Chapter Four: A Resolution or Further Conflict?

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Night has arrived. The three moons encapsulate the sky as Alric and Stanza finally get ready for bed.

Alric is sitting up on the bed reviewing files from the day's assembly. Stanza emerges from the bathroom in her nightgown and sits on the bed.

"Ugh. So much politics. You can't put that away and leave it for tomorrow? You've been dismissed for two days!"

Alric looks up at his wife. She is stunning. Her skin glowing and her eyes playful yet stern. He was going to retort but decided against it.

"You're right!" Stanza is caught off guard. As he simply looks down and puts away all his devices.

"So, tell me. How was your day with Mondeev? I heard since he took over as General the Hasteebian army has never been better."

"An improvement is an understatement. The Hasteebian military has been known to rely too much on technology to fight their battles. Mondeev is well respected amongst his warriors, and he knows how to treat them to keep them inspired. It was very entertaining."


"Yes, why?" Stanza asks sheepishly.

I overheard Variya's men discussing some exhibition matches with a Terran. They seemed pretty upset they weren't able to attend such a showing."

"Oh yes. The exhibition!"

"So, they put on an exhibition for you?" Asks Alric.

"They did! I was pleasantly surprised by it. The Hasteebians are now able to harness their power and attribute it to battle. Many are learning the technique quickly."

"You mean the technique only learned by the masters?" questions Alric. He seems investigative.

"Yes. It makes them very powerful warriors now. Lazar was able to hold his own. He put on a good showing for the crowd."

"As did you, according to the Hasteebian military."

Stanza stays frozen, but tries not to show it.

"I heard you fought Moort." continues Alric. "Their fiercest warrior. In your condition!?" His voice becoming firm.

"Condition? Alric, I am with child not decrepit! Besides, I had my special armor on, I was fine. The baby is fine."

"How are you so sure? You don't know if you —"

Stanza cuts off her husband as she lays beside him in the bed, now facing him.

"Alric, you worry too much."

"You put our child at risk, Stanza. Why can't you see that?"

"There is no risk! The armor I am wearing now is much stronger than what I wore when I carried Stasz, and I performed all my duties for most of my pregnancy with no complications. Our technologists have customized this to suit my needs and it's even stronger than the one before. They confirmed everything will be fine. Lazar was also there and he would never allow anything to happen." assures Stanza.

There is a pause. Stanza sees the seriousness in her husband's eyes.

"What is wrong, Alric? You weren't like this last time we were having a child and that was our first time. You are supposed to go through all the scared emotions with the first born!" Stanza says jokingly trying to break the ice but her husband just looks concerned.

"I just . . . I don't know. I've been having a bad feeling lately. I just don't know what or why. Maybe my head is just clouded by these attacks." Alric looks down. Stanza sees the stress envelope Alric's face. He has a frown line he is now developing. Something he has never had before, but it suits him. Though she can't help but feel she needs to ease her husband's soul. Clearly something is plaguing him. She grabs his hand.

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