chapter fifteen

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Chunhua's POV

I knock on Xiaojun's door. I patiently wait, hoping that he'll open the door. Imagining in my head how Jialia and Xiaojun will be after this picture will be satisfying. This picture. I put a little twist to it. I had someone photoshop them hugging on land and not in water. I try not to laugh. But I snort because it's funny. As expected, Xiaojun opens the door.

"Can I help you?" Xiaojun asks.

"Can I come inside? I have something to show you." I say.

"Why?" Xiaojun asks.

"There's a picture going around saying that it's YangYang hugging a girl. I think the girl is Jialia." I worriedly say. Acting on.

Xiaojun agrees for me to enter his room. The door shuts as soon as I enter. He guides me to sit down. He sits across from me.

"Where is the picture?" Xiaojun asks.

I go to my messages and click on the photo of Jialia and YangYang hugging. I zoom in on the photo.

"Fans suspect that this is YangYang hugging an unknown girl. I know that this is Jialia because of her clothing. She wore these clothes today." I say as I give Xiaojun my phone.

Xiaojun fiercely looks at the picture. His face looks unhappy. It dropped when I gave him my phone to see the picture.

"I don't know why Jialia would hug YangYang like that in public when she knows that he's a celebrity. Why is her arms wrapped around his hips? She's tiptoeing too. She's going to ruin WAYV's image if fans and people finds out that it's YangYang." I explain. "This picture was taken during dawn. It's dark. I wonder why Jialia is not home yet. What could they be doing?"

I hear a car pull up in the driveway. Xiaojun and I quickly get up to check at his balcony. It's a black van. Jialia and YangYang exits the van one by one. Jialia is in different clothing. Same with YangYang. Xiaojun hands my phone to me and quickly rushes out of his bedroom. I'm sure he's gonna go confront them both about the picture. I'm ready for some action. I quickly follow Xiaojun.

Xiaojun's POV

My fists were already clutched together as I exit outside. I don't care for excuses or explanation right now. I'm too angry at this. I don't know what they could of done within the past hours. Jialia turns around and looks at me then turns back to YangYang. The way she looked at me was as if she didn't care that I was coming.

Before YangYang could fully enter the car. I quickly grabbed his shoulders, turn him around and punch him. He landed on ground. Jialia quickly rushes up with her hands covering her mouth.

"Are you crazy?! Why did you punch him?" Jialia asks as she goes and help him up while Chunhua holds me back.

"What the hell was that for?" YangYang angrily asks as he touches his lips.

"Didn't you say that you were sick today? How were you able to get out of the house and be with Jialia? There's a picture that has surfaced online, saying that it's you, YangYang. And it is you. The clothes you wore earlier was the same clothes you wore in the picture." I angrily say.

Jialia looks at YangYang.

"Wait.... you're sick? If you are sick, why did you go in there with me?" Jialia worriedly ask YangYang.

What does she mean? Why is she so worried about him?

"You shouldn't have helped me if you are sick. You're gonna get more sick now." Jialia says.

"It's okay. What picture is going around? How come I wasn't informed or known if it?" YangYang ask.

"It's all over the internet. I'm sure it's made headlines." I say.

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