He came round.

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Georgie stood up after drinking her coffee and Elvis stood up with her "I love you" he said she smiled "I love you too" she smiled "are you feeling brave?" She asked he smiled "what have you got in mind?" He asked "come home with me" she said he looked unsure "what about your dad and your sisters don't know" he said "I don't care" she said he smiled "as long as I get out alive" he smiled she smiled "he's nothing compared to the people your used to dealing with" she smiled "hmm I'm not so sure" he laughed she smiled and held his hand "let's go" he smiled she smiled and followed him out. They walked back to her house and Elvis stopped at the door with Georgie she faced him and smiled "I want a kiss here before he throws you out and we don't get to see each other before tomorrow" she smiled he smiled and she bit her lip as he moved closer to her against the wall. He kissed her passionately and the door opened they praised themselves off of each other when they heard it open. They both stood there and so did her dad wide eyed. "Shit" said Georgie hanging her head low "both of you, in now" he said they both walked into the house and sat down at the kitchen table.  "Right if this is going to happen it's going to happen properly" he said they both just listened "your not staying in a hotel" he said Georgie just looked a bit surprised "you can stay here, I would say on the sofa but let's face it even if I tell you both to your hardly going to do as I say" he said "dad" said Georgie "no listen" he said "that bed creaks against our wall as we all know from past experiences" he said trying not to smirk "so if your going to do anything we kindly ask that you move your bed to the other side of the room so Marie can hear the lovely noise or you do it before we go to bed" he said Georgie and Elvis smirked "go on go. Dinner is in half an hour" he said they both smiled "are you okay with this dad?" She asked "no, I'm not ecstatic about it but you are an adult and I know you love him very very much, and I have no doubts that he doesn't love you and would have turned up if he could have" he said she smiled and hugged her dad "thank you" she said he smiled he held out his arm and so did Georgie and Elvis walked into their arms "I've always wanted a son" he smiled Elvis smiled "I'll look after her I promise I will, I made the biggest mistake of my life before" he said he nodded "make sure you don't make another one" he said he nodded and Georgie hugged him "I love you dad" she smiled he smiled "I just want you happy and unfortunately mate your the one that seems to do that I haven't seen her smile like that for years, I haven't seen her smile that since the morning of your wedding" he said he smiled "I won't let her down again I promised her that in afghan" he said he smiled "go on" he smiled Georgie held his hand and they walked out into the back garden. "Well you don't have to ever climb through my bedroom window again" she smiled he smiled and picked her up "you don't know how much I love you" he said she smiled "I love you too" she smiled. "So half an hour" he smiled she smiled "let's go and get your stuff" she smiled he nodded and held her hand walking to the hotel. He packed his bag of stuff in his car and she smiled "the rooms still ours and we've got, oh, 20 minutes" he smiled looking at his watch "that's plenty of time" she smiled holding his hand running into the hotel. They ran up the stairs and he unlocked the door kissing Georgie. She lied down on the bed and clothes came off. I'll leave the rest up to your imagination.
20 minutes later Georgie's phone rang "quick get dressed" she laughed he laughed and got his clothes on so did she. "Yes dad, we're on our way now" she said "where are you?" He asked "just went to pick his stuff up" she said "ah at the hotel, get back" he smirked "5 minutes" she said shutting off the phone. They ran back to the car drove back and ran through the door Georgie's too few buttons still undone. Her mum looked at her "Georgie your shirt" she said Georgie bit her lip and they put his bag down. "Someone's been naughty" laughed Marie "what are you 10?" Asked Georgie sitting down at the table she smiled and Elvis sat next to her. They ate their dinner and then all headed to the living room they usually did after dinner it was just what that family liked they liked some family time. As they all sat down lulu spoke up "I missed you Elvis even if nobody else did" she smiled he smiled back at her "thanks" he smiled. They had 2 sofas and a chair in their living room. Her dad and mum on the larger sofa, Marie in the chair and Elvis Georgie and Lulu on the smaller sofa which was a squeeze now there was one more person. Georgie laid back on to Elvis holding his hand "I missed this" she said quietly as the film was starting he smiled "I missed everything about having you" he whispered in her ear she smiled. "You've moved on Georgie" said Marie she never was a big fan of Elvis she liked Jamie more. "I never moved on in the first place Marie" she said looking at her fingers intertwined with Elvis's. "That was my problem" she said "what was?" Asked Marie "I've always loved him and it made loving anyone else impossible" she said he kissed her head and held her close and Lulu smiled "I hope i am as in love as you two are when I'm older" she smiled Marie rolled her eyes and her mum smiled at them her dad still watching the TV. The film finished and it was 10pm Georgie stood up and so did Elvis "we're heading to bed, thank you, all of you" she said her mum smiled "your happy your both happy that's all that matters" she smiled. Elvis walked over to Max and held his hand out "thank you" he said he stood up and shook his hand "I swear if you break her heart again" he said "I won't, I promise" he said he smiled "go on, it's nice to have another man in the house" he smiled he smiled and nodded his head in gratitude. Georgie held his hand and smiled at her dad mouthing thank you, and they walked up the stairs to bed. They got ready for bed and climbed in Georgie wrapped in his arms "I love you" he said she smiled "I love you too" she said drifting off to sleep.

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