A surprise

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It was 2 weeks later, Georgie and Elvis had wallpapered downstairs, got a Tv and a unit to put it on after pay day 5 days ago. They had painted their room and finished the nursery and painted the bathroom as well as finishing buying all the kitchen stuff. All they had to buy was a couple of bits for the bathroom and a kitchen table and chairs. They were cutting the grass in the garden and sorting it out when Georgie stopped the lawnmower "Elvis" she said "yeah" he smiled standing up from weeding "put the lawn mower back in the garage" she said "you've only done half the grass" he said "my waters have just broken" she said holding her stomach he walked over he knew Georgie would want him calm. "Alright honey, let's get you to the hospital" he said she nodded "just put that away first" she said he nodded and put it in the garage locking it behind him. He helped her in the back door and locked that behind him "go and grab the bag Elvis" she said he nodded and kissed her head "it's going to be alright" he said she nodded "I know, it always is when your with me" she said he smiled. He grabbed her bag and they walked out getting into the car. She put her hand on her stomach and breathed looking out the window. "Just breathe" he said she held his hand "it's not too bad" she said he smiled and they pulled up at the hospital. He helped her out holding her bag in the other hand and locking her car as they walked into the hospital and up to maternity. "Are you alright?" He asked she nodded they booked her in and they took her through to a room. "Pop this on Georgina" said the midwife Georgie and Elvis laughed "what?" Smiled the midwife "I haven't heard anyone call me that well since I was about 8" she laughed Elvis smiled "yeah you don't suit Georgina do you" laughed Elvis "it's Georgie" she smiled looking at the midwife she smiled "Georgina is way to girly for this one, it's George most of the time" laughed Elvis Georgie smiled "yeah yeah" she smirked leaning over the bed. She took the gown from the midwife and walked into the bathroom getting changed. She walked out and smiled at the midwife. "Lay down I'm just going to check you over see how far dilated you are, I don't think your very far along you don't seem to be in too much pain" she smiled "it hurts" she smiled the midwife nodded. She lied down and Elvis sat holding her hand "can you ring my mum?" She asked he nodded "of course I can" he smiled he grabbed out his phone and rang Grace "hi Elvis" she said "hi, I'm ringing from the hospital" he said "is everything alright?!" She asked panicking "yeah yeah everything's fine, Georgie is in labour though" he said "I'm on my way!" She said "okay" he said shutting off the phone. "She's on her way" he said she nodded "7cm" said the midwife "is that a lot?" Asked Georgie "yeah I'm a bit concerned that you don't seem to be in pain" she said "I'm in fucking agony" said Georgie squeezing his hand "she is in pain my hands going purple" he smiled "your tough aren't you?" She asked Georgie nodded "you have to be to do my job" she said "what do you do?" She asked "I'm a medic in the army" she said "wow" she smiled "high pain tolerance too?" She questioned "well I've never been in this much pain but clearly according to you" she smiled the midwife laughed. Her mum walked in and Georgie smiled "hey" she smiled "hey hunny" said her mum sitting down next to Elvis. "Are you alright?" She asked Georgie nodded "yeah I'm good" she smiled "well, your on the way Georgie" smiled the midwife "how long will this take?" She asked "it can take a long while but the way your going 3 maybe 4 hours?" She suggested "how long have you been here George?" Asked her mum "maybe 30 minutes" she said "that's quick isn't it?" She asked the midwife nodded "she's 7cm dilated already" she said Georgie just looked at her mum and shrugged "are you not in pain?" Asked her mum "of course I am, but I mean, i can deal with it" she said she nodded "fair enough love" she said "I'm just going to push when she tells me" she smiled her mum smiled she could see she was in pain she could see the water in her eyes, her gritting her teeth. "Georgie nobody expects you to be strong through this, you can cry, scream" she said "it's painful. I know it's really painful" she said Georgie shook her head "your right it is painful, really really painful but crying is not going to make it any less painful" she said her mum smiled "where did you come from?" Her mum smiled "what?" She smiled "your so so strong, so brave" she said "that's what the army does to you" she said "I'm not as strong as you and I'm in the army" Elvis said still holding her hand she smiled "you keep me going" she said he smiled and kissed her hand.
"Okay Georgie" said the midwife an hour later "okay?" She asked "when you feel a contraction I want you to push" she said she nodded "alright" she said. She held her knees and pushed with everything in her not making a sound except deep breaths when she stopped pushing. "That's it George" said Elvis pushing her hair out of the way "push" she said she pushed again "we have a head" she smiled "and again" she said Georgie pushed with everything in her and her baby was born 6 weeks early, a cry filled the room and Georgie smiled laying back on the bed "George you just did the most incredible thing" he smiled kissing her hand she smiled "you've got a baby boy" she smiled Georgie smiled "a mini you" she smiled looking at Elvis "next time it will be a mini you" he smiled "who says there's going to be a next time" she laughed he smiled "I've never seen anyone give birth so quietly" smiled the midwife passing her the baby. "You did that like you've done it 10 times before" she smiled "I can assure I haven't" Georgie smiled holding her baby close. "Well we're going to take baby to be checked over he seems fine but just due to how early he is, then deliver the placenta and we will have you monitored and send you home soon" she smiled Georgie nodded "thank you" she smiled "no thank you, you just gave me the easiest job bringing this little one into the world" she smiled walking out with him Georgie smiled "that was incredible George" said her mum "honestly it was fine" she smiled "you don't even seem tired" she said "he came in 3 hours" she said she smiled "I was in labour for 19 hours with you" she said Georgie smiled "well I've always been difficult" she smiled her mum smiled "Do you want a bottle of water?" She asked Georgie nodded "yes please" she smiled her mum nodded and walked out Elvis lent forward and kissed Georgie "I love you" he said she smiled "I love you too" she smiled "great news baby is fine, they do want to keep him in overnight just purely to monitor him they do most babies and you can stay if you want to stay with him, and then hopefully we can send you home in the morning" she smiled "perfect thank you" she smiled Elvis smiled too "thank you for looking after her" he said the midwife smiled "you two really are a lovely couple" she smiled Elvis smiled and so did Georgie. The midwife delivered her placenta and then left. Everything has fallen into place" she said he smiled "of course it has" he smiled sitting on her bed she held her arms out and Elvis held Georgie close "all is well in the world Georgie, all is well" he smiled she smiled "you always say that" she smiled "that's why I said it, it always makes you smile" he said she smiled and closed her eyes drifting off to sleep. Grace walked back in and Elvis smiled at her "she's sleeping" he smiled she smiled and sat down "congratulations Elvis look after them both" she said he smiled "I will" he said she nodded "I'll head off home ring me if you need me" she said he nodded "of course I will" he smiled she nodded and walked out. 

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