chapter twenty nine

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Xiaojun's POV

Frustrated and irritated. I snatch Fenfang's phone from her hand. I rush out of the dinner room and rush down the stairs. I hear her run after me demanding her phone back. Making to the lobby of the restaurant, I exit, scanning for the van. Fenfang is still following me. When I find the van, I rush towards it and enter, locking all of the doors.

"Don't go yet." I instruct the driver.

Thank goodness her phone is still on.

"Hey! Xiaojun! Give me my phone! Give me back my phone!" Fenfang bangs on the window. I ignore her.

I go to her pictures and delete the pictures of Hendery and Chunhua. Same with our chat and also deleted my number off her phone. I also take out my phone and delete our chat.

"Hey! W-why are you deleting those pictures?! Xiaojun! Give me my phone!" Fenfang bangs on the window.

I crack the window open a bit. I give her phone back through the crack. She tried to hold onto my hands but I was quick to retreat back.

"I'm sure this is the last time we will ever meet." I say then instruct the driver to leave.

I need to get home as soon as possible before Jialia leaves.

Jialia's POV

I arrive home wiping my tears before entering Jian's bedroom. I'm upset, heart broken and angry at myself for trusting myself to love him.

"Jian. Help mommy pack your things." I say before entering my room to grab a duffle bag for Jian and I.

"Mommy, what's going on? Where are we going?" Jian follows me and ask as soon as I exit my bedroom closet.

"We're going to visit grandma for a while." I lie. I don't want him to know that Xiaojun and I are not doing very well.

"Is daddy coming?" Jian asks.

"No. He's busy." I say.

I open the duffle bag, opening it widely. I go to Jian's closet, grabbing some of his clothing and place them into the bag before grabbing my clothes.

My phone dings as I'm packing my clothes into the bag. A text from Yuyan.

Text: I'm in front of the house.

I zip the bag up. I hold onto Jian's hands and walk out of the bedroom.

"Ah! Jialia, Jian! Where are you guys going?" Uncle Chaoxiang asks exiting the kitchen.

"Jian and I won't be living here anymore. I have to go, goodbye." I say then leave.

"Mommy! We're leaving? Why are we leaving?" Jians asks.

"Ah why are you both leaving?" Uncle Chaoxiang asks.

"Personal reasons. We are going now. Goodbye." I say then walk off with Jian.

Jian and I put on our shoes. I look back at the house before I actually leave. The memories of Jian and I first moved here flashes back and the memories of staying here until now. Those were good memories, despite not all of them being very good to me. I wipe my tears which fell without me knowing.

"Quickly, let's go." I say to Jian and guide him to Yuyan's car.

We both enter her car.

"Let's go." I say to Yuyan.

She drives off. Of course it hurts me to know that the audio clip of Xiaojun was the truth of how he feels about our relationship. I'm hurt very much inside and outside. I'm hurt to know this is how our relationship has ended. I thought he was a good person. I didn't think he'll hurt me this much. I gave him my love and yet he threw them in the trash. Didn't even acknowledge.

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