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*Samantha's POV*

Francis agreed to watch over Jamie and Hannah while I went down to the office to talk to the team about what I knew - which was very little. "Now, let them cool." I said placing the freshly baked cookies on a wire tray as Hannah tried to reach up and grab one, "When the cookies are cool, Francis will let you and Jamie have one cookie, after dinner."

"Okay," Hannah sighed as she had her heart set on having a cookie right there and then.

I bent down to Hannah and kissed her on the forehead, "Now, be good for Francis and go to bed at 9 like we promised."

"Okay." Hannah said again before kissing me on the cheek and running into the living room to catch her 4pm cartoons.

Francis sat at the kitchen table reading the newspaper - trying to figure out the daily riddles. As a woman in her fifties, Francis tried to be as 'hip' as she could, "Thanks so much for doing this Francis." I smiled to her, gathering my keys, phone and purse from the kitchen counter, "I've left money over there," I said pointing to the corner of the kitchen, "For a pizza or something tonight. Hannah has to be in bed by 9, but she can rest in bed reading or playing on the iPad until 9:30. Jamie will probably keep to himself for the day, make sure he eats some dinner and if the drumming is too loud, just tell him to knock it off -"

"Sam, they'll be fine." Francis said with a laugh holding up her hand for me to stop talking.

"Thanks so much for doing this Francis." I said once again before hugging her quickly and heading toward the front door, "Jamie!" I called up the stairs.


"I've to go out for a while, I don't know what time I'll be back at, so Francis is here. There's money on the counter for a pizza tonight, make sure you get some." I called up the stairs.

"Okay, see ya later Mom!" He called down the stairs.

"I'll be home soon." I said before leaving the front door and getting into my car - only realising how stressful having two kids under the age of 12 is.

I made the short journey to the BAU headquarters. I parked outside the building and glanced into the back of the car, "My lord." I said under my breath rolling my eyes as I noticed the mess; Jamie's soccer ball, gloves and boots and Hannah's princess dolls and ponies. I gathered them all up together and put them on the back seats of the car to remind me to tell Hannah and Jamie about their mess in my car. I got out of the car and made my way inside. I knew exactly where to go as I remember from 11 years ago when I visited Spencer once to take him to one of Jamie's ultrasound appointments.

I reached the floor and the familiar setting welcomed me - well along with a very hyper and colourful woman. I got out of the elevator to see this woman smile at me, "You must be Samantha." She smiled to me, shaking my hand before I could tell her she was right, "I'm Penelope Garcia, the tech geek of the team." She giggled, "They're all inside, I'll bring you to them."

"Thank you." Was all I could get out before being dragged by Penelope to the large office setting and then down another hallway to the board room. The board room was centred with a large table with the five agents I had met earlier sitting around it and boards standing at the top of the room with pictures of Mia, Malcolm and Victoria on it with any information they knew written underneath each picture.

Pictures of Mia and Malcolm's bodies were also displayed on the board - which made me gag slightly - but I held it together as Aaron Hotchner noticed I had entered the room, "Thank you so much for coming." He said standing up and shaking my hand, "Please." He said directing me to sit down in a seat in between Spencer and Jennifer - but she told me to call her JJ.

"Thanks for coming." Spencer said to me quietly as Hotch began to go through the information they had found.

"So, this guy is clearly following these victims and taking them once the old one is out of the way," Rossi said, looking between his case file and the board. "He must be well ahead of himself."

"Is this guy a local?" I asked looking up at the team, "I mean, my high school is a good twenty minute drive from here and Victoria lives on the other side of town, he's going out of his way to get these people." I sighed as I knew this broadened the search.

"You went to high school with the three victims," JJ said turning to me, "What were they like in school?"

"Well, I had Math and Chemistry with Mia. She went on to work in pharmaceutical science. She was top of the class and a very hard worker. But Malcolm was just in drama club. That's what he was known as - he always got the leads, always in school productions. They were both very different people, making me wonder why out of the whole year group, why they were targeted."

"What about Victoria Savage?" Morgan asked from across the table, glancing between the board and myself.

"Victoria was the average student. Studied in the library every day during lunch, went on to become a nurse in a hospital. Nothing stood out about her, she kind of blended in." I sighed thinking back to the time where I would share smiles with Victoria in the halls of Liberty High School.

"They were three very vast characters." Spencer added in, "This just doesn't make sense."

"All I know, is that if we don't find Victoria in three days, she will end up like the rest of the victims." Hotch sighed leaving the room - more than likely to take a breather and get a coffee.

"Well, the UnSub is clearly a male in his early thirties." I sighed. "And was a student at the school."

"Garcia," JJ said from beside me and the colourful woman burst to life.

"Yes my sweet angel?" She replied from the other end of the table, propped in front of her laptop getting ready to type away.

"Can you put up the year of 2001 in Liberty High School?" JJ asked.

"No problem." Garcia replied over the noise of her fingers typing as fast as they could, "Here." She said pressing a button on a remote left beside her and on a projector behind her showed the graduation pictures of all 128 students that year.

"Can you take away all females and all males who are not white." I say as Garcia types away and soon enough, 47 photos were left. "47." I sighed, "That's still so broad."

At this point I felt to get a bit panicky. Hotch returned to the room with a coffee and returned to his seat beside Rossi, in front of the board. I felt my eyes dashing across the board looking at every picture. I could hear my heart thump in my chest, "Hey," I heard gently from beside me. I snapped my head in the direction of the voice, "You wanna take a breather?"

I nodded my head slowly and stood up and quickly left the room, Spencer following me. I walked out into the main office area and turned to Spencer, breathing heavily, trying to stop the tears from flowing, "Spencer," I breathed, "This is too much for me."

"I know," He sighed, "I'm so sorry for getting you involved."

"I wanna help, I really do. It's just that, there are 47 pictures on that board. 47 possible serial killers and I knew and was friends with at least 97% of them. Spencer, what if I'm a target?"

"Don't be so silly." He said trying to crack a smile, but we both knew it could be a possibility.

"Spence, two of my old school friends are dead, another one taken. Who knows who is next, only that sick son of bitch does." I sighed, wiping my tears so Spencer didn't see how much this case was bothering me, "Malcolm had a 6 year old son, that boy is now fatherless and many more children can end up like that because I can't get my head around who is doing this."

"It's not your fault." Spencer said wrapping his arms around me. It was in that moment that I realised that Spencer was worried about this case as we both knew that anyone from school could be a target - including me. "We will figure this out."

"But what if we can't." I sighed as I held onto Spencer as if I was just about to be taken from him forever.

"There's 47 possibilities , one of those 47 people are doing this, we will find him and catch him before anyone else is harmed." He said to me.

"I just hope so."

*Spencer's POV*

It's been four hours since I've sent Samantha home to get some rest, and with 47 possible UnSubs, the case hasn't become any clearer. I paced up and down in front of the boards containing Mia, Malcolm and Victoria's information and the large board projecting the images of our possible 47 UnSubs. "There has to be something here." I said under my breath constantly. I was alone at this stage; 10pm. The only thing that flashed across my mind was Victoria's body being found and Samantha being taken. How could I tell Jamie and Hannah that their mother has been taken by some maniac.

"Spence," I heard gently from the doorway. I glanced over to JJ but shook her off and continued pacing, trying to figure something out, "You've been pacing for 2 hours, everyone is going home. You should too, you need rest."

"No, what I need is to find out who is doing this." I said impatiently. JJ walked further into the room seeing my reaction, but I didn't care, "Just, please JJ." I turned to face her, trying not to show emotion even though she could see right through me.

"We're going to catch this guy." She said trying to re-assure me with information that was useless to me at this point.

"When?" I asked, my voice raising unintentionally, "When JJ!?" I turned my back on her and hid my face in my hands trying to calm myself down. I sniffled trying to stop any sort of tears but it was useless, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I felt soft hands rub my back, "She's going to be fine, we'll make sure of that." I turned to her and wrapped my arms around her, getting as much comfort as I could at this time, "But, Spence," She said while rubbing my back, "How do you know Samantha? Just please be honest with me."

I broke the hug from JJ, glancing around the room to see if anyone else was nearby - no one. "Sit," I said wiping my raw face, sniffling and taking the seat next to JJ. I inhaled deeply, "I met Samantha in college." I was doubting myself; should I tell JJ this? - A secret that I have kept for 11 years. "And we had a 'fling' in our last year while going for the same job here."

"You and Samantha were fighting for the job you have now?" She asked.

I replied with a nod and continued with story, "But, coming to the end of the school year, Samantha told me she was pregnant."

"Aw, Spence." JJ said rubbing my arm.

I shook my head, "So, she told me to take the job, which I did. And she stayed home -"

"- Wait!" JJ stopped me, "Spencer, are you trying to tell me that you have a kid with Samantha?"

"Just hear me out." I sighed looking at the shocked expression on JJ's face. "But, yeah," I nodded my head, sniffling, playing with my fingers, trying to distract myself from the situation that was nearly impossible, "I have an eleven year old son, Jamie that I see regularly since Sam lives so close."

"Where you ever going to tell us?"

"I'm not finished," I sighed, "So, for the first few years, I would practically spend days in the house with Sam and Jamie but with work, it was hard to keep the 'family life'. I honestly don't know how you and Hotch do it." I sighed, "But, Samantha and I broke it off romantically soon after Jamie was born because we thought it would be better if we remained close friends."

"So, yous weren't together?"

"Briefly in college, but then we just remained close friends. But I'm still not finished," I breathed, "When Jamie was 3, Sam thought it would be good if Jamie spent the night with her parents, to give her a break and a night to herself because I was working all that week on a case; but she didn't tell me that. So, after a long flight from California, I arrived at the doorstep, tired, exhausted, but she let me stay any ways. One thing led to another and we ended up sleeping together."

"Spence," JJ sighed from beside me, rubbing my arm for comfort the whole time, "What happened then?"

"We still decided to remain friends and that that night wouldn't change our relationship." I sniffled, "But then nine months later my daughter was born. She went eight last July."

"So - wait." JJ said confused, "You're telling me that you have kept this secret hidden family life from us, this whole time?"

"I'm sorry, I just didn't want it to look like that I didn't care because Sam and I aren't together. That's not the case. I see my kids every weekend - when I'm not working and whenever I can in between."

"You have two kids? Eleven and eight?" I could tell JJ was shocked by the news - I mean, who wouldn't be?

"Just please don't tell the team." I begged.

"Of course not." She smiled, "Thanks for telling me." JJ stood up and opened her arms for me to hug her. I stood up also and wrapped my arms around her, "Now I can see why you're so worried about her."

"She's the mother of my kids."

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