Chapter Three: Mystery. Adventure. Heroism?

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Back at the Hasteebian Royal Court, all the monarchs and politicians make their way into the Assembly Hall to begin the discussions. Iannes breaks away from the party after spotting a figure walking down a dark and lonely corridor. He seems to be talking. Iannes, the ever so curious one decides to take a stroll in that same direction. As he approaches the man, he recognizes him as the Vice Chancellor of Ovyxnoya, Elyron Triv.

"Triv!" shouts Iannes, feigning enthusiasm.

Elyron quickly mumbles something, touches his ear and turns his attention to Iannes.

Iannes stops in front of the tall, lanky chancellor. He is just as he remembers. Same young, harmless look. Almost boyish. Though he may seem physically unthreatening, Elyron is a mental force to be reckoned with. Elyron always seems to be the first to gather vital intel. Not many men know this of him in the galaxy, however Iannes is one of the few who do. The two have some history.

"Iannes! He of no family name. The mysterious man who won the respect of the King and is now the Terran Chancellor of the Realm! How long has it been, old friend?"

"Not long enough, apparently."

They both pause and look at each other sternly before chuckling.

"Muttering in the dark as usual. One might wonder what it is you are withholding." Iannes gives Elyron a stern look with a slight smirk.

"Withholding? Why, haven't you heard? A man of your caliber should have already heard the rumblings for some time."

"Rumblings?" Asks Iannes.

"Time and again you continue to prove to me that you are all talk. You don't deserve your position."

"Triv, you seem to forget who was the one that has made sure your little secrets are never exposed. You should be licking my boots. Now, what is it you have for me?"

"Oh, don't be like that, Iannes. You know I am merely jesting." Elyron darkens his tone. "Or do Terrans no longer take jokes?"

"Is that what you have been demoted to? A mere jester of this palace?" Iannes begins to laugh at the thought.

Elyron doesn't find it so hysterical.

"Oh, come on, Triv!"

"Hm." Elyron seems serious, and is thinking about what to tell Iannes.

Elyron looks down and says, "There are whispers of activity in the far reaches of the galaxy . . ."

"You don't think — Could it be?" questions Iannes.

"A barren planet it is no longer. That is all I was able to gather."

"Did it mention which direction of space?"

"No. My intel is collecting data as we speak. Though it is sparse."

"Interesting . . . Could it be the fabled brother?"

"We are not sure yet. However, we are certain there is no cause for any real concern."

Iannes looks to be thinking, contemplating, analyzing the information.

"Iannes." says Elyron. Iannes looks up at him quizzically. "Please, do not repeat this to anyone. I do not want to alarm anyone as these rumors may just be that."

Iannes nods. "Sure."

Inside the Assembly Chambers the mediation has already begun. The room is large. Variya and Jolzen with their respective nobles are in the center of the chamber. The room is filled with tables, chairs, and monitors in a circular formation. Each section is stacked up on one another like steps of a theater. Reporters are in attendance and sit all the way in the top, back area. The members of Sector Four and their respective parties fill the spaces in between.

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