surprises !!

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3rd person !!

also some kaito x maki haha
shuichi and kokichi had been walking through the halls of their school, just talking about anything and anyone.

shuichi felt his face heat up slowly as he talked to kokichi, he had always liked kokichi but would never say anything.

kokichi openingly liked shuichi, however he was very dense and didn't believe it when people had told him. but he continued to flirt with him seemingly non-stop.

as they were walking down passed their lockers, they met up with maki and talked to her a little bit.

"saihara, ouma" she smiled.

"hey harukawa! how are you and kaito?" kokichi asked eagerly, it was obvious maki liked him. but to their knowledge they weren't actually together, kokichi was just teasing.

as they spoke about kaito and maki was getting flustered as they teased her, the purple haired man in question popped up.

"hey sidekicks, ouma. what are ya talking about?" he said, eager as ever.

"oh how maki is like sooo in lov-" kokichi began, before getting his mouth covered by maki.

she whispered something to kokichi, which made him burst into laughter.

"n-nothing!" he said between giggles.

shuichi felt his face heat up again upon hearing his crush giggle.

"wait! maki is in love with someone?!" he asked eagerly.

"w-what! no! never! i would never!" she defended herself, typical tsundere style.

"well whoever it is maki-roll, i'm sure they feel the same! and if they don't they're stupid!" kaito encouraged.

"well the guy is yo-" kokichi began again, this time getting shoved into shuichi.

shuichis face lit up red as he fell to the ground, kokichi above him.

"wait, you're in love with..." he pointed to himself "me?" he questioned, his eyes full of hope.

"y-yeah..." she mumbled, realizing she couldn't back her way out of it.

kokichi had helped shuichi up and teased him about his red face.

kaito's face lit up before kissing maki.

"woah!! what a surprise!" kokichi exclaimed.

kokichi looked up at shuichi, a smirk playing on his face.

"why don't you surprise me like that shumai?"

shuichi looked down at his crush, kokichis face was slightly pink, but was smirking.

shuichi took a deep breath before grabbing his crush's collar and pulling him into a short kiss.

after they broke apart, kokichi had a blank look on his face for a few seconds before turning a bright red.

"surprise?" shuichi said, awkwardly.

kokichi hopped up and grabbed shuichis tie and pulled him back into a kiss.

after realizing kokichi was kissing him, shuichi held kokichis face and kokichi moved his hands to the back of shuichis neck.

when they broke apart, they both had to catch their breath before their faces turned pink and shuichi started giggling.

kokichi looked at shuichi as he giggled with the blush upon his face, and started to giggle as well.

just two boys, giggling in the hall after just making out.

after giggling for a while shuichi looked at kokichi with a genuine smile on his face.

"uhm erm... hey ouma?" he asked, kind of awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck

"yeah?" he replied, smiling back.

"w-what are we?" he stammered, bur started to giggle after.

"depends, wanna be my boyfriend?" he asked grabbing shuichis hands and holding them in his hand. looking up into his eyes full of hope.

"of course!" he smiled and pulled kokichi back into a kiss.

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