Chapter 1: Making a Friend and School

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Quick Info: In the Agent Carter Series, Jocelyn is being taken care of Ana Jarvis most of the time while Peggy doing some missions.

August of 1951

"Please don't make me go," a five year old Jocelyn said. "I can continue to educate myself through books."

"Jocey, darling, I know you're really smart and ahead of most kids that are your age, but you have to make some friends and be more socialable," said Peggy.

"Mom, I don't want to make friends. Everyone will think of me as a weirdo."

"Just don't use your powers and you'll be fine. If anyone is bullying, stand up for yourself, but don't use your enhanced strength. I promise when you get home, I'll make your favorite food, beignets. IF you're good. Got it?" Peggy said.

"You got it," Jocey said smiling and giving a thumbs up. She then hugged her mother and waved goodbye, going into her classroom.

Jocey sat down on the desk that had her name on it. She looked around and at the students  for a moment and then looked down at her desk. Jocey prefers to have more alone time than to be with people. She sometimes will come out and be sociable, but she has her limits on being with people. Right now, she's not comfortable with anyone in the classroom. She feels like she's an outsider and everyone believes thinks of her as a freak. Jocey did like to learn though; she's always been curious on learning new things and how the whole world works.

"Good morning class." A female teacher came in the classroom. "My name is Mrs. Morrow, and I'll be your teacher this year. Let's start by introducing ourselves and writing our names if you know how to."

Jocey groaned inside her mind. She already learned the whole alphabet and knew how to spell her name since she was three, but did her assignment anyway.


Lunch came and Jocey sat alone at a table eating her lunch when a little boy with auburn hair came. Jocey saw this boy sitting a few desks from her in her classroom.

"Excuse me, but can I sit here? Every other seat is taken," he asked.

Jocey nodded and scooted a little bit away from the boy as he sat down next to her.

"I'm Owen by the way," the auburn haired boy said as he extended a hand to Jocey. "What's yours?"

"I'm Jocey," she whispered and continued to eat.

"That's a unique name. It's a pleasure to meet you Jocey," Owen said.

Jocey and Owen continued eating with him talking a little bit about himself and then asked her questions even though she gave no answer. 

When lunch was almost over, Owen threw his trash away. "I have to go the bathroom. I'll see you in class. Even though you're quiet, I still think you're great to be with. Most of the other kids are so talkative, loud, and annoying. Also, they like to tease me because of my asthma, but not you. There's something different and special about you. I saw it when you came into the classroom. I'll see you in class, Jocey," Owen said.

"See you too," Jocey said softly with a small smile. He smiled back.

Jocey sat at her desk and saw Owen. He gave her a little friendly wave and smile. She gave a little smile back but didn't wave.

After school ended, Jocey was waiting for her mom to pick her up. She was sitting on a table, humming a tune, closing her eyes, and getting lost into the world of music.

"Hi, Jocey. What are you humming to?" A voice asked.

Jocey opened her eyes to see Owen sitting next to her. "Nothing," she mumbled. 

Owen asked, "I was wondering if you can help me with spelling my name and learning and writing the alphabet." She nodded. "Thanks."

A car honked as Jocey and Owen looked up. It was Peggy. Jocey got up from the table and waved goodbye to Owen.

"I'll see you later," Owen said.

Jocey hopped in the car seat as Peggy started driving.

"Who was that little boy sitting next to you?" Peggy asked.

"I made a friend. His name is Owen," Jocey answered.

"Oh, that's good. He's only your friend, RIGHT?" Peggy asked curiously looking Jocey in the eye.

"Eww, no. I don't like, like him." Peggy chuckled and continued driving home.


On the second day of school, Jocey met up with Owen, and they talked a little bit until class started. She then proceeded to do her schoolwork. At lunch once again, Owen sat next to her, and they ate together, chatting. She did a little more work after lunch until the bell rang and class was dismissed. She walked to a table and waited for her mom to pick her up again and to see if Owen would meet with her.

She saw three twelve years olds with Owen straight ahead. She walked to where he was, wondering what was going on.

"P-p-pl-please, give me my inhaler back. I-I nee-need it in case my asthma gets bad," Owen said weakly, trying to get free of the boy's grip.

"Nah, I don't think so, you little dipshit. I think you're faking. You're not getting this back. In fact, I'm going to sell this to get us a few bucks," one boy said holding the inhaler.

"Hey! Get your filthy hands off of him!" Jocey yelled angrily.

The boys looked back at her, and the one holding the inhaler grinned. "Oh, yeah. Whatcha gonna do to us and how are you going to save your boyfriend, little princess?" he asked in a mocking baby voice leaning down to her level.

Jocey landed a left hook on the boy's jaw as he crumpled to the floor.

"Why you little brat. I'm gonna hit you so ha-." The other boy got interrupted by a kick to his shin, sending him to the floor with his friend. The boy holding Owen let go of his grip and tried to tackle Jocey to the floor but she moved to the side and side-kicked him.

"Is that all you got?" she growled holding her fists up in a defensive position.

"Dammit! We've been outgirled. Let's get out of here," the one said that had the inhaler. He dropped the inhaler and he and the rest of his friends ran away.

"And don't come back or else it will be worse!" Jocey threatened as she gave a hand to Owen to help him up.

"JOCELYN!" cried Peggy as she saw the whole fight. "Get in the car. We'll discuss this later. "Sorry Owen, dear," she said and grabbed Jocey into the car.

Later that day, Jocelyn had to clean the house as punishment for revealing her powers and getting into her fight. She was also told to be more secretive of her powers. "Think before you act," Peggy said.


Over the next three years, Jocey and Owen spent more time together as friends. Sitting with each other at school, Jocey tutoring him, hanging out after school with their parents' consent, and Jocey eventually began to open up more.

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