Telling her parents.

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Georgie walked downstairs the next morning Elvis was still asleep she tried not to wake him it was only 6:30am she knew her mum would be up she always was up first drinking coffee in the kitchen. "Mum" said Georgie she looked up at her and smiled "I just want to tell you something now, straight up, without explaining or anything" she said "anything sweetheart" she said "I think I've made a big mistake" she said biting her lip "what honey" she asked "I'm pregnant" she said her mum didn't know what to say "does it belong to Elvis?" She asked she nodded "of course it does" she said "come here" she said hugging her "I love you sweetheart" said her mum she smiled "I love you too" she smiled. "Georgie are you happy?" She asked she nodded "I've always wanted children I just didn't think it would be yet" she smiled "I'm staying in the army and so is Elvis but we're going to work from Pirbright training medics and SF" she said she smiled "no more dangerous countries?" Asked her mum Georgie shook her head "no" she smiled her mum smiled and kissed her cheek hugging her. "Have you told Elvis?" She asked she nodded "he did the test with me" she said she nodded "how am I supposed to tell dad?" She asked "get away quickly afterwards" she smiled Georgie smiled and her dad walked into the kitchen "tell me what?" He asked Georgie almost stopped breathing. "Just that Georgie's going to train medics from Pirbright and Elvis is going to train SF from the same place" Grace smiled "that's great news honey" he smiled "well we haven't finalised it yet but it should be fine" she said he nodded "why?" He asked "well I just haven't had time with the tour and everything" she said "no why are you training medics and not going out anymore?" He asked "I think I'm ready to settle down" she said "you'll never be ready to settle down Georgie" he said she nodded "I thought the same but I am with Elvis" she said he nodded "nothing to do with the pregnancy test I found in the bathroom bin?" He asked Georgie didn't say anything neither did Grace "really Georgie!" He shouted she just took a deep breath and held the counter "are you alright love?" Asked her mum she nodded and her dad carried on shouting she couldn't hear him it was muffled. "Just stop" she said calmly "Georgie your 26 do you not have any form of birth control!" He shouted she just walked away "come back!" He shouted grabbing her arm she turned around and passed out. Elvis walked down the stairs to see Georgie on the floor her mum over her "Georgie" he said running to her side "come on Georgie" he said rubbing her arm, her eyes opened and she grabbed his hand "I've got you" said Elvis holding it back "what happened?" He asked "I just, everything just got too much" she said "he's gone George he's gone for a walk" said her mum she nodded sitting up slowly her mum passed her a glass of water "at least he knows now" she said her mum nodded and Lulu walked downstairs "go back upstairs honey" she said "I know" she said Georgie nodded "she knows about the baby?" She asked Georgie nodded again "she heard us talking in my room" she said her mum nodded. "Oh Georgie what are we going to do with you?" Her mum smiled stroking her cheek she smiled "I'm moving out mum, we're looking for a house, I'm going to sort my life out" she said tears in her eyes "I want you to be proud, I want dad to be proud of me" she said tears in her eyes "I am so proud of you and your dad is too he's just scared I think" she said "of what?" She asked "of his little girl being hurt" she said Georgie nodded "come on let's get you up" she smiled Elvis held her under her arms and helped her up, she turned around and hugged him "we need to find a house" she said into his chest he nodded rubbing her back "we will" he said she nodded. "Go in the front room and sit down" said her mum "I'll make you a drink" she smiled Lulu held her sisters hand "come on" she said she nodded and followed her sister. She sat down on the sofa and Elvis sat down on the same one with Lulu sitting in the chair. Her mum brought drinks in and some paracetamol for Georgie "I'm alright" she smiled "I've just got a banging headache" she said "you didn't hit your head did you?" She asked "no, no" she said "here" said Elvis putting a pillow on his lap she lied down on the sofa putting her head on his lap "we're going to find our own place" he said she nodded "Georgie do you know how far along you are?" Asked her mum "3 months" she said taking a deep breath holding his hand. "3 months?" She asked "well, I don't know but that's how many periods I've missed this is number 3" she said "you told me 2" he said "I miscounted I thought it was 2 I really did I didn't just tell you that but we were on tour and I didn't realise" she said he just pushed her hair back. Just then the front door slammed "Fuck" said Georgie Elvis just held her hand and she sat up holding her head "alright?" He asked she nodded. Her dad walked into the front room "your still here then?" He asked she sighed "I'm sorry" she said "I don't want to hear it" he said "I'm sorry isn't going to change anything!" He shouted "stop!" She said "for fuck sake dad stop!" She said standing up "don't sweat at me!" He shouted "this is pathetic, yes he is my boyfriend get over it you don't dictate my love life, yes I am pregnant it's his baby! Get over it! I'm moving out I won't be in your way just give me a couple of weeks to find a fucking house!" She shouted Elvis had never seen her so angry, her dad didn't know what to say. "I need to go for a walk" she said grabbing her coat and shoes and walking out. Elvis was speechless. "What kind of a father are you?" Asked Grace he looked shocked "your there for her when everything's alright and when things turn a bit messy you make her life 10 times harder" she said "she's 26! I had the first two before I was 26! She's allowed children!" She said "and she's allowed to love him, he's taken care of her better today than I've ever seen you take care of her!" She said walking out upstairs Lulu stood up and walked upstairs with her mum and Elvis stood up "I'll go and check she's alright" he said walking out of the house her dad just sat down and stared into thin air.

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