Chapter 43

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The spells bounded off the shield, and Ariella's face looked absolutely furious. She fired off spell after spell towards the wizards who tried to attack McGonagall, relentless in her attack. Quickly, she shouted to Hagrid, "Hagrid! Go! Go! I can handle it from here, just go!"

"I'll never forget this, Ariella!" Hagrid yelled, tears in his eyes as he escaped.

"Get him, get him!" screamed Umbridge, but her remaining helper seemed highly reluctant to go within reach of Hagrid's fists.

Ariella turned to Umbridge, wand raised at her stubby face. "You. What were you thinking?!"

"What are you doing, Miss Swan?! Do not raise your wand against me!" Umbridge yelled.

"I will raise my wand at you all I want!" Ariella shrieked. "Are you even aware that there are students taking an examination as of the moment?! You absolute blithering idiot! And attacking a teacher in the middle of the night?! That's beyond preposterous!"

"You do not tell me what to say!" Umbridge shrieked back.

Ariella took a deep breath in. "Listen here, Dolores. I don't care who you are as of the moment, nor do I care what position you're in. What matters to me is that you attack Minerva McGonagall, and that is enough for me to make me want to murder you. But I swear, pull another stunt like that again and you won't live to see the daylights of tomorrow!"


Ariella was surprised when McGonagall was taken to St. Mungos. Apparently, while she had her back turned, three wizards at large had stunned her, and she had to be taken to the wizarding hospital to make sure she's alright. Ariella was sitting on one of the beds in the Hospital Wing, asking Poppy for some headache cure.

Suddenly, Harry came barreling through the door. "I need to see Professor McGonagall," gasped Harry, the breath tearing his lungs. "Now . . . It's urgent. . . ."

"She's not here, Potter," said Madam Pomfrey sadly. "She was transferred to St. Mungo's this morning. Three Stunning Spells straight to the chest at her age? It's a wonder they didn't kill her."

"She's . . . gone?" said Harry, stunned.

"Harry. What's wrong?" Ariella moved forward, taking in Harry's shriveled appearance.

Harry hesitated. He didn't want to tell Ariella because . . . he wasn't sure if she was part of the Order in the first place.

"I don't wonder you're shocked, Potter," said Madam Pomfrey with a kind of fierce approval in her face. "As if one of them could have Stunned Minerva McGonagall face on by daylight! Cowardice, that's what it was. . . . Despicable cowardice . . . If I wasn't worried what would happen to you students without me, I'd resign in protest. . . ."

Harry stared blankly, and turned around and exited the hospital wing. Ariella sighed. "That boy will do something stupid tonight, I can tell you that."

"Why do you say so?" Poppy asked.

"Odd gut feeling."


"Swan." Snape suddenly rushed into the younger woman's office. "Quickly, the Potter boy went to the Department of Mysteries, been deluded to thinking Black is there."

"What?!" Ariella shrieked, picking up her wand. "Did you alert the rest of the Order?"

"Of course I did." Snape nodded his head. "Now quickly!"


[ this chapter just sucks man.

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