Chapter 4

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Ethan had found himself back in the Square, taking pictures of the statue in awe. "Mommy, look-"Ethan stopped, looking around for his mother, not seeing her anywhere.

"Mom?" He asked. "Elijah?"

He continued looking, not seeing her anywhere. "Mother?" He called out. "Mommy!" He exclaimed.

The bustle of the city was too loud for him to know whether or not Elijah or his mother could hear him. When he'd realized this, he felt tears begin to fall from his eyes. "Mother!"

"Hello, little one. Are you lost?" An accented voice said. Ethan turned around to see a blonde haired woman. She looked nice enough and Ethan nodded slowly. "I can't find my mom." He told her.

The blonde kneeled in front of him and wiped away his tears, "It's okay. I'll help you find her. What's your name?" The woman's blue eyes seemed to calm him a little bit as he said, "Ethan."

The woman stopped for a moment, the name was one she'd seen before in the place she least expected it. Rebekah set the thought to the side. Ethan is a common name, the chances of this being related was far, far and wide.

Besides, what she saw was a trick.

"Well, Ethan, I'll help you find your mother. My name's Rebekah." She told him, a smile on her face. Ethan sniffed and rubbed his eyes, "Thank you."

She stood and placed a hand on his back and said, "It's no problem, Ethan. Come. Let's get to looking."

They both began walking, keeping an eye for for Y/N. Rebekah asked, "Where did you last see her?

Ethan thought and took out his pictures. He looked at each of them and found one that had his mother's shoe in the bottom corner. He examined the picture before saying, "We were walking...I was taking pictures while she were talking. We were on...Royal Street."

He pointed a picture he was holding of the sign, the top of his mother's head in the picture. Rebekah nodded, "That's not far. It shouldn't be long before we find them. Do you know your mother's name?"

Ethan nodded, "Y/N."

Rebekah stopped dead in her tracks, looking down at the boy who stopped with her. "You said her name is Y/N?"

Ethan nodded. Rebekah was lost in thought for a moment before coming to the conclusion that it was just a coincidence. The Y/N she knew was dead and there was no way she had a son.

Rebekah nodded, "Okay. Come on." They both started walking again. "Mom?" Ethan called, the other people on the street not turning their heads to see the little boy calling for his mother.

Ethan looked through his pictures, wondering if he could use them to retrace his steps. "Um...I took a picture of this before I got lost. It's the ice cream shop. Does this help?"

Rebekah nodded, "It does. We'll head there first. Wait for her." Ethan nodded and followed Rebekah to the little shop.

After a few minutes, they reached the shop and stood at the door, waiting. "Mother?" Ethan called out again.


Ethan jumped up a little when he could hear the faint sound of his mother's calls with his heightened sense. "I hear her!" He said, running back into the crowd. Rebekah chased after him, not wanting to lose him.

Rebekah hadn't heard anything, so for him to say he heard her was a tad strange. "Mother!"

"Ethan?" The faint sound was now closer. Ethan picked up the pace, trying not to go too fast as his mother had told him to be careful when he ran.

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