TWO: Where the Beauty is Pursued

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Monday, January 8th, the first day of spring semester

Becca Wolf Fang was positive that what she was doing was not – and would never be considered – desperate.

If someone else was doing it, then yes, they would need to get a life. But she wasn't just anyone. When she waited by the locker of her crush, it was called persistence and dedication, not desperation. The difference here was all the guys at Villeneuve High would kill to find her waiting by their locker, so if anything, they should be honored. There weren't many who could catch the eye of Becca Wolf Fang and even fewer who were even worth her time.

He should be downright grateful for being so lucky as to have her love him.

She brushed her smooth black hair from her face, tossing it over her shoulder with practiced grace. It was important to look her best – not that that was difficult, even on off days she was stunning, she took pride in that – but she still had to be at the top of her game. At any moment, the biggest challenge of her young life would come sauntering up and she wanted to have all of her pieces in place. She was coming upon the last few months of school and her opportunity to conquer this mountain was quickly fading with them.

And if she didn't get what she wanted, God save those who were responsible.

She didn't understand why it had to be difficult, why this complication had gone on as long as it had. She was the most beautiful and most desired girl in school, popular beyond all reason and the best catch to ever hit Villeneuve, what was his problem? She knew he wasn't stupid or blind – weird for sure, but that could always be fixed – and perhaps maybe their economic statuses weren't at all compatible, but she could graciously look past his poverty, his unfortunate family, and his awful secondhand clothes. She was so open-minded and forgiving of people and their many flaws, how could he not see that?

He just didn't know what was good for him – and what boy did, really? – he just didn't realize how lucky he was to have her be so devoted to him. But he would soon figure it out and then they could finally be together. All those scenarios she had been dreaming up since she was little would finally come true: holding hands in the hallways, making out between classes and, the big one: being crowned the king and queen of the senior prom.

Realistically, she knew he wasn't popular enough to garner the crown on his own, but with her as his date, he'd be a shoe-in. And with those crowns came the proof that they were in fact perfect, not just for each other but in general.

Becca smiled at the fantasy, feeling excitement bubble up. From the excitement branched stubborn determination to see this dream of hers finally come true.

Keefe Beatty would be hers by prom even if it killed her.

She spotted him down the hall, headed her way. She stood up straight, waving her head back and forth to give her long hair a sexy tousle. Becca watched as Keefe steadily approached, waiting for him to take notice of her.

Unfortunately, he had an annoying habit of walking with his head down, so he was not catching her efforts to look her loveliest. Trying not to be irritated by that, she instead distracted herself with looking him over and immensely enjoying the view.

She loved how tall he was. At six-two, he had her by seven inches and always made her feel petite and delicate by just being in his presence. He wasn't as muscular as she would have liked, but his lanky frame complimented his height well and just seemed to make sense with his odd personality. His shoulders were broad and his hands and feet were big, making him appear to be almost bigger than he was. With that, she could forgive him for not having very impressive biceps or pecs.

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