09 | Puppers

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"Here," Hayden said as he handed me my chocolate-chip, double-scooped ice-cream with rainbow sprinkles on top.

Yep, it was a lot, and I think he almost wanted to throttle me for making him say that out loud to the ice-cream vendor, but what could I do? It was my favourite flavour.

Taking it from his hand, I looked over at Rose with a sigh of delight. "So, we're finally here! The three of us together!" I squealed happily.

The three of us had wanted to go out together since forever, and here we were! Hayden, Rose, and me. All out on the road, just having fun.

I was trying to convince my mom for nearly four days, and finally, a day ago, she agreed. Although I think she mainly agreed because she was physically and mentally exhausted. But she said that it's only because Rose was also going to be there. Honestly? I think she trusted Rose more than her own daughter, but I wasn't surprised. Rose has that effect on parents. She's oh-so-sweet when she speaks with my mom, totally not how she acts when she's with Hayden and me.

Then again, who doesn't act differently when they're around adults? Adults will never understand our actions.

We were currently sitting on a grey bench in the park, staring at the countless pet owners walking their dogs around. There was a lake just a few miles away, filled with koi fish and a few ducks. Kids were crouched around it, dropping grains into the water for the animals to feed on.

"I vote for that one!" Rose announced, pointing at a small, chestnut chihuahua prancing around.

"No way! Come on, Rose!" Hayden protested, taking a big bite from his rocky road dairy. "That small one won't be able to catch a Frisbee from ten miles away!"

"Don't underestimate small ones!" Rose snapped, whacking him on the back of his head, making him almost lose grip of his ice-cream.

"Dude!" he yelled at her, eyes wide with panic. "My ice-cream!"

"Fine then, which doggie is your choice?" She crossed her arms at him, eyes narrowed. "Who do you think will catch the Frisbee?"

His eyes scanned the area until suddenly his face lit up. "Aha," he exclaimed. "That Rottweiler!"

Rose and I both looked over at where he was pointing to see an angry-looking black Rottweiler about twenty-four inches tall.

Well, who stole his favourite bone?

I immediately snorted. "Oof, Rose, I don't think your chihuahua will win. I'm sorry." I patted her on her shoulder dramatically.

"Ugh, Ki. Believe in my pupper!" she whined like a kid.

"Don't get me wrong, I do believe in your pupper, but seeing that Rottweiler? Uh . . . I don't really think it'll be that easy. It's like a fight between a cockroach and a rat. Only, the rat has huge tiger teeth and is bat-shit crazy." I put my hands together and demonstrated it to her. Faintly, I could hear Hayden laughing beside me.

"Oh, screw you guys." She leaned back on the bench, grumbling to herself. "What about you, Ki?"

"Me?" I raised my eyebrows. "Well, maybe . . ." I trailed off, searching around for a dog that seemed to be able to win the Frisbee catch when my eyes landed on the perfect canine. "That german shepherd!" I exclaimed.

We stared at her as the majestic dog walked past us over the fallen, dead leaves that coated the ground. She had a steady gait and the hue of her fur was softened by the golden light. Her wise eyes glinted like she's from Narnia. I half expected her to speak as she passed by. But she didn't, leaving me a tad disappointed.

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