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Michael's Point of View

The wolf above me shifted into his human form, punching me over and over. I managed to get a few hits at him, but he was relentless. I was getting weaker from my injuries and the punches were so constant that I couldn't even manage to draw a weapon in my defense. I started to panic, I had clearly underestimated this wolf. Since Denver was his mate and I tried to attack her, he suddenly possessed a strength so great it rivaled my own. Love, what a silly thing.

"Tobias!" I heard someone scream and all of a sudden my spear I had from earlier flew over and pierced my opponent right in the heart. He collapsed and struggled for his last few breaths. Through my injured form, I still managed to laugh. I was going to win this war and kill them all even if it was the last thing I did.

Electricity pulsed through the air and rippled around me. I frowned, this wasn't my doing. I heard her screams and I turned slowly to see Denver on her knees. Then there was silence. I looked closer and as she opened her eyes, I felt fear take over my entire being, for they were pure white.

She slowly got up and made her way over to Tobias. Before he even had time to react she placed both her hands on his head forcing him to look at her. I saw the fear and panic spread through his body rapidly. He struggled to break free, but it was useless.

She was draining him. His life force was evaporating and he quickly began to show his true age. Angels could live very long lives and Tobias was quite old. His extreme age wouldn't allow him to live without his powers.

His lifeless body dropped to the ground. I looked at Denver in shock. Lightning and electricity rippled at her fingertips. Denver had the power of creating force shields, so seeing lighting crackling at her fingertips should have been impossible unless... 

No, it wasn't possible. She couldn't be.

Denver made her way over to me with a fierce determination. She threw lightning bolts my way and they burned the ground around me. I jumped in shock and looked over at her mate, he was dead. She came up to me and grabbed my neck, squeezing away any air I had left. I gasped, but she wouldn't let up.

"You!" She snarled. "You killed him!" 

"I - I.." I couldn't speak, couldn't think. I tried to beg her not to do it. Not to do to me what she had just done to Tobias. 

My prayers fell on deaf ears.

"You want to live?" She cocked her head to the side, never once breaking eye contact with me.

I begged for my life. "Y- yes. P-please... I'll do anything." I can't believe I was begging, but at the moment I didn't care. I had never seen one of them in person. They only existed in myths. But looking at her, it was clear that the myth became reality.

"Bring. Him. Back." She snarled. I gasped as her words pierced my ears. I couldn't bring back someone from the dead. It was unnatural. 

She must have seen the truth in my eyes because she grabbed my head and started to drain my powers and along with it, my life force.

"N-no. No! Please, I -I can h- help." I stuttered.

She stopped for a moment and looked at me. She was silent and then I stupidly realized that she was waiting for me to continue.

I blinked as I tried to frantically come up with a plan. I knew I wouldn't be able to bring her dead mate back, but I had to pretend so I quickly crawled over and placed my hands on his body. I looked at my surroundings and wondered if I had a chance to escape or draw a weapon. 

Denver must have sensed it so she immediately put up a force shield around us.

"If you try anything, you die." Her voice was cold and I could tell that she would deliver on her promise. I nodded and abandon any plans of escape.

I had the power to wield any weapon in existence and so I hoped I could use this to my advantage. Since the weapon that killed him was something I created, I slowly pulled it out and as I did so, tried to will him back to life. I closed my eyes and prayed for a miracle.

I felt heat under my palms and a burst of hope filled me. I opened my eyes and looked down, but I was deceived. Nothing happened and her mate still laid on the ground. Dead.

My fingers started to tremble. No, no this couldn't be happening. 

I heard Denver sigh impatiently. "Time's up." She whispered, before she grabbed me by my neck. 

I yelled in agony as she placed her hands back on my head and drained me of my powers and life force, effectively taking them as her own.

She was a reaper. Someone that could take the powers and life force of another angel and use them as her own. That was why she had Tobias' ability to wield lightning. Soon she would have my powers as well.

It was a power that was unheard of, something that was just a rumor until today.

I felt myself losing conscious, slowly sinking into the darkness. 

And then I felt nothing.  

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