*+Chapter 14+*

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Craig's POV: 

I wake up before Tweek I brush my teeth and hair, then wake up Tweek. "Hey babe...Babe, wake up." I say gently, sitting on the bed, playing with his hair. "What time is it...? Just 5 more minutes..." He mumbles, covering his head in the blanket. "Honey, we're gonna be late its 7:15 and I still have to shower and you have to get ready." I say, laughing. "Fiiiiiinneeeee...." He groans slowly getting out of bed. He turns the blanket over and looks at me and I kiss him and laugh. "I'm so tiredddd," He laughs. "Me too, but you gotta get ready. Change your clothes. I'm gonna shower." I laugh. "Okay." I turn on the shower and right before I get in I peek out the door, in a towel, to make sure he's up. He fell back asleep. "Tweek, you can take a nap on the bus, get ready. I'll make ou coffee if you do." I say and get in the shower.

Tweek's POV:

I slowly get up and put on my clothes. I feel a lot better today. I knock on the bathroom door. "Hey, can I come in? I have to brush my teeth." I ask. "Yeah, just let me change real quick. Can you hand me my sweater on the dresser?" He asks. "Oh yeah." I say handing him the clothes, covering my eyes. He walks out, wearing the turtleneck and black leggings. I shower and stick my hand out of the bathroom door when I'm finished. "Craig, can you hand me my clothes please?" "Yeah." He says handing me them. "Thanks." I change, put on my necklace, and walk out.

 We walk downstairs as Craig throws me a Pop-Tart and we grab our backpacks and start walking to the bus stop, holding hands. I start eating my Pop-Tart when Clyde runs up to us, causing me to almost drop it. Token and Jimmy follow eventually also. Token is wearing the jacket he bought at the mall and Clyde is wearing the red denim jacket he got. We wait at the bus stop and it seems the bus is late. We wait for 10 minutes and it finally shows up. Guess there goes our hangout time in the morning... We walk through the gate and the bell rings.

 We walk into Ms. Smith's class and she gives the four of us a dirty look. "Why were you four absent for so long?!" She shouts. "Personal shit." Craig says and gives the teacher a dirty look and flips her off. "Honey, c'mon." I say quietly and grab his hand. Cartman was sitting next to us, where we were standing and yells "Are you guys fucking gay?!" My face goes bright red. "I-I-I, uh, I-" I panic and Craig grabs my hand and pushes Cartman out of his chair causing him to fall and walks me to the back of the class by Clyde and Token. "Haha! You fatass!" Kyle yells at Cartman. "Dude! Holy shit!" Stan laughs. "Enough class!!!" The teacher yells, interrupting the whole class laughing. "Now! Who can tell me the circumference of x over 9?" She scans the class looking for an answer. "Clyde!!" She yells, causing Clyde to get off his phone and pay attention. "What?" He asks. "What is the answer!" She yells. "Uh..... George Washington!" He yells, looking pretty confident in his answer. "What the... No!" She yells, explaining the answer for twenty minutes. 

"Get out a piece of paper and write down these homework questions. I'm being nice and only giving you five questions." I write them down and the bell soon rings and I head out of the class, holding my bag, and holding Craig's hand. "Alright bye, babe. I love you." He grins as he gives me a kiss on the forehead. "Bye, love you too!" I smile, walking away. 

I start to walk to my next class as Cartman starts walking with me. "What do you want, asshole?" I say, looking at him with an angry expression. "Soooo, you and Craig, huh?" He says, with a smirk. "Shut the hell up. Go away." I say slapping him and walking off. "Owwww...." He whines as I continue walking. 

Classes go by quickly and I meet Craig at lunch and run up to him and hug him. "Hey, was Cartman bothering you this morning?" He asks me. "'Cause I'll make him stop if he was." "Oh no, not really. When I was walking to my next class he kinda bugged me but I slapped him so he went away." I say as Craig laughs. "Oh! I have these for you." I say, handing him chips that I got from the vending machine. "I was getting one for me and thought that I'd get one for you while I'm there." I say, smiling. "Thanks, babe." He says, sitting down. Clyde, Token, and Jimmy meet us and sit down. "Hey, man," Clyde says, sitting down. "Sooooo, we were thinkingggg, if we could have a graduation party because Graduation and Prom are coming around soon." "C-C-Clyde you were th-th-thinking that. N-No one else w-was." Jimmy says, laughing. "Clyde, Prom is a graduation party, basically." Craig says. "Oh yeahhh! I'm so smart." Clyde says, pointing to the side of his forehead. The bell rings after a while and I head to biology. 

"Ok class, today we're gonna dissect frogs. Now, if you didn't fill out the form in the beginning of the year, then head to Mr. Johnson's room." Mrs. Willow said. "I'm going to put you in groups of four. Tweek, I'm going to put you with Butters, Kyle, and Heidi." She says, putting the others in groups after that. I'm so glad she didn't put me with Bebe. I walk up to Butters's desk as Heidi and Kyle follow me. "Heya fellas!" Butters greets us. "Hi." Kyle says, sitting down and putting his books on the table. Heidi doesn't hang out with Bebe anymore so I don't have to worry about her. We begin the assignment. "This is gross..." Heidi says, trying not to touch it. "C'mon fellas! It's a cliche high school experiment!" Butters says, trying to change the mood. "Eh... I guess so..." Kyle says. We eventually finish it and the bell rings. "Bye fellas! That was fun!" Butters says, walking away. 

I walk to my next class, English. This is boring. I wish Craig was here. Luckily the day goes by faster, probably because I slept through most of it. I meet Craig by the gates and start walking with him, holding his hand. "I missed you." I say, smiling at him. "Babe, it's been, like, two hours." He laughs. "So? I missed you! It was so boring without you..." "I missed you too." He says, kissing me on the hand. Clyde and Token weren't with us, because they wanted to see some basketball game tonight.

 We make it close to the house and I see mine burnt down and stop. I stand still, staring at the broken pieces of the building. "Tweek, it's not healthy to look at it. You'll end up beating yourself up for it even more." Craig says, giving me a concerned look. "Yeah...I guess you're right." I say, walking away with Craig. We reach his house and we go up to his room.

 I pull our math homework out of my bag and sit down at his desk. "Babe, I don't understand this....Who the fuck is circumference?" Craig asks me, from his bed. "Actually wait no. Fuck it, I'm Photomath-ing this shit." He says, pulling out his phone. "Craig, you really gotta pay attention more in class." I laugh. 

1279 words! 😁

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