Hinted Hickeys

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——A few weeks later ——

Over the past few weeks , Jungkooks popularity around campus had increased to the maximum, and it was all thanks to Violet. Students had picked up on the fact that the two had been intimate with one another , due to the hickeys spotted on both of their necks, or the late arrivals to school together. Of course Bomi heard and knew her chances at getting with Jungkook were becoming slimmer now , which made her more eager to have him, just like Violet predicted.

Jungkook was now a completely changed person in the public eye , but of course Violet knew he still lacked confidence here and there. But that was ok.


Walking out from class Jungkook stepped outside on campus grounds , the gentle summer breeze touching his dark bangs. Near the benches he saw Bomi sat with some friends before she made eye contact with him. Her lips curved into a smile as she softly waved, causing her friends to also turn and look at the boy. Jungkook smiled back before heading over. "Hey Bomi"

"Jungkook" she nodded flirtatiously. "You look nice today"

"You too" he compliments her.

Today the girl looked even prettier then ever. She did most days , but she always seemed to be putting in extra effort by wearing more skirts and dresses. Violet told Jungkook she was trying to impress him or catch his attention, which obviously made the boy happy.

"Why don't you sit with us for a while ?"  The girl asks, already budging up to make room for him.

"Sounds—." The boy pauses when hearing a female grunt from a far , his head turning to see a girl slamming her bag down on the grass. He sighs when seeing that the girl is in fact Violet. "I'll take your offer up another time" is all he says before politely excusing him self.

Heading over he finds the girl lay flat out on her back, eyes closed with a book flat on her face. A pose he usually finds her in when either tired , stressed or just a big fat cba kind of mood. He smirks and lays beside her , turning his head to the side before saying a simple "Hey—."

"Jesus—fucking—." Her body jumps and the book slips off of her face ; her head turning to see a grinning Jungkook. "You scared me"

"What's up with you ?" he nods before shaking her shoulder. She slaps his hand away and sits up , and he does too. "Nothings up. Just had a shit class"

"Anything pizza can help fix ?"

Her expression slowly turns into a smirk. She nods and Jungkook takes out his phone , bringing up a menu. "We aren't having pineapple on it this time though" he speaks.

"Erm. Yes we fucking are"

"No. I'm sick of having to pull the pieces off of my slices bitch"

Oh yeah. He had been swearing a lot more. After spending a lot of time with Violet can you blame him :)

"Then ask for half and half dick head"

"Then ask for half and half dick head"

"Wow aren't you mature"

"Wow aren't you mature—."
Before he can finish the sentence he's knocked over by the girl , her body kind of on top of him but not completely, her knees still touching the ground. She's about to get up till she feels a heavy weight on top of her. "Yah Tae get off me—."

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