pressure !!

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i don't know how this is gonna turn out so we're gonna turn on the angst

also s//icide warning

also this is after chapter three


kokichi sat in his room, fiddling with a marker. he looked up at the board up on his wall.

he continued to scan every face, he looked at the small 'x's above every other face.

everytime he closed his eyes, it flashed back to when they picked up the cage. there laid tenko.

he started to shake thinking of her, although she wasn't very nice to him he still cared for her.

his eyes wondered to shuichis photo.

he mumbled to himself as he wrote 'trustworthy?' underneath.

he scanned over his friends faces, he looked around at irumas, and wrote 'will end up killing me' he went around to each photo and wrote small notes under each photo.

he looked at the time, and ran to the dining hall for breakfast.

he quickly cooked himself up a nice bowl of cereal. before sitting down and fiddling with his spoon.

the day went on without much happening, although miu had mentioned making a 'new world' to escape.

kokichi didn't pay it much mind, and walked to the library. he walked through the bookshelves, and forced himself not to look toward the door.

being in the library made him feel at peace, it was nice and quiet, although he kept getting flashbacks to rantaros death.

he hummed to himself for a while, he daydreamed about escaping. although he didn't show it, he enjoyed hearing kaito's motivating words and his smile always tended to make others smile. he admires kaito for that.

he admires how maki was motivated, she stuck to her beliefs and never let anyone get to her.

he admired how himiko stayed strong after seeing both her best friends die.

he admires how kiibo remained positive and was sweet to everyone no matter what.

he admires how smart miu was, even if she was annoying, she was incredibly smart.

he admired how gonta was so kind and caring, he always tried to be the best version of himself to everyone.

he admired how tsumugi was generous and encouraging.


he really admired shuichi.

he had to overcome his anxiety and face his betraying friends head on. he had to stand up and spread the truth. he had to be strong.

and kokichi loves him for that.

he looked around at the books around him and pulled out one.

it was a book about serial killers.

great. perfect for this setting.

he flipped through the pagers and read a page on someone called "Genecider Syo"

he mumbled to himself on how gruesome the deaths were.

he had to stop reading when he realized he felt like vomiting.

he put the book back and walked around the school.

he had reached the dining hall when he heard the announcement come on.


kokichi felt his stomach drop. he felt himself began to hyperventilate, before quickly running to the bathroom and cleaning his face.

"everything is fine! i don't care who died!" he smiled as he lied to himself in the mirror.

he ran to the dorms entrance and wandered through the halls till he found everyone.

they were standing in front of shuichis dorm.

he felt his heart rate increase as he squeezed between tsumugi and kiibo.

then he saw it.


shuichi sat on his bed, his face clearly showing he was crying due to the tear stains.

he had a knife through his stomach.

kokichi felt frozen.

his face was blank and paler then usual.

eventually he had to snap out of it and stop himself from crying.

his eyes were extremely glassy and he walked over to shuichi.

he picked up his chin and looked at his pale face.

you could see the pain.

kokichi began to shake, he forced himself not to show any emotions.

he had to turn away before he started crying.

kaito and maki had tried to talk to kokichi, but kokichi couldn't hear them.

he looked towards shuichis side table and saw an envelope.

he picked it up and opened it up.

dear whoever reads this.

i'm sorry. i couldn't deal with it anymore. i had to send my friends to their deaths. i had to witness their deaths. i had to stare and investigate my friends murders.

it was too much.

to kaito, you were my best friend. keep your head up. take harukawa to the stars.

to harukawa, let down your walls. it'll be okay, kaito will always be there for you to fall back on. he won't abandon you.

to yumeno, kiibo, gonta, iruma, and shirogane, keep hope.... stay safe... don't give into despair.

to ouma, i love you. i love every part of you. i love breaking down your lies and seeing your true self. you laugh brings a smile to my face. your pranks always made me want to burst out laughing. i love you so much. i'm sorry i had to do this.

kokichi couldn't help but cry.

he began to shake violently as he crumbled the paper in his hands.

he quietly handed kaito the paper and walked out of the room and ran to his dorm.

he didn't hear irumas calls for him to come back.

he slammed his door shut and fell to the floor.

he continued to shake and sob as he thought more and more about shuichi.

he got up and ran into his bathroom and washed his face and made sure he looked, okay at least.

so he looked like he didn't just cry.

he walked out and was met with maki.

"i read the note."

"nishsishi! i have noooo idea what you're talking about harumaki!" he continued to keep up his facade, despite knowing they had all seen his mask break.

maki rolled her eyes and brought kokichi in for a hug.

kokichi didn't know how to react, maki had never shown any sort affection or care towards anyone. and here she was.

comforting him.

kokichi wrapped his arms around maki and began to sob once again, however into her shoulder.

"it's going to be okay ouma."

kokichi broke apart from the hug and wiped his eyes. he looked up at maki.

"without shuichi? i don't know if anything will ever be okay." he walked over towards his board and crossed an 'x' over his face and wrote another note under his photo.

'pressure got to him'

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