heard Tara's voice come out of the phone now that it was away from Kala's ear.

"Excuse me? She's there? Did you just call it a date? Kala? What did she say? What is there to hear?"

Kala ignored Tara for a few seconds while she kissed me good morning properly, then brought the phone back down.

"We'll fill you in at breakfast. Let's say, ten o'clock?"

I shook my head to get her attention and Kala squinted at me.

"Make it noon. Let's do lunch instead," I whispered. I could feel my face heat up and I bit my bottom lip. Kala's eyes widened and she talked quickly into the phone.

"Make it lunch, somewhere with a buffet, text me." She jabbed the screen and dropped her phone somewhere over the edge of the bed. With one quick motion she grabbed the sheet covering us and whipped it behind her like a cape as she straddled my legs, pinning them down. I squealed and giggled as she attacked my torso with kisses.

* * *

We pulled into the parking lot of the Taste of India restaurant. Tara was already there, pacing back and forth outside. When she saw Kala's car she clasped her hands in front of her and bounced on her toes. As soon as the car was in park she ran over and stood next to Kala's door.

"Is this happening? Tell me this is happening. Is this really happening?" She kept looking back and forth between us as we got out, looking for confirmation.

"Yes, Tara. It's finally happening," Kala assured her.

Tara squealed and threw her arms around Kala's neck. Her little red purse flew around and hit Kala from behind. She didn't seem to notice that Kala was bent backwards at an uncomfortable angle. She just kept squealing and bouncing up and down.

I laughed at the two of them, but as soon as Tara released Kala, she ran around the car towards me. I tried backing up, but to no avail. She slammed into me as hard as a slender girl wearing high heels can.

"I'm so happy!" When she finally let go and stopped screaming in my ear, she dragged me to the sidewalk where Kala was standing and shoved me next to her. She stepped back, admired us for a moment with a goofy smile, then threw her arms around both of us. I made a little "Ack!" noise as she squeezed my neck.

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