Chapter 13: Clint's Safehouse and the Argument

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⚠️WARNING⚠️ This flashback of Jocey's captivity is about attempted suicide. Please don't let this influence you to do it too because then I won't continue with the story out of guilt.

January 23rd, 1994

Another failed chemical enhancement went into her body. This one burned every bone and organ in Jocey's body, her temperature rising to 115 degrees Fahrenheit, and sweat dripping down her body. She felt like she was going to be boiled alive. Her breakfast that she ate came retching out, spilling all over her.

Jocey knew she couldn't ask for help because she tried so in the past when other chemicals were entering her. All Hydra did was just observe what was happening to her and take down notes.

The symptoms were there for another minute before Jocey's body cooled down to her normal temperature. Some Hydra soldiers removed the restraints and switched the reclining chair up.

Jocey slumped onto the ground, wanting the ground to sink her into the empty. She weakly got up, barely able to stand on her feet.

"Clean up your filth, girl!" Strucker ordered and slapped her face.

The Hydra guards dragged her to the showers. She quickly stripped and got in the shower, crying.

"I can't do this anymore. I can't live like this for the rest of my life. I need to end it." she thought.

After the quick shower, she got dressed and the guards escorted her into her cell.

On their way to her cell, the guards went to the lab for a second to give Jocey painkillers. She unclipped a paperclip from the stack of papers that were clipped together besides her when the guards were finding the painkillers. The guards handed her a pill which she put in her mouth.

The guards threw her into the cell and locked the door.

Jocey sat on her bed and unhooked the paperclip. It took her a few tries to push the metal wire into her wrist until she felt it dig into it. She dragged the rod down her wrist to make the bleeding happen ever so slightly and then repeated on the other wrist.

She laid down on her bed, closed her eyes, and waited for death to come for her.

Fifteen minutes later, the cell door opened, revealing Strucker. He looked at Jocey for a few seconds before fear and anger took over him. He picked up Jocey and ran to the lab.

He called for Owen frantically, asking for help to stop the bleeding, and heal the wrists. Both of them worked swiftly to heal Jocey's wounds.

Jocey woke up, confused, and then distraught. "No! No! No!" she screamed, trying to jolt out of her bed, but Strucker held her. "You evil bitch! You couldn't just let me die, couldn't you!" She tried to slap Strucker, but received a shock from him.

"You ungrateful, wrench!" Stucker scolded. He pushed her to the ground. He started beating her relentlessly. "I gave you endless power and a home. And this is how you thank me!"

Jocey curled up in ball and put her arms and hands around her head to protect herself from Strucker.

"You will not kill youself! Do you understand!" He slapped her and grabbed her face forcefully. "Look at me! YOU! WILL! NOT! KILL! YOUSELF!!!" Each word he said ended up with another slap.

The beatings stopped as both were panting. Jocey laid there, bruised purple and black, pools of tears streaming down her face.

Strucker stood up, opened the cell door, and locked it once he was out. He glared down at her. "You cannot escape Hydra. Not even from death," he hissed and then went away.

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