|Missing Destiny| (Book #2 In Destiny Series)

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Before you read this book,I highly recommend you to read the first part of the book "Destiny's Plan". You will only understand the plot then.This is not a standalone book.So reading this without the first part will be really confusing.And secondly this book is an emotional mess,so soft hearted people who gets emotional,stay away.|MISSING DESTINY|Without him,she was lost.An usolved puzzle.He was her missing piece.Once their heart had beaten as one but now he was no longer around.He was gone and so was her heart beat. She was just one of those souls who functions without emotions anymore.But she had one thing to grasp onto even during cold nights and warm days.He left her with two things. Memories and a piece of him inside her and thats all she needed for the rest of her life.


Review: This story is the continuation of(|Destiny's Plan| (Book #1 In Destiny Series) .It is an emotional rollercoaster of wife after knowing about her husband

Genres: Emotional, arranged marriage, love

BEST NOVELS OF INDIAN WRITERSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora