Chapter 19

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Carlisle was about to step in to stop everything before it gets even worse when Alice put her hand up to block him. "It's going exactly as it should go."

Ariella heard her, but paid no mind to the words. The rest of the Cullens glanced at one another before leaving the two sisters to get their misunderstandings sorted out.

The golden mist surrounded Ariella's hands once more. "So that's the reason why you hate me so much?! Me leaving? What else would you have me do, then? Stay with you and pretend like everything's alright? Have the magic in me bottled up and kept away from the rest of the world?"

"Yes!!!" Bella exclaimed, frustrated.

"Fool!" Ariella yelled, the golden mist erupting from her hand to the countertop. "If I had done that, there was a possibility that it would have gone berserk and you and Mom would have bloody died! Would you rather have that happen then?!"

Bella grimaced and softened her expression. She looked close to crying. From the living room, Jasper winced at the wave of sentiments that was passing through both sisters. Edward kept glancing worriedly from the kitchen to his family. Rosalie looked completely content that Ariella was finally putting Bella in her place. Emmett was worried about the human girl too, after all, all misunderstandings aside, Edward and her were together, and anyone who is connected with one of them is family in Emmett's mind. Carlisle was stopping Esme from barging in to the kitchen to stop the girls fighting.

"Ariella, listen, you really hurt both me and Mom when you left." Bella whispered.

Ariella softened her expression, but kept the glare in her eyes. "And it hurt me to lose my best friend this year. Then see his, I don't know, doppelganger here in Forks. Then having to leave my friends. But hey, you don't see me hating you."

Bella was silenced. Finally, Jasper couldn't take it anymore and went to the kitchen. None of his siblings, or his 'parents', tried to stop him. In a second, Jasper was by Ariella's side. Bella went to the living room to give them space. As she went to the living room, the Cullens left to leave Bella and Edward with privacy. Jasper hugged his soulmate tightly, but not enough to crack her. "Are you alright, suga'?"

"Yeah, I guess." Ariella muttered, diverting her gaze to the floor.

Jasper put his index finger to Ariella's chin and made her look at him. "Don't lie to me, darlin'. I can tell you're not fine."

"Then why bother ask in the first place?" Ariella asked, trying to make a joke. The golden mist in her hands have not yet retreated, and it was curling around Jasper's body.

Jasper chuckled, and the sound made Ariella be filled with happiness. "You know, you never made it any clear on what we actually are."

Ariella stared at her soulmate in surprise. "What are we?"

"Well –" Jasper began.

Alice bounced in the kitchen happily, smiling brightly at the two vampires. Upon seeing what she interrupted, her bright smiley face grimaced. "Oops! Uhm –"

"No, Alice, it's fine." Ariella said, separating herself from the honey-blonde vampire, smiling apologetically at him. "What's up?"

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