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*Samantha's POV*

With the news that Victoria had been killed, there was a limited amount of time that my brain would let me sleep. As I lay awake in my bed throughout the early hours of the morning, I heard the familiar pit-pat sound from Hannah's room. Suggesting that she was awake, and was on her way to come into me - to wake me up. I rolled my eyes, and braced myself for my bedroom door to be swung open by the little eight year old girl. I heard her bedroom door creak open, but a quick, "Hannah," Called soon after - I recognized it to be Jamie's voice. "Come in here with and we can watch some YouTube videos. Mom's been working a lot lately, just let her sleep for another bit."

"Okay." I heard Hannah chirp and Jamie's room door was soon shut. I rolled over in my bed, facing the door. I sighed as Jamie had noticed how stressed I had become in the last few days and that's not what I want my eleven year old son to worry about - because just like Spencer, he's a bit of a worrier.

Even in the hour I lay in bed, I couldn't even bring myself to sleep so I got up and got dressed in the usual jeans and plain shirt. I decided to let my hair down natural for once, but I wasn't bothered with how I appeared; I was more bothered with the fact that all of my old classmates are targets by this killer who is still on the loose because I can't figure it out. I left my room and knocked gently on Jamie's door where noises of laughter could be heard. I opened the door slowly and soon revealed Hannah and Jamie sharing a set of earphones laughing at a YouTube video. I couldn't help but feel warmth fill my heart. "Oh," Jamie said taking out his earphone, "Hi Mom." He smiled to me. Hannah did the same and looked over to me.

I smiled back at my two children, "How about some breakfast?" I asked smiling from ear to ear, "What would you guys like?"

"Can I have some toast?" Hannah asked before glancing at her brother, to put in his order.

"I'm okay with whatever, we'll be downstairs when this video is over. There's literally two minutes left and it is too funny." Jamie smiled to me.

"That's okay, it will take a couple of minutes to make your toast anyways." I smiled to him as Hannah had already put the earphone back in her ear.

"Thank you." Jamie answered. He smiled to me, put back in his earphone and resumed watching the video.

I left the room and made my way to the kitchen, soon filling the toaster with bread. I checked my phone for any more news from the team; but there was nothing. It was 9 am any ways, so I was expecting some sort of text or phone call in the next half an hour or so. The toaster quickly popped. I jumped with fright but giggled it off while putting the toast on separate plates for Hannah and Jamie. I called them downstairs while placing the plates on the kitchen table. Hannah and Jamie raced each other downstairs before reaching the kitchen out of breath, "So, who won that time?" I asked putting the kettle on to make myself a cup of tea.

I got myself a cup ready as the kettle continued to boil and small conversation between Hannah and Jamie filled the kitchen. Just as the kettle was boiled, the doorbell rang - at 9 am, which gave me some slight concern. I ignored the tea making and went straight to the front door.

I swung the front door open to reveal a small dark haired girl who almost looked like she had seen a ghost, "Hi, can I help you?" I asked the panicked and frantic young woman.

"Uhm," Her voice was shaky, "Are you Samantha Doyle?"

"Yes, I am." I said unsure as I was unaware of the woman's identity, "I'm sorry, but do I know you?"

"I'm Fiona McGrath. I'm Nick McGrath's wife." She said. I recognized the name 'Nick McGrath'.

"Oh, Nicolas McGrath from my class in school?" I was shocked at this woman's appearance at my front door at 9 am to tell me who her husband was, but then it all began to click.

I could see Fiona begin to tear up, but quickly wipe the tears in the used tissue clenched in her shaking fists, "Nick never came home last night, and I heard you were working with the FBI and you knew Nick, and I just need your help." At this point, Fiona was in tears, "My husband is going to be dead."

"No, he won't be." I said looking outside and noticing that her car was parked in the driveway with a small figure sitting inside, "Is that you're daughter?" I asked referring to the girl around the same age as Hannah sitting in the back seat of Fiona's car.

"Yes, I haven't told her anything yet, just that we were visiting an old friend of mine." Fiona's voice continued to shake and fill with fear, "Can you please help me?"

"You know what, my kids are sitting inside, why don't you bring your daughter in, I will call my neighbor to come in and mind them, she's very good with kids. And I'll bring you to the BAU headquarters where you can talk to the team?" I suggested to Fiona.

"That would be much appreciated." She forced a smile before turning on her heel to get her daughter from the car. While Fiona got her daughter, I called Francis who was more than willing to help me at this hour in the morning. I called Jamie and Hannah from the kitchen, to greet the young girl before we left them here with Francis.

Fiona returned to the front porch. "This is Anna, she's nine." Fiona said bringing Anna inside toward where Jamie and Hannah were standing, "Are you sure you don't mind?" Fiona said to me while Hannah and Jamie introduced themselves to Anna and suggested activities for them to do.

"No, not at all." I smiled to her. At that point Francis walked in, "Fiona, this is Francis, my neighbor."

Francis greeted Fiona, "It's going to be okay. I'm here all day and more than happy to watch the kids. I was even thinking that if you weren't back before this evening, that I'd bring them out to the park and then go get ice cream or something to eat."

"Thanks so much, Francis." I smiled to her, "Jamie, Hannah, be good. I'll be home later. Jamie, keep your phone on so I can contact you."

"I will." Jamie called back as Fiona and I left the house. I had recently given Jamie a cheap phone, just so I could contact him. If I'm gone for long periods of the day, it's so much easier to call him - and there is no social media on it either; which is a bonus.

I led Fiona to my car - which I then remembered that I still didn't clean. I rolled my eyes as I climbed into the driver seat and Fiona getting in the passenger seat, "Everything is going to be okay." I reassured her before pulling out of the driveway.

I pulled into the parking lot at headquarters and led Fiona inside. I could see that she was shaken up, but it was much easier that she was willing to co-operate. As the elevator doors opened to reveal the sixth floor of the building, I noticed Garcia, JJ and Spencer talking just before you enter the bull pen - which the team like to call it. I led Fiona inside. JJ, Garcia and Spencer noticed us and walked over to us - meeting us halfway, "Sam, what are you doing here?" Spencer asked curiously looking between myself and the shaken Fiona.

"This is Fiona McGrath," I introduced Fiona to half of the team, "Her husband is Nicolas McGrath who didn't return home last night and was also the football captain of Liberty High." I sighed. At that point, Fiona began to break down; the first time I had remained strong. Well, I had to, especially in front of Fiona or a family member of a victim.

"Fiona," JJ said gently, "Why don't we get a cup of coffee and sit down and have a chat?"

"That sounds good." Fiona replied, wishing us a farewell before heading to the kitchen with JJ.

"We have to go tell the team, they're in the board room." Spencer sighed before leading Garcia and I into the board room where Rossi, Morgan and Hotch had been going through the victims' files and also looking through the files of the remaining 35 men.

"Saman -" Hotch began but was interrupted.

"Nicolas McGrath." I sighed pointing to his picture on the board - quickly removed by Garcia, "He didn't return home last night. Football captain back in high school."

"JJ is talking with his wife now." Spencer said.

"He's getting quicker with his victims." Rossi spoke up, "As if, he's getting impatient."

"Or he knows that we're on to him." Morgan added in.

I sighed before speaking up, "It seems as though he has list of victims and has rage toward them. Most likely coming from something that may have happened back in high school to target these people."

Spencer also jumped in, "Yeah, it appears that the UnSub may have been victim to trauma in his adolescent years and something in the past week has triggered this killing spree."

Spencer and I took seats at the round table filling the room, "Samantha, you're our best chance at this time. What was Nicolas like compared to the other victims?" Hotch asked.

"Well," I sighed trying to think back to the years where appearance, attitude and cliques where the only chance of survival of the four years of hell, "Nicolas was the average 'jock' per say. He was the star player, football captain, dated all of the cheerleaders but managed to keep his grades at a C average through senior year which was pretty impressive for someone of high sportsmanship throughout the school. Nothing really stands out about him that would cause him to be kidnapped or even killed at this point."

"What about life now? Do you know anything about that?" Morgan asked as the sound of Garcia's typing fingers tapped throughout the board room, but I ignored it and continued to think about the information Fiona had told me from arriving at my front porch this morning to arriving here a few moments ago.

"All I know is that he met his wife, Fiona, in college. He was there on a sports scholarship, they're married for four years now and they have a nine year old daughter. That's all Fiona told me, but I'm sure JJ will have more information when she's finished talking to Fiona in detail."

"We have to be woeful of timing now." Hotch added in, "He's getting more sloppy with the time frames."

"Meaning that he has more rage toward the latest victims, killing them faster?" Morgan suggested.

"Or he just wants to get through this list of people before he gets caught." Hotch said, sighing in the process.

"How long does Nicolas have?" I asked, the question slipping my lips before I had noticed. But it's been the one thing on my mind since I met Fiona this morning.

"Well, he's gone through three victims in a week - " Morgan said.

"Probably until the end of today." Rossi sighed, "He's getting more sloppy."

"We have to warn everyone. All women and men who graduated that year. There is no relation between these victims other than the fact that they all went to the same high school, anyone from the list of graduates that year can be a target."

" - Including you." Spencer said quietly in fear, but was heard by the team. This statement sent shivers up my spine as it was true and that Nicolas doesn't have long left.

Not long after going through each victim's life again, JJ returned from talking to Fiona. We all turned our heads in her direction, hoping that she would have any new piece of information that could lead us to whoever is doing this, "Nothing more than we already knew." JJ sighed, "He went out last night to celebrate his friend's birthday and never came home. Fiona heard about people from Nicolas' school being kidnapped and killed so got in touch straight away."

"And she was right to." Rossi sighed but remained silent for JJ to continue."

"Nothing strange had happened." JJ continued, "But, Fiona did mention that her daughter received a strange phone call last week."

Everyone put their full attention on JJ as this was something new to the case, "Her daughter described it as being a deep voice who threatened the well being of her family, but to her daughter it didn't sound too sinister because as nine year old girls think, she thought it was a prank call from some boys in her class and thought nothing of it. But it's clear now that it wasn't nothing and that the UnSub made contact with Nicolas' daughter."

"But why the daughter?" Rossi asked looking around at the rest of the team for any suggestions to this equation, "Why not the wife?"

"Malcom Tate had a young child, but was too young to own a phone, so maybe he's only targeting the kids that do." Spencer spoke up, going over a board that was set up beside the now 34 faces with the victim's pictures and information. Underneath a card with 'Nicolas McGrath' written on it, Spencer stuck a note saying 'Phone Call - Daughter' in clear writing. "How old is the daughter?" Spencer asked turning around to JJ and myself.

"She's nine." I sighed thinking at how similar to Hannah she was and how Jamie or Hannah could get a phone call like that - and that terrifies me the most.

"So, it's something relating to kids?" JJ asked the team.

"It looks like he has a connection with children, Garcia -" Morgan said turning to Garcia who was quick to place her fingers on the keyboard in front of her, "How many of the UnSubs have children?"

After a quick search, Garcia found that all of them, except seven had children, bringing the total to 27. Garcia removed those seven faces, leading us with a narrower search, "Now, where do we go from here? How does this strange phone call bring Nicolas back?" I asked.

"We have to ask Nicholas' daughter a few questions." Spencer suggested, "Where is she right now?"

"She's at my house with Hannah and Jamie." I answered but immediately let out a heavy breath.

I noticed Morgan, Rossi and Hotch look around at confusion, "Are they your kids?" Rossi asked.

"Yeah." I quickly glanced to Spencer, who gave me the look to continue on with whatever I was going to say, "Jamie is eleven and Hannah is eight. I can call my neighbor to bring Anna here."

"That would be great." JJ smiled to me, "I'll wait at the reception for her." JJ left while I text Francis - 'Do you mind dropping Anna to headquarters? And holding onto Jamie and Hannah for another while?'

Francis soon replied with no problem at all and was already on her way to headquarters. "Samantha, you ask Anna some questions and talk to Fiona again." Hotch looked around at his team, "I think it's time that we give the profile."

And with that, everyone went where they were assigned.

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