Bouquet of Roses

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Damon’s POV

“Don’t you have any more bright ideas people?! What the hell is this? This is nothing but an idea of a child that thinks nothing but playing!” I screamed at the ridiculous people in front of me.

“I know for a fact that I didn’t hire Idiots!” slamming the file in the table. I am losing all the patience I have in my body. I gritted my teeth as all of them did nothing but lower their heads and flinch at any sound in the room.

“Out.” All their heads whipped back at me. “I said, GET OUT!” They all scurried out of the room while mumbling apologies. Goddamn it! I slammed my fists in the table.

I sat on the chair while loosening my tie. I feel suffocated. Goddamn. I'm sure that I’m going to be so stressed today but I did not think that I will be this stressed.

Groaning I slumped back on the chair trying to calm down my rugged breathing. After a while I heard my phone ring. Picking up the phone I saw the caller ID. It was Daniel. I placed the phone in my ear with my eyes closed.

“What?”I grumbled

“Sir, Someone send a bouquet of roses at home for Miss Faye.” He informed me and I once again feel like I’m going livid.

“I'm sure you know who this someone is. Speak.” I ordered.

“It got no card but I tracked it and it led to Collins sir.” Hearing that bastard’s name made me lose it. A bouquet of roses for Little Fae? He must have got a death wish.

“Burn the damn flowers. Miss Faye’s favorite flower are sunflowers.” To say that I’m livid is an understatement. Collins is the fuckin reason why I’m in this predicament because he messed with my shit and now he’s trying to get into my last nerves.

“Damon?” I heared Faye called out. In my state I know that I’m going to do something that will totally scare and scar her.

“Secretary Faye How was your break?” I asked too calmly which made her clench her satchel.

“Um... it was good?” She took a few steps back as I stalked towards her direction slowly.

“Really? Someone send flowers in your name at home. Do you… know something about that?” She looked at me confused


I smiled and stopped my tracks when I am almost pressed to her. I moved a few hair strands in her face.

“Don’t worry. I already had someone burn it.” She looked at me incredulously.

“What?! Why would you do that?!” She yelled.

“That was my thing and you had someone burn it?!” She fumed. I stroke her cheeks

“Well you won’t like who it is from.”

“Still it is mine you had no right to-” I interrupted her.

“Little Fae I am wondering if… I attempt to kiss you right now senselessly would you hit me?” I asked remembering the time when I tried to kiss her but she slapped me and ran away. She avoided me like a plague for a week

“W-what are you-”

“I'm sure I just asked you Little Fae. You have 3 seconds to answer chop chop.” I leaned my face closer to hers and started counting with my hand on my back. 3… 2…

“You're jok-” 1… “Times up.”

I mumbled and smashed my lips to hers. One kiss… for more than a month. I'm sure as hell given her a long time already it’s bound to happen. I moved my lips slowly as to not startle her. I felt her not kissing me back. With a lick in her lower lip I took a step back and looked at her face. She was as red as a cherry. She looked at me wide eyes with her mouth closing and opening like a gold fish.

“Hmm... you didn’t kiss me back Little Fae. I must have scared you.” I looked at her tried to read her reaction.

“I… Uh…” She started looking everywhere but me. “I haven’t kissed anybody… I-I don’t know how to.” She said in a tiny voice lowering her head in embarrassment. But tiny enough for me to hear. I can’t help but let a small smile slip.

“Great, then you can learn from me.” I instantly smashed my lips on her while holding her face. Her hand gripping on my shoulder and hair. I can feel her slowly kissing me back until her kisses turned into confident ones.

She has totally no idea what she's doing to me. Letting out moans in my mouth Faye pushed me back a little as her system begged for air.

I retracted my lips and settled my forehead in her while looking in her eyes and tugging her by her waist closer to me.

Her flushed face, swollen lips and messed hair is the evident as to how that kissed just happened. She was breathing heavily as she tries to comprehend what just happened. I lifted her face and teased her.

“My, Little Fae. You taste like cherries. Totally addicting”

She groaned and hid her face in my neck. I can’t help but chuckle. So cute. She kissed me back.

And lord knows that kissing me back means she is chained to me and there’s no going back now.

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