Chapter 8

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After a while, Rebekah returned from her little trip. They all met in the living room to discuss matters. Y/N had once again grown anxious after escaping Elijah's calming state. She tapped her foot and chewed on her nails are she talked with the siblings.

"What should we do?" She asked, moving her finger away from her mouth to speak before returning it swiftly to give her something to do. Elijah reached over and grabbed her hand, putting it in his to keep it out of her mouth.

"First, you're going to stop doing that. Then, we need to come up with a plan. There are three of them. While they can't kill us, they can still hold us off. We need more people on our side." Elijah sighed.

Klaus sighed, "Are you suggesting who I think you are?"

"This is the town, isn't it?" Elijah asked.

Y/N rolled her eyes. She's been gone almost a thousand years. Of course they would meet other people and when she rejoins the siblings, they wouldn't go into specifics until she asked. They were all dramatic.

"Who is it that you are referring to?" Y/N asked, crossing her arms with a sigh.

Elijah spoke, "The people you shooed away." Y/N sighed and shrugged a shoulder, "You helped." His lip twitched a little as it threatened to turn up into a smirk.

"After we have more advantage on our side, what then? We can't just walk up, snap their necks, grab Ethan, and leave. When has it ever been that easy for us?" Rebekah asked, crossing her arms and shifting her weight to one side.

"When have our plans ever gone according to plan?" Klaus countered.

"So what do we do? March in and see what happens? I can't put Ethan in danger like that..." Y/N spoke, uncrossing her arms and slumping her shoulders. They all sighed, thinking of what they should do. Getting Ethan wouldn't be easy, especially if they were going up against witches. They needed a plan that would work.

"Right now, all we can do is try and get the Mystic Falls gang to help. We still don't know how powerful these witches are. So we can't figure all of this out and make a plan until we do." Klaus spoke.

Y/N sighed and nodded. She walked toward the door, the siblings watching after her in confusion. She turned around as she placed her hand on the doorknob and looked at Elijah, "Are you coming?"

"And where are we going?" He asked, walking over to her.

"To get the help." She answered with a shrug of her shoulders. Elijah huffed a small laugh and walked after her, not bothering to try and get her to wait until morning. He knew here enough to know she wouldn't want to waste a perfectly good night worrying about her son more than she already was.

Elijah and Y/N were in the car in no time. He drove because he was the only one who knew where he was going. After the short drive, Y/N found herself in front of a boarding house. She almost rolled her eyes, "Do all the vampires in this town live in big expensive houses? It's not very subtle."

Elijah laughed, getting out of the car and rushing to her side to help her out. She smiled sweetly as she took his hand, getting out of the car and heading to the door.

"This is the Salvatore Boarding House. And, to answer your question, no. However, the local werewolf lives in a mansion." He spoke as he lead her to the door.

"Of course they do." Y/N said, rolling her eyes with a smile. They got to the door and Elijah just turned the knob and let himself in, clearly familiar with his surroundings. They walked in, their arms intertwined as Elijah fixed his already perfect tie.

The brothers were speaking in another room as the two walked up. Elijah announced, "I hope you don't mind, we let ourselves in."

The brothers turned to face him, instantly on guard from the Originals in their house. Damon spoke, "Then I'm sure you can let yourself out."

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