Chapter Ten: arriving at Classical tribe/the truth/akward meeting

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Poseidon yawn as he woke up as he stood up and pop his knuckles, he looks around to see poppy was looking outside to see the view. Then branch was steering the balloon to the location. He notice that the others were awake, except tessa, who was hugging her beat button,Dj. He walk towards to Fredrick side as he said," morning" Fredrick notice him and said," morning to you Poseidon." Poseidon hum as Rox and Cora look around as Cora look at her telescope, to see if their arriving at classical tribe.

Claire flew towards her as she start a conversation to her. Rox sigh in boredom as he summond his electric guitar as he strum some song while humming. Poppy looks at them then smile as she walks to branch saying," branch? I'm glad that you come with me in this journey." Branch smile and said," of course i always come because i know that you can't do it on your own." Poppy smile as she was about to speak but was cut off by a loud snore.

They all stop what are you doing as they look at were food supplies laid. Claire flew towards to it as she slowly move the basket away and gasp in surprise to see Biggie and Mr. Dinkles. Poppy went to claire side then gasp in surprise to see biggie there." Biggie!? How did you get here?!" Asked Branch as he fully see who it was. Biggie open his eyes as he said," oh! Hi poppy and branch! I wanted to come with you! Oh! The cotton candy taste delish!" Rox snort as he said to his friends," and sticky." Cora and Claire giggles as Poseidon gave Rox a high four as Fredrick shook his head and smile.

" Ahhh! Mr. Dinkles!" The others look at bigge, who accidently throw Mr. Dinkles off the balloon, but luckily got stuck at the balloon cause of the sticky cotton candy. Rox snickers as he saw biggie fear face when he got mr. dinkles, to see really high place making him laugh a bit. Then they look away as they focus to were they were heading but Poseidon gave poppy a 'seriously? Hugs?' Look as she said their gonna use their arms for hugs. Branch close his arms as he said, " this will takes a lot of hugs"

Then claire notice they arrive at the classical tribe, but....... when Claire got full sight of it she gasp, making everyone look at her then their eyes went wide. Cora woke up Tess, while not taking her eyes of the sight she seen. Tessa woke up and gave cora a confuse look then slowly look where she's looking at making her gasp in shock.

The hot air balloon slowly bought them down, as everyone hop out as they look around. Claire flew around to look at this ruin beautiful place. She saw branch grap some sheets of music notes, making her way towards to him." What....happen here?" Branch manage to speak as he looks around. Fredrick and his gang look around with wide eyes and disbelief on their face.

They knew this will happen, but never realize to see it for themselves in real life. Cora slowly lift some broken house away from their path to see their at the main center of the classical tribe. Dj wimper as it hug Tessa who hug her beat drop button as she looks around, with a sad look on her face. Then all the sudden something called Claire. She looks around as saw a talking flute which she recognize as pennywhistle." Hi." Said Pennywhistle as it rolled her way to Claire making Her grab the flute and lift it up close to her.

Poppy and the others notice her and what is she holding." Who are you?" Asked poppy as she made her way to Claire side." I'm pennywhistle."" Hi pennywhistle, i'm poppy! Then one who's holding you was Claire". Pennywhistle look at Claire who gave her a smile in greetings." What happen here?" Asked poppy as Pennywhistle start explaining what happen here. Telling her that this place was use to calm and perfect harmony. Until Barb came. She tooks their string, their music and everyone else.

Poppy look surprise as she finally realize, what it the truth of why barb was collecting the strings of each tribe." She doesn't want us to be united.....she wanted to destroy us." Poppy finally said as claire put down pennywhistle who hop out of her hands. Claire slowly look up then look around the mess that Barb left. She looks at her friends. Fredrick nodded as he knows what she's doing. Rox and Poseidon gave her a thumbs up, as Cora and Tess agave her a nodded.

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