Chapter 3

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The next morning, I woke up exhausted. I didn't get that much sleep last night because I kept thinking of the 20th. What if I find my mate before the ceremony. Then that would rule out my chances to be the mate of Kaine. I got up and started my day. I went to go take a shower. After I was done I headed downstairs to the kitchen.

My mom and dad were already sitting at the table eating their breakfast. My dad looked up at me first. At least this time they were being civilized. "Good morning, honey." He said to me.

My mom looked up next and smiled at me. Most people said I get my smile from her. It was beautiful. My dad said that's what made him fall in love with her other than them being mates. "You can take your food out of the pan." She turned her head back to her plate of food. She made eggs, bacon, pancakes, and freshly squeezed orange juice. I stacked my plate. What can I say I am a growing girl.

"Alpha Brandon is having training today for the unmated females in the pack." I lifted my head out my plate to look at my dad while he talked. "You are to go to the training grounds at 1 o'clock." I looked up at the time it was 11:30. At least I had some time.

"Ugh, Dad do I have to go." I hated working out. I wasn't fat or anything. I had a pretty decent shape. I was just so lazy, and working out with Alpha Brandon was no walk in the park. He looked at me expectantly.

"Yes, it is a part of the upcoming ceremony for Kaine. Every Saturday for the next two months you will be training. He wants all the girls to be prepared if they are chosen for the role as Luna. Plus, you will be stronger and also be able to defend yourself and the pack if needed." Knowing there was no use in arguing with him I ate the rest of my food in silence.

A few minutes later I got up, and went to put my plate in the sink. I heard someone come up behind me and touch my shoulder. I looked up and saw that it was my mother. She rubbed my shoulder. "Honey you'll be fine. Who knows you might even benefit from it." She winked and walked away. I headed upstairs to get ready for this stupid training.

I went into my closest and pulled out my spandex shorts and t-shirt. I went into my draw and grabbed my sports bra. I was just about to get changed when I heard my phone ring. I grabbed it and answered.
"AHHH" The first thing I heard was screaming. "Is it true Danni. Do you get to work out with Alpha Brandon's son today?" I realized that the voice belonged to Sammy.

I was confused. "Umm no. The unmated girls are working out with Alpha Brandon." Trying to figure out who told her we were working out with Kaine.
"Well Tammy told me." Tammy was her younger sister. "That you guys will be working out with Kaine. I am so jealous."

"You better stop before I tell Benji. And my parents told me that it was Alpha Brandon not Kaine, but I guess I'll find out when I get there."

"Girl Benji knows I'll never leave him. That d*ck of his does wonders I can't just give that up."

"Alright that is my que to leave. I'll tell you all about it later bye." I hung up on her not wanting her to go into further detail about her sex life with Benji. I looked at the clock and it was 12:30. It would take me 15 minutes to get over to the training grounds. Not wanting to be late I threw my clothes on and headed down the stairs. My parents had already left for work. My dad was Alpha Brandon's right hand man, his beta, and he would go to him for anything he needed help with. My mom was the pack doctor. People respected my parents so much for what they do for our pack.

I hopped in my car and headed to the place I dreaded the most. When I arrived, I saw all the girls sitting around talking. Training hadn't started yet so that gave me some time to laze around for a little longer. I saw Tammy and I walked over to her. She was talking to a few girls I saw a couple of times when I took walks around the pack. She turned to me when I approached.
"Hey Danni, I didn't expect to see you here." Everyone knew how lazy I was so I knew this was a surprise to them.

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