18 | Hold My Hand.

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"Oh my God, I can't believe it's my first da--" I stopped before blurting too much. "I meant, my first . . . beach visit after almost three years," I corrected as I felt the heat rushing to my face.

He smirked. "Nah, don't lie. What was that first sentence again?" He brought his hand beside his ear, acting like he couldn't hear.

"Ugh, I hate you!" I scowled, punching him lightly on the arm before turning on my heel and striding off towards the sound of the waves--muttering to myself in embarrassment.

My feet sunk deep into the thick sand as I walked--maybe a little too deep because the next thing I knew, I tripped over my own feet and fell splat on my knees.

Damn, Ki, don't you know how to walk, or are you that determined to embarrass yourself?

"Hey! You alright?" Hayden rushed to my side, laughing.

And, here comes the mocking. Just what I needed.

He held out his hand, while his lips curled up into an amused grin.

I frowned at him and warned, "Don't laugh at me!" I pushed his hand away and stood up on my own, brushing the sand off my knees.

"What can I do? That was hilarious!" He was still cackling like a hyena.

"Stop!" I whined, shoving him--he was now holding his side, gasping for air.

And this is the guy I like.

Smiling to myself at the thought, I felt the tips of my ears and nose get warm. It was impossible not to blush around him.

"Stop laughing, baboon," I said, nudging him, "Let's go!"

I stalked off towards the shore again, this time being careful not to fall flat on my face. He fell in step with me, and our hands brushed against each other as we walked. Chills ran along my spine, and my heart was hammering against my chest.

And that's when he said, "Hold my hand."

I blinked up at him, flustered at the sentence. Butterflies--lions--were thrashing around in my stomach.

Yikes, I think I'm getting a stomachache.

He held out his hand and gestured to it. My eyes darted between his outreached palm and him.

After a while, I took a deep breath and slipped my hand into his. Our fingers intertwined, and he squeezed my hand. I could feel the heat of his palm as it pressed against mine.

I looked up at him to see him beaming down at me. I returned the smile, still unable to believe that the girl who despised relationships was now at the edge of getting into one because of a single, unusual guy.

We walked together--our hands swinging back and forth rhythmically--towards the shore. The sky was painted in lilac hues, and I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the sight.

I dipped my toes into the foamy saltwater before rushing further--tugging Hayden along with me.

I sighed as the cold water lapped against my calves, fizzing and bubbling like brine. I couldn't help smiling as the wind caressed my face. I looked out to the horizon, the silhouette of a single ship visible in the distance.

I noticed him watching me out of the corner of my eye and turned to look up at him, thinking he wanted to say something. My black eyes locked with his brown ones. And for that small moment, I couldn't breathe until he cleared his throat and broke eye contact to stare at the waves crashing against the shore.

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