Chapter 11: Thomas

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A/N: 27.04.20

Last update for today. Goodnight everyone, sleep tight (or enjoy your day depending on where you live) 🙆‍♂️🙇‍♂️

What time do you guys go to bed?
Please tell me I'm not the only one who sleeps later than a normal human being should. Thank you.


*Thomas's pov*

Today was our last day of detention together. And by our, I meant mine and Eli's.

We haven't spoken since our argument. I still caught him glancing at me every now and then but pretended not to notice for his sake. Who did he think he was fooling anyway?

What was going to happen once we no longer had detention together? Were we going to go back to ignoring each other's existence?

I mean, wouldn't that be for the best?

But something tugged inside my chest when I thought about not seeing him anymore. Or at least, not being able to spend time with him. It's not like I hated Eli or anything. He was annoying and troublesome, and even though I hated anything and everything annoying and troublesome, I didn't mind being around him.

Oh, Thomas, just how badly did you hit your head after that bicycle accident?

"Hey," I drawled when the hour was almost over, pushing the chairs back under the tables. Eli gave me the cold shoulder like the drama queen he was. "Your bike," I said a little louder. "Do you really not want it back?"

He finally turned towards me.

"It's taking up a lot of space in my house. If you don't want it back, I'll sell it online. If you want it back, then tell me."

And to my surprise, he answered.

"I want it back."

Why do I feel relieved?

"Okay, then let's go."

He blinked."Go where?"

"To get your bike. Keep up, yeah?"

He narrowed his eyes. "Where is it? Did you leave it behind some dirty dumpster?" His voice was harsh and his eyes icy cold. I gave him a lazy shrug.

"In my shady neighborhood, in my run-down house. Got a problem?"

Eli bit his lower lip. "Will there be rats?"

A smile etched on my lips. "Including me? Plenty."

Eli scowled, taking off his gloves while I threw away the gums in our bucket in the black garbage bag.

"Fine, I'll go," he mumbled. "Let's make it quick, I'm dining with my grandparents tonight."

I snorted.

Dining. Why did that sound like such a rich people thing to say?

We washed our hands and headed out together. I noticed that the further we were from the city center, the more nervous he got. Eli started fiddling with his hands.

Does he do that when he's anxious?

My first thought was, what a wimp.

My second thought was, maybe I should tell him to relax.

And then he stabbed me one of his disdainful glares and so I let him suffer in his worries.

"How far is your house?" he sighed, annoyed.

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