The Fight

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Faye's POV

Yesterday was a lot of fun. I never thought that everything about our activity yesterday will be a hit. Photo Booths, Candy Stalls, Fun Games and many more.

I may have had too much fun yesterday that my whole body is aching like crazy. Makes sense... I literally carried the kids in my arms almost the whole time during the games.

I groaned as I reach for my phone "Eva...." I croaked

"My class start in an hour and I am dying." I croaked like a frog

"Bitch you're over reacting." She clapped back while laughing

"Can you please cover for me? Just half of my session." I literally begged.

"Gottcha! See you and don't die."

Crawling out of my bed I rummaged through the drawers in my table for some ibufrofen.

God. I feel like I was crapped off a clif. This is nothing unusual really. Even before I was never allowed to go outside or exert myself.

The fact that I have hemophilia did not help my condition. There is unfortunately no cure for hemophilia, well there are treatment but it was really not effective and is too risky in my case.

Taking the ibuprofen, I laid my back in the headboard of my bed and sighed. Before I knew I was slowly slipping off to oblivion. After an hour and a half of rest I woke up feeling better.

I walked to straight to the bathroom and I saw my reflection in the mirror. I smiled feeling happy and satisfied. Not because I look great in the morning which I can never be because my wavy hair is all over the place and I had drool in the side of my face but actually because I was able to live my life the way I wanted it to. I felt truly free. I did my business and walked to my closet.

Scanning the the hanged clothes I chose to wear a chiffon black long sleeved blouse with white cuffs paired with a tight black khaki pants and white stilettos.

It was already 10 am and the second half of my teaching session is in 30 minutes. I booked a taxi and headed to school.

Rushing to my class, as I opened the door and was greeted by the screaming of the kids and the horrified face of Eva. I looked at her confused and looked around. I saw Caleb grabbing John's Collar. Ian is trying to pull Caleb from his grip while John's friends was trying to pull him away.

What in the world! I rushed to the side of the kids and pulled them away.

"Okay, okay. That's enough Kids!" I was able to pull them away and I stand in the middle.

"Kids, Both of you. Caleb and John. You too Ian and you guys. Can you please come with in the office?" I asked them and they all nodded but still glaring at each other.

"Evie, Please take care of the other kids for a while okay?" I asked and she furiously nodded her head.

"Boys, Come follow me" I urged them to follow me in my office.

"So.. Please have a seat." I sat in my chair and inhaled deeply.

"What Happened?" I asked them. They were silent for a little while.

"Come on, tell me. What happened why were you fighting?" I asked softly as to not startle them because James, a friend of John looks like he is about to burst in tears any moment soon.

"Miss Faye, John along with his friend is bullying Caleb." Ian started.

"They were telling things about how Caleb doesn't have a mom because she left her and she did not love Caleb at all and she.. she was a whore." I looked at John and his friends with wide eyes completely as I did not expect that word to fall out of their mouth.

"Boys, is that true?" I asked

John gritted his teeth and shouted "But it's true! My Daddy said so! His mom did not love him one bit!!" I feel so bad for Caleb that he withstand this kind of words.

"John, That is enough. Those are matters that adults are responsible for. Caleb is not at fault in that matter." I said sternly.

"John, Caleb. Both of you made a mistake." I started.

"John, what you said were hurtful to others and Caleb, violence is not going to help any situation. Look, Boys I am not angry at you okay? I just want you to know that what happened earlier was not supposed to happened and should not happen again okay?" I softly reprimanded. They all nodded.

"But, we will still inform your parents about this okay?"

"Yes Miss Faye." They said and John and his friends asked for premission to go back the class already and I obliged.

"Miss Faye? Are you mad??" Ian asked while looking at me with watery eyes. I sighed

"Of course not. I am just... a little disappointed. I did not expect that you'll end up fighting"

"We're Sorry.." Ian said with his voice cracking in the end.

"I... I am sorry Miss Faye. I will not do it again" Caleb said with a soft sad voice while looking at the floor.

I can't help but feel pity for the kids. I sat in the middle and hugged both of them.

"Shh, Dont worry. You're forgiven little ones" I rubbed their backs as I assured them.

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