Chapter 8: Meeting the Maximoff Twins and Learning about the Avengers

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March 3rd, 2014

Jocey flickered her eyes when she gained consciousness. She felt a mattress under her back and a blanket over her. She sat up on a bed and saw that she was in a cell. A different cell from her previous one, but it wasn't much different. It was a glass cell, so Jocey could see outside her cell very clearly, unlike her previous ones that she could only see out of a barred window.

"How long have I been in the ice this time and did I move to a different base?" questioned Jocey in her head.

Jocey felt the nape of her neck and noticed that the taser disk was gone, then she looked down to see a pair of metal bracelets on her wrists that glowed red. She tried to pry them off, thinking it's a way more advanced shock device and that they would prevent her from using her newfound powers, but they wouldn't budge.

Jocey decided to turn on the TV in the cell. She had a TV ever since she was in captivity, and she was grateful that her captors gave her one. It helped her pass time, explore movies, and TV shows that introduced her to pop culture in whatever decade she was in.

After watching TV for a while, Jocey heard footsteps going near her cell area

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After watching TV for a while, Jocey heard footsteps going near her cell area. Strucker and a middle aged man entered her cell.

"How long have I been frozen?" Jocey asked in frustration.

"It's 2014, little Jocelyn, and we moved to Sokovia," Strucker said, smirking. "If you are wondering what those bracelets on your wrists do, they block out your powers or the siphoning energy from another person. It also tracks where you are so you won't ever attempt to escape again, and it's another shock device."

Strucker pulled out an upgraded shock remote and pressed the button.

This electric shock that went into Jocey's body felt much more painful than the earlier one. It actually felt like it was going to burn Jocey's body inside and out. Now she felt the other one had just tickled her.

"Oh," Strucker said. "I almost forgot, there's another surprise you should learn about." He pulled out a file and handed it to Jocey.

Jocey opened it up and saw a picture of her father. It showed him in battle with some kind of alien wearing armor in what looked like to be in New York City. What she also noticed is that New York City looked totally different with it being revolutionized.

Another page showed a newspaper that was titled: Captain Rogers found alive in 2011. S.H.I.E.L.D found the Valkyrie, the plane that Captain Rogers crashed into the ocean, frozen in Greenland. S.H.I.E.L.D agents, scientists, and doctors found his shield and Steve Rogers himself, encased in a block of ice, but alive, and had been asleep nearly 70 years. S.H.I.E.L.D later defrosted Rogers and he is now living in the 21st century.

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