chicken tenders and confessions

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I woke up to my alarm. i sat up and rubbed my eyes. i saw Chop was sitting next to me and i pet him while scrolling through my phone.
       should i make a tik tok? i mean its been a long time since i had made one. Ya know why not.
I look for a sound and come up with the "if you where a serial killer what would be your thing." trend. so i used the sound and wrote "if i was a serial killer i would write a bunch of letters on their arms, when they unscramble the letters...its just a vine reference that has nothing to do with the case. so i will be known as the "Vine Killer'" i then hit post and waited for people to see it. Within a minute i already have 106k likes and tons of comments. i decided to reply to a few. top comment was "thats oddly specific are you sure you aren't a serial killer." i replied "i guess we will never know." i move to the next one. "i would put a lamb stamp on them if they where an easy kill."
        that's actually such a good idea.
i replied "thats a good idea."  I responded to other comments and turned off my phone.
  I walked downstairs and smelt bagels. I havent had a decent bagel in a long time. I remember Mrs.Abby got one for me when we went to some camp, but those where stale half, rotten, camp bagels that no one likes. I put one in a toaster and found the cream cheese. "I saw you are posting on tik tok agian." Anthony says while grabbing food. "Ya, ill make another one today." I took my phone out of my pocket and scrolled through tik tok.
    Oh, i can do the "rating my family members throughout the day." thing.
i got my phone and recorded anthony because he was downstairs. I wrote down in my notes what i would rate them so i wouldn't forget. I gave anthony a 10/10 because he is chill and plays video games all day. Next Josh came downstairs and grabbed a bagel. "You have been wearing hoodies, but its not cold." He says while laughing a little bit. "You've been having nessa come over a night, but you guys broke up?" I reply smiling. his face goes red. and i laugh.
   I get my phone out and record Josh making eggs. I give him a 6/10 he is annoying. I finish my bagel and go back upstairs to find everyone else. Griffin walks by me and says good morning in a tiered voice. "Your appointment for your arm is at one thirty." he says while yawning. I give him a thumbs up and record him walking downstairs. 8/10 told me info but is dry.  
He did stay up talking to Dixie all night so i will give him a pass.
Thats when i bump into Kio. He says sorry and smiles. "Its fine." i say "im going to go eat breakfast, if you haven't had anything want some?" he says walking down the hall. "I already ate but thank you." i say back. i also record him going downstairs. I give him a 10/10 he offered to make food for me. I went to Jadens room and saw he was still sleeping. "Okay if i wake up before you. thats just sad." I sit on his bed and pull the blanket off of him. "No." he groans pulling the blanket back. i yank it off of him again. "Wake uppp." i say exaggerating the 'p'. Jaden eventually gets up and i rate him a 9/10 he won't get up but at least hes cute.
We all sit down and it is now ten in the morning. I am scrolling through twitter and decided to tweet. "bruv im lying 😻" everyone notices the tweet and Griffin looks at me weird. "Lying about what?" He says confused. "Oh its an inside joke with hannah." I reply and he nods.
At this point im a professional liar, i mean thats not good.... but is it that bad?
They all finish up breakfast and some go play video games while i wait to go to my appointment. "Hey you have some shots, so i just said you can get them when you get there." Griffin says expecting me to freak out. "Cool." i say and go back on my phone. "Thats it? No crying, freaking out, sacredness." I shrug. "Not really, Shots arent that bad." He is still shocked. "What? are you afraid of a needle." I say laughing. "Ya kinda." I laugh even more. "So you are a nurse who doesn't like needles." i laugh even more. Griffin just rolls his eyes.
After a couple more hours we are in the car headed to the children's center so i cant get a new cast and X rays. We check in and wait in the waiting room. There was barely anyone there and that was pretty awkward. I looked to the TV which was playing some show called "Bubble Guppies." I look at Griffin who is texting Dixie about something. "This show is annoying, like how does a fish teach kids and how can that kid have glasses under water." i say pointing at the TV. "Plus the guy with the blue hair. He thinks he is the main character. but hes not!" Griffin laughs. "Dude its a kids show, nothing makes sense." I shrug.
After getting the X rays and new cast we go to a clinic so i can get my shots. Apparently i never got my tetanus shot which is bad? I dont really know. First the nurse comes in and does her little thing and then tells me to put on this gown.
I send Griffin out of the room while i get into one of those gowns. I realize i still have a hickey and let my hair cover that. He comes back in and we wait for the doctor who takes forty years to come.
"Hi! I am Dr.Young, i will be giving Sarah her shots. It looks like you need your tetanus shot." I nod and she asks some questions and types things in her computer, after that she gets a bag and takes out the needle. "Now this will-" i cut her off. "Can we just get it over with." She smiles and says yes. I look at Griffin who seems scared for me, so i smile while she gives me my shots. Griffin rolls his eyes at me and laughs. "You are one tuff cookie." I smile. "Ya just not a pussy." She is shocked by my language and Griffin gives me the "why'd you say that" look. She puts a spider man bandage on it and gives me a sticker. I change back into my clothes and walk out the door. "Ready to go." Griffin says when i come out of the door. I nod and we check out and go back to the car. "Hey, so we are going to this fancy restaurant so it maybe nice if you don't wear those sweatshirts."
I hope i have concealer, i will be doomed if i don't.
We get back home and film Griffin again but giving him a 9/10 took me to get shots so i dont die but is a pussy. I see Bryce who taps on his neck implying he can see the hickey. I roll my eyes and walk upstairs so i dont look suspicious. I go to my bathroom and try to find makeup. Thats when i realize.
i ran out of fucking makeup.
what am i going to do now? ya i can cover it with my hair but that won't work well...this, is a shitty experience.
it is now seven thirty at night and we are headed to the restaurant. Griffin made me wear a floral dress because it was a really nice restaurant. I curled my hair so if he saw my hickeys i can say i just burnt myself on accident. I was happy at the fact it was dark because he couldn't see my hickeys. They where kinda noticeable and Kio asked me about it. I told him i was curling my hair and got burnt. He kinda believed it but also didn't.
We got there and everything was fancy, nothing seemed good. We where seated outside where it was dark enough that you couldn't see my hickeys. I just wanted chicken tenders. "I don't think they have Chicken Tenders Sarah, you can get a fillet though." I shrugged and when the wiater came by i asked if they had a kids menu. "No sorry." she said giving a straw to Bryce for his drink. "You guys have anything similar to Chicken Tenders?" i say setting the menu down. "We have fried shrimp." She suggests, i pass. She goes back to the kitchen and comes back outside. "The Chef says he can fry some chicken for you. It will be the same price as the Shrimp." I say thank you and Griffin nods and they take their orders. and she leaves. Thats when Bryce turns on a flashlight to take a photo. and right as he does that Griffin looks at me and see my neck. His mouth drops. "Are those...hickeys?"

Happy birthday to @idk_klm i hope you have an amazing day!! you deserve it!! love you so much!! ❤️🦋

Adopted by fools (swayla)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें