Chapter Three• A tour around the Mannor

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Trigger warning: this chapter contains scenes describing dislike of the own body.
It starts with "As he was getting ready to shower..." and ends with "Nico didn't want to pay it any more mind, so he covered the mirror and got in the shower."
If you are sentive in that matter please skip that part of the story.


After being woken up by Alfred the next morning, Nico felt like he desperately needed to change clothes and shower. He asked Alfred where the bathroom was, and Alfred simply opened a door in his room Nico hadn't really paid attention to before.

"Almost every bedroom in this part of the mannor has an en-suite. Hurry a bit, breakfast will start in 30 minutes."

As he was getting ready to shower, Nico noticed how he looked even paler and skinnier than usual. He looked down his body that was covered in scars and noticed a new one that went across his chest, although he didn't know where he had gotten it from. Like most of his scars it had a somewhat dark colour and it stood out from the rest of his very pale skin. He didn't like how his body looked, how the scars made him seem even sicker and even more like a corpse and he especially didn't like how he could clearly see the outline of his ribcage. It was concerning really, and it wasn't something Nico was used to. Maybe this also had to do with the way he got here, or maybe Nico had just avoided mirrors for so long he forgot how his naked body looked like.

While he stood there, thinking about his new scar and his declining weight, Nico realised he didn't want to pay it any more mind, so he covered the mirror and got in the shower.

The shower itself was a small adventure already. There where a lot of options, like scented water and something that felt like foam rain, so it took him a while to actually get started.

He only noticed how long it had been since he last showered when he felt the comforting warm water running down his back. It was nice, especially because there was no danger of running out of said warm water and no limited shower time, something he didn't miss about Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter. Also he knew it was actually his shower so he didn't need to wear Flip-flops out of fear of getting athlete's foot.

Once he was finished, in the Bathroom he looked into his wardrobe, unsure of what he was expecting.

The wardrobe was full of mainly hand-me-downs. It also contained new clothes, but the new stuff was mainly underwear and socks. The clothes looked like they should roughly fit him, although some pieces certainly were too big. He didn't know how they knew his size, and he wanted to ask them later, but for the moment he put on a grey sweatshirt and a black pair of trousers.

The clothes were bigger on him than expected, so he ended up with rolled up sleeves and a belt holding his trousers on his waist. He didn't think the clothes were far too big and he didn't think they looked too bad so he went downstairs into the kitchen.

Since it was a Saturday, everyone was there to eat breakfast. Breakfast was held at a more informal dining place, a table in Alfred's Kichen, however the table was as far away from the actual cooking as the room allowed. Nico was a few minutes late, but nobody said anything about that.

"What would you like to eat? We have cereal, bread, toast, croissants, i can scramble some eggs or an omelet, you could have waffles or pancakes, although you would have to wait a bit for that, I could-", Alfred asked.

"A croissant please.", Nico said. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be runde but the more options you give me the harder it is for me to decide.", he said with an apologetic smile.

"No worries, I know that problem. Why don't you sit down, there is a basked with croissants on the table."

Nico sat down, took a croissant and startet eating.  He looked around and noticed Dick eating cereal, Cass easing an omelet, Bruce and Damian eating breakfast rolls, and Tim eating nothing except for his cup of black coffee.

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