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Heck i didn't even get the boys opinion because I was so sure about adopting you I stayed up all night filling out the papers and Went to the bank right when it opened to get the money and adopt you." i start to feel a wave of guilt, maybe he dose care. But can i trust him?

I had ran to my room after the fight. I needed time to think, Maybe Jaden was right and I just didn't get it. But how could I, trust is not built in the span of five seconds it takes time. Thats when I here a knock at the door. It was Bryce "Yo kid, I heard the fight. Maybe we can get your mind off it and go certify Daisy's ass, Its just with me and Josh?" What the fuck is that supposed to mean. But i mean Griffin won't be there and i am not planning on admitting i was wrong anytime soon so i guess certifying a girls ass or staying in my room is my only option "Fine, Ill go." He smiles and we walk to his car Josh gets out his camera and him and Bryce start to make jokes as i awkwardly sit there wishing i stayed home. Thats when josh turns the camera to me and asks me if i think her ass is real "Well, I mean why wouldn't it be." He looks back at the camera "Well you heard it here first." We get to the house and it is just as big as the sway house, Its like the sway house but calmer and less crazy activities. Just yesterday the boys had their stake board on a mattress and rolled down the street honestly i am surprised it even worked. Daisy reacted to their "Still softish" video and showed that her ass was certified. I saw a glimpse of the video and it was Josh and Bryce humping the air in underwear. Gross that is going to give me nightmares. When we get home I run in to try and go find Chop. "CHOP?!" he didn't come "CHOP?!" I was getting worried when I heard a bark. I ran to the kitchen and Chop was sitting on a dog bed in a crate, "Poor Chop. You aren't meant for a crate!" I walk around guessing someone went out and put him in it. I look around and see kio "Kio did you put Chop in a crate?" "Ya, You like it?" I give him evil eyes "Chop doesn't belong in a crate." "Oh okay." he smiles. I walk off with Chop, Why is he being so nice. I walk upstairs and sit on my bed. Should i go say sorry to Griffin? I mean I was kinda harsh but i dont want him to screw me over. Then I remember the guitar, I got an idea. I ran to Griffins room "Hey Griffin, I am sorry I guess i was kinda harsh." He looks up and smiles "Its okay, I was kinda harsh too." I give him a hug and offer to make dinner "Sure! Ask me if you want help." he says with a smile. What a sucker i walk downstairs and make grilled cheese, And remember Jaden and what he said. Ah ha bingo go apologize to Jaden make dinner spend some quality time just right when my birthday comes around mention the guitar.  When i finish the grilled cheese I call down the boys. "So i made grilled cheese to the best of my ability sorry if i have been stand offish." i said quietly looking at the ground "Its okay, The grilled cheese looks great." anthony says with a smile. They all nod their heads and eat it and I find some ham in the fridge and give it to Chop. What else can I do to get that guitar? Oh i got it, Court is in 3 months. We will goto court to see if Griffin is ready for full adoption right now its trial he can't get in trouble with CPS if he does back to the orphanage for me. I look at griffin "I am excited for court when you can fully adopt me." all the boys looked shocked and Griffin looked like he was about to cry "Aw me too!" I gave him a hug "Well I better get ready for bed, Come on Chop!" I ran upstairs and chop followed, My plan was working.
•Griffins Pov•
I turned to the boys "Did you see that?!" "Dude next thing you know it she will call you dad!" Quinton said with a smile. "I dont know i think she is tricking us." Jaden said "She dosent get mad and is stand offish and is now your best friend.." I started to get mad why can't he be happy for me "Well I think she is just getting used to it here." I throw my paper plate away and walk to the couch. How could he say such a thing. Jaden then walks in and sits next to me "Look i am sorry that came out wrong, I am sure she loves it here." he said while looking at the ground "Its fine i just want the best for her and its been hard for her to get used to it here."  "Its been hard for everyone, How about we just sleep this off." I shake my head yes and walk to Sarahs room
•Sarahs Pov•
What suck ups think i magically get all nice. Griffin walks in my room "Goodnight Sarah we are starting online school tomorrow so don't stay up to late!" i nod my head and smile he shuts the door and Jaden come in. Oh boy what is he doing here, quick get sad look on and apologize "Hey Jaden im sorry for being so harsh I just-" fake tears activated "I just don't trust easy." i say while a tear rolls down my cheek "Dont cry, Its okay I just came to say goodnight." he said in a soft tone, he pulled out of the hug and walked out of the room. I tuck myself into my ned and lay next to Chop. "What suckers, We will have that guitar in no time Chop." I turn my light off and go to bed.

Adopted by fools (swayla)Where stories live. Discover now