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2 Years Later

The past two years haven't been the easiest, it had been a constant mental battle for me. A part of me felt darker and I knew that it would take a few more years to get back to the way I was before... carefree, living each day without worry. I don't think I'll ever fully go back to living that way but I'm going to make damn sure I try.

Alexander and I had both graduated high school and I was now marked and mated. He took over the pack from his father right after graduation. I had thought about college before we moved to this town but now with everything we've been through and being mated to Alexander, I couldn't bear the thought of me leaving. 

I had been working with my parents to get control of my powers. It was hard work and at first my reaper side had only come out when I was extremely angry or desperate. I had slowly learned to gain control of my powers without letting my emotions dictate my strength. It was coming together well. 

The pack was lovely and had fully accepted my family and I. It was strange being called Luna, but the role itself, I absolutely loved. I love spending time with our pack members and playing with pups. I feel responsible for their safety and wellbeing as much as Alexander does. My father even reduced his work hours at the hospital and started picking up shifts here at the pack hospital. I think eventually he wouldn't mind being the full time pack doctor, he often tells me that working with werewolves is more his speed.

Even though things started off crazy, I was glad that I had my family, friends, and mate by my side. After defeating Michael and Tobias, things were slowly falling into place. Evan managed most of his time between his home and our pack. He became a close friend over the past years and I loved him like a brother. The pack had seen me using my powers that night and knew that I was an angel. They were sworn to secrecy and Alexander explained that protecting my secret was just as important to the pack as it was to us.

I thought back to the dream I had that night of the attack. I smiled to myself. Deep down I knew it was going to be okay and that everything was going to work out. We would have children, a family, a life.

I knew that no matter what the world had in store for us, whether it was angel, werewolves, or anything in between, I'd be able to face it all. 

With Alexander by my side, I could take on anything. And I would.


So that is the end of this story! Thank you for all the reads and support! I honestly just wrote this story for fun and may or may not write a sequel... what do you guys think?

I will however be posting a few more books! I have two that I am currently working on, one of them being Spell My Soul. The prologue of that story has been posted and this will be another supernatural book :) 

The second story I have will be a spy novel :)

Thank you again and please comment and vote! Much love :)

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