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*Spencer's POV*

I paced up and down the board room while the team continued to try and connect the victims but nothing seems to be working. JJ and Rossi continued to scan through the year book while also looking for the ten possible UnSubs throughout the year book. "Nothing seems to be here." JJ answered, "Despite Andy Byrne being Prom King, that's the only highlighted person throughout the year book that is a possible UnSub." She sighed putting the tablet on the table.

"There has to be something." Morgan sighed, "I mean, something must of caused this rage."

"You said Andy Byrne was the only one in the yearbook?" I asked continuing to pace and then looking at his face on the board.

"Yeah." JJ answered, "Samantha was Prom Queen."

"Andy is Samantha's ex-boyfriend." I concluded, "He's the guy Samantha was talking to just before she left the gym and the shootings happened."

"Is there anything else you found on Samantha from the year book?" Hotch asked, looking between Rossi and JJ.

"Well," JJ said taking the tablet back up from the table, "Look at this, Garcia can you put these pictures up?"

"Sure thing." Garcia responded.

The pictures were put up, one of the cheer squad at the start of Samantha's senior year and another at the end, "Samantha's missing from the one at the end of the year."

"Possible illness? Or just missed the photo?" Rossi suggested, making sure we weren't jumping to conclusions.

"But, why would the captain be missing?" JJ asked, the only real female opinion on the case, "And look at this, Garcia -" Garcia put up the picture of the Prom King and Queen - Samantha and Andy. They posed with their crowns and their arms around one another. I tried not to think about him and the relationship he had with Samantha. I discarded all of my thoughts and focused back on JJ, "Samantha is quite a petite woman, so why is she wearing a long flowy dress at her prom? Surely the cheer captain with the small body shape would wear something more tight-fitting and sexy than the plain dress she was wearing." I frowned, trying to think of any solution but found none, "Garcia can you zoom in on the picture?" JJ asked. Garcia zoomed in to the center of Samantha's body where the dress spread outwards. But then I saw it, "Guys, Samantha was pregnant."

I shook my head, lost for words, "But, Samantha and I didn't meet until her third year in college. That's impossible." I tried to think about it harder. How could Samantha be pregnant at her prom when Jamie was born just after she graduated college?

"Garcia," Hotch spoke up throughout the confusion, "Can you do a background search on Andy Byrne? Go as far back as you can. "

"Uhm -" Garcia said in a panic, typing as fast as she could, trying to find the answer to Hotch's question. "Andrew Byrne: Graduated from Liberty High School in 2001, arrested and charged with second degree murder in 2004 and was released just last year." I looked around at the team, who still didn't seem satisfied with the results, "Oh, his name is on the birth certificate of a Marcus Byrne, born in October 2001 who suffered a stroke from severe head trauma in November 2004 and tragically passed away."

"It can't be a coincidence that Andy was charged with second degree murder the same year his son suffered a stroke, which all of our victims have died from." Rossi spoke up, getting to his feet.

"Who's Marcus' mother?" JJ asked.

But we all knew the answer jut before Garcia said, "Samantha." I felt my heart collapse.

I took in deep breaths trying to process this discovery we had just found, "Reid? You okay?" Morgan asked, also to his feet.

I breathed again, "It's just, Sam never told me that." I thought over and over again to the Sam I had met in college and how between graduating high school to the time I had met her, she had a baby, her boyfriend caused their child to have a brain hemorrhage and he was sentenced to ten years in prison. "If I'd known that, I wouldn't of been so reckless. I just can't imagine how she felt when she found out she was pregnant on Jamie, a year after her son died."

"Reid, it's going to be okay." JJ said walking over to me and wrapping me in a hug. I felt tears stream down my cheeks, "I'm sure she's happy that she met you because you two have the most beautiful children."

"Garcia, do you have an address?" Hotch asked as JJ continued to hold me.

"Nope," Garcia sighed, "Since he's gotten out of prison, Andy has been living in and out of different hotels and hostels."

With no address, I've now felt that all hope was lost, then all of a sudden, Hotch's phone began to ring, "Hello?" He answered. JJ and I broke a part to see what the phone call was about. I'd say the majority of the team were expecting it to be Sam's body being found, "Okay, thank you for the call." Hotch hung up the phone.

The anticipation was killing us, "What was that all about?" Rossi was the first to speak up.

"Ashley Washington's body has been found." Hotch stated.

"That was Sam's best friend in high school." I sighed thinking back to the drunken voice we heard back in the van.

"Myself, Morgan and Rossi will check out the crime scene. Reid and JJ, you stay here and see if you can find an address on Andy Byrne."

*Samantha's POV*

I heard footsteps come toward the room I was still in. The room was squared-shaped with a door in the left corner to where I was strapped. The room was a dull grey with light, but pitch black without it since the windows on the walls were boarded up for some reason. All of a sudden, the door swung open, "Still here?" Andy chuckled, closing the door behind him.

He eyed me up and down before sitting on the chair Ashley had been tied to and more than likely killed in, "You're hilarious." I faked a smile at him.

Andy replied with a laugh, "You know," He stood up, "You once told me that you liked my sense of humor."

"And you once told me that you loved me." I responded. Andy smirked while taking a step forward, closer to me.

Andy looked straight into my eyes, "And I never stopped."

"If you never stopped, then why am I chained up?" I asked shaking my hands violently, the chains above me rattling, "And why is there a bullet stuck in my shoulder." I said through gritted teeth. There was a silence. It seemed longer than it actually was, "Why are you doing this, Andy?" I sighed, my voice becoming softer and my body becoming weaker, "Why have you killed all of those people? Your old friends from high school."

Andy inhaled deeply, "Revenge, simply."

I looked at him confused, "Revenge?" I asked, "What have I done to you? Why would you need to get revenge on me? Or even those people that you killed?" There was a long pause. Andy stood still, just looking straight into my eyes, "Is it because of Marcus?" I hated to ask, but I needed to.

Andy chuckled to himself for a moment before composing himself, "Ten years is a long time." He said half under his breath. He looked to the ground, "And I've seen you," He shuffled his feet slightly while chuckling, "You got pretty cozy in the last fifteen years. Jamie and Hannah I believe."

I felt my blood boil, "Don't bring them into this." I snarled, trying to get my hands free hoping that this time, I would be free. But of course, nothing worked.

"You brought them into this." Andy pointed at me, seeing that I was frustrated, "You brought them into this mess, Sam."

I looked at him confused, "Andy," I sighed, "Jamie and Hannah have nothing to do with this."

Andy chuckled to himself, stepping away from me and then returning; almost as if he'd had a flashback of some sort or was thinking of something funny, "You know what ten years in prison can do to a person?"

I sighed, "Turn them into a serial killing maniac?" I smirked.

Andy took another step closer to me, reaching into his back pocket in the process and taking out a sharpened knife, "You're hilarious." I flinched as he moved closer and closer to me with the knife, "But actually, being locked away for ten years can show you how people change and that clearly that person that is locked up is just simply ... forgotten about."

I giggled to myself, "Oh believe me, Andy. I never forgot about you."

"Is that so?" Andy smirked moving the metal across my face, the cold hard surface, ninety degrees away from stabbing me.

I looked straight back at Andy as he moved the knife away from my face, "How could I forget about the man who killed my son?"

It was in that moment that I realized that I had struck a nerve with Andy. I felt my whole body move as Andy's fist collided with my face. As my head turned, I spit out blood, staining the grey floor and walls. My head hung limp from pain and weakness, "I didn't kill him." And another blow was delivered to my stomach.

I wheezed out in pain and short of breath. I held my head up as high as it could go, "Oh, is that so?" I said, taking deep breaths to help restore the air lost from that last hit to my body. "You killed Marcus, Andy." I breathed, "Marcus was drawing on the walls with a marker that was left lying around and you got angry." I breathed out again, blood dripping from my throbbing mouth, "You hit him, Andy. You punched and slapped that toddler and then threw him down the stairs." It was very difficult for me to go back to that time, but I'd do anything just for Andy to realize what he had done. Andy's foot began tapping, something he always did when he was angry or tense, "And he had such a blow to the head from that incident that he suffered a stroke and he died." I breathed, looking Andy straight in the eye, "And you killed those people the same way you killed your little boy - "

" - Shut it!" I heard before Andy hit me again across the face, my hands unable to defend the punches.

My head swung from side to side, blood spewing everywhere, "Just tell me, Andy," I sighed between punches, "Just tell me why you killed those people."

"Those people," Andy said, his voice becoming louder with anger, "Those people didn't show respect to Marcus."

"Respect?" I asked through heavy breaths, "What are you talking about?"

"Those people never liked us together and didn't believe in us as parents." Andy said, beginning to pace, "And it's all your fault."

"My fault?" I asked, "Andy, you got me pregnant. You said you were using protection and you're the one who killed our son."

"I didn't kill him!" Andy shouted before hitting me again - just the once this time. Then, Andy grabbed my hair and pulled me forward, "You see in that corner, over there?" He pointed in the corner of the room, "That's where Marcus destroyed the paint -" And then the flashback flooded my memory. It wasn't some abandoned warehouse like I thought, I was in the house Andy and I lived in when Marcus was born, specifically, Marcus' old bedroom. I got the chills from just being in the house again. "And then -" Andy said, just as he untied the leather straps from around my wrists. He pulled me forward and dragged me out of the room and brought us through the landing and into another room in the house.

This room was quite similar to the one we were just in; grey. Except, this was slightly bigger. "Our old bedroom." I sighed, looking around the empty room where Andy, Marcus and I would lie in bed watching movies. I swallowed hard, not showing any emotion to Andy because I've felt strong so far and I don't want to lose it, "Why are you doing this to me?" I asked.

I felt Andy's grip tighten in my hair. Then, Andy pushed me against the wall, my back aching, my shoulder throbbing. I gasped as I hit so hard and Andy was so close to me. "This is where we were," Andy breathed heavily, "This is where we were when I asked you to marry me." The flashback flooded my memory once more, lying in bed, just as two year old Marcus had gone to sleep and Andy talked about the idea of romance and weddings and expressed how he'd only want to do that with me, "I love you, you know." And then I was brought back to real time where the room was empty, my old friends were dead and I could be, in a matter of minutes.

"If you love me, then why are you doing this to me?" I asked, tears building up in my eyes. I couldn't stay strong any longer. Seeing the hurt and pain in Andy's eyes made me feel the same hurt and pain.

Andy sighed, "Because you moved on." It was then that I understood Andy's pain. He never meant to hurt Marcus and he was put away for ten years for it and in those ten years I moved on with Spencer and Jamie and Hannah were born, "You have a family now, the only thing that I've ever wanted." Andy sighed, "And my anger issues ruined that."

I sighed, "I'm sorry Andy, but what were you expecting me to do? Stick around for ten years after your history of violence? Don't get me wrong, I loved you back in high school, but you have anger issues, Andy, and that puts everyone around you in danger."

Andy sighed, "I just never wished you moved on."

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