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Tobias had remained at our house over the weekend and into Monday. My parents had discussed things amongst themselves whenever I wasn't around, much to my dismay. But I let it slide, I was not going to be a debbie downer and ruin my mood. School on the other hand was going great, Alex and I were getting closer. I decided that I liked calling him Alex when we were just being casual together and Alexander when I felt more... serious. He on the other hand loved whenever I called him in general, regardless of which of the two names I used. He was so cute and I really enjoyed spending time with him. I had such a huge crush on him and I think he felt the same. I wondered what he was planning, I could tell something was up with him, but I didn't push it, he deserved his privacy and I knew he would tell me when he was ready.

I walked into the house dropping my bag off and doing my homework before getting a head start on some of my papers due next week. Eh, who am I kidding no matter how many times I try and plan ahead, I always wait until the last minute to do things. Homework was no exception and by the time the due dates came rolling around I was rushing to get things done. Yay for procrastination! I always hated myself for indulging in my treacherous ways, but hey that was me, I worked best under pressure. 

Tobias was going to be heading out this evening and would remain gone for a few weeks but made it clear to my parents that he would be back to help us with our little situation or whatever you wanna call it. My parents seemed fine with it but Tobias made it clear that he was not going to leave us alone without any "backup" as he so put it. He was assigning someone to stay with us in the meantime to help out and keep an eye on things. Tobias also mentioned that he didn't want anyone else back home figuring out where we were and deciding to pay this small town a visit, especially since this town was full of werewolves. That would not be a pretty sight. 

Someone rang our doorbell and I ran up to answer it. It opened up to an unfamiliar face. "Ah, Evan, welcome! Come on in!" Tobias came up behind me and we all made our way to the living room. "Guys, this is Evan he will be staying with you for the next few weeks. Denver, your parents and I went ahead and enrolled him in your high school so if you could show him around that would be great." I stared at the new kid in front of me. He looked up and smiled, flashing me his pearly whites. "Um, ok." I replied. 

My mom told me that if anyone were to ask, I would say Evan is my cousin. I had my doubts about this, which I wasn't afraid to voice out. Werewolves could smell and detect family members so I saw this as being a potential problem, yet somehow my parents had it all figured out saying that he was going to be an adopted family member. I stifled a laugh, I'm suuurreee this would work out. I'm guessing Tobias was going to play the part of his "adoptive father." Come to think of it I only knew of a few others like us and out of the people I did know, none of them were related to either my family or one another. They were just one-offs whom I had encountered with my parents, but I don't think I could recall more than three people.. and that was including Tobias. Well now I guess there were four with Evan in the picture. I knew there were more, a whole lot more, because my parents always talked about it when I was growing up. I guess I had just never given it much thought. Come to think of it I'm not even sure where this "home" they speak of even is. Are they referring to when we lived back in Seattle, maybe New York? I never realized I had so many questions until now.

"Alright" I piped up. "So Evan, my dear cousin, when will  you be gracing our local high school with your presence hmm?" "Tomorrow" my parents replied in unison. I looked up at them with a bit of shock. Evan stood up and made his way over to me with his hands in his pockets, "Oh yes cousin".. hmm I'm sensing a bit of sarcasm here... "I  am so excited to be spending some time with you at school. I think you and I are going to get quite close while I'm here." Ew, I scoffed.

Evan tried his best to flirt with me and lay on his charm which I personally found to be quite annoying. As much as I admit Evan was a good looking kid, he really did not do it for me, not when I had Alexander. He and I weren't even technically a couple yet but oh well that's just too bad. I guess now we will have to be and something tells me Alexander won't mind one bit. In fact I don't think he will mind it at all. Woah. I'm shocked at myself for even thinking about this. I had never in my entire 16 years of existence even thought about boys or relationships. Did I want to date Alexander? Did he even want to date me? My heart ached a little as thoughts of him not wanting me surfaced in my mind.


*Smirks evilly and taps fingers with glee* 

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*Smirks evilly and taps fingers with glee* 

Oh Evan, you are going to be a bit of trouble for our Alpha now aren't you? Haha....

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