The portal opens

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After all trolls got a big  family and they learn to accept all music genders, they party all night. From all the singing and rainbow rivers, a misterious portal opened to another dimension. The trolls didn't know what that was. Branch was very suspicous about it like allways and Poppy wanted to get into the portal right away to see what it is. They talked and agreed that Cooper should stick his head inside because he had the longes neck and see what its on the other side.
"And what do you see Cooper?" Asked Poppy unpatient.
"Well it is  a weird forest, I think a dead one." Answerd Cooper confused
"What do you mean dead?" Asked Branch
"There are tree and flowers but they dont seem to sing or to move at all. The grass it s alos quiet. It is a strange place if you ask me."
"I wanna go!!" Screamed Poppy
" No! Poppy wait!"
But Branch was too late. Poppy was already on the other side.
The other trolls leaders were curious too and they went after Poppy, followed by the other trolls.
All the trolls were in the weird forest but right when the last troll got trough, the portal closed.
Everybody panicked and start to run making noise. They felt the ground trilling under their feet. Something big was coming towards them. It was a HUMAN! But they never saw one before so they just stand and look scared at that big creature in front of them. The guy that was running around was also looking suspicious at the weird animals.
"It s looking like a burgen, but more..i dont know.." said Poppy wispering
" You can talk??" The human got scared and started to screem, everybody get scared and started to screem and run arround. The trolls found more people, apparently the forest was a big park, but they couldn't have known that.
After long days all the trols were caught and separeted from echother. People start to study them but apparently in this world they were so scared that their music powers were out. Their voices were weird, the new world changed them completly. So because they were just colorful and they could talk (even if they refuse to do it often) scientists give them to the pet shops to sell them as pet companinon or something. The rich people had first acces to the most expensive and nicest trolls, the shiny blinky ones. Those were the favorites. Clssic and Techno trolls were also in top. Reggaeton trolls were middle pricesd together with Funk trolls. And the Pop together with Rock trolls where pretty cheap. Instead of making a loan to the bank to buy a house, people did that to buy trolls. They were enough for everybody but not everybody could have one. Having your own troll was a trend. But not everybody was respectful with his troll. Almost nobody. They were in cages like hamsters and they were tied up to get walked and show off to friends and to make everybody that had no troll jealous. The trolls where forced to speak even if they didn't want or they where scared. Some trolls didn't like our music but they where forced to listen to it beacuse nobody was curious enough to discover them. Branch was the troll of a 8 year old boy and they will fight all day. Poppy was the troll of a popular highschool girl that didn't even look at her. Poppy tried to talk with her and find more about this place but was no use. The girl was all the time with her headphones in her ears. Some of them lost their color and some just try to hang in. Sometimes if you have a problem with your troll you can bring it up to the shop. That happened with a Reggaeton troll 4 times. His name was Tresillo, he was in a box with two other reggaeton girl trolls. The girls felt very bad for him. First time when Tresillo was bought, was to an agressive rock guy that made him faint from that music. Trolls are very sensitive to music and vibration. But nobody cared enough to learn that about them so he just brought Tresillo back. He came more stressed hoping that nobody will buy him ever again. But, everytime a troll came back, the price went down so it will be more chance to get out of the shop. The second time that he was bought was from a girl that seemd nice. She started gently to talk with Tresillo and ask his name, but he hesitated too much till the girl lost her patience and just throwed the cage to the wall. Tresillo got hurt and also back to the shop. They could hide their wonds into their furry colored body so he did that. He was back in his box with one girl this time because the other one was bought. She was trying to tell him to show his wonds but he wanted to hide it and wait to heal by itself, otherwise who knows what the humans can do to him.
The 3rd time he was selled to a family with lot of pets. He tried to escape but when he riched the floor he got attacked by a cat. He was lucky that the father heard and got him out of the cats claws. He was brought back to the shop because " he doesnt feet in our family". He was so terified from all what he saw that he couldn't even talk towarsa his own kind. He was looking all the time with big eyes from a corner of the box. All the shadows and people that passed and look at him scared him. Another weird lady put her eyes on him. The prices was so good that she will make everybody gelous with her Reggaeton troll. She took Tresillo home and start to fim him.
"Come tingy, do something for the camera!"said the lady while she was lighting up a cigarette and moving a big camera close to the scared troll. He could almost cry at how scared he was. All he could think was about Troll village and his world. He just wanted to be home. He even lost his music, he didn't remember even how is to dance and be happy. His colours starded to fade and he was  choking in the cigarette smoke. The lady started to scream at him to do something and name him useless troll. After she looked better she saw that the troll was all grey.
"What the... you are not only useles, you are ugly too! Tomorrow I am bringing you back to the shop and I am taking my money back! What a waste of time and money." Said the crazy lady and while she was leaving she add " you don't get any food today bytheway, you don't deserve it! Ugly troll!"
Poor Tresillo, he felt awfull, he was so proud of his colors and he lost that as well "Now...I oficially lost everything..I just can die." Those words came in a corner of his mind and he started to cry. First was weird because he didn't even knew that he can do that. But he was deeply hurt.
On another side of the city was someone else that was crying, in the same time with him. Leah, was her name and she was the same unhappy like  the litte troll. She was adopted by a big family just for state money.

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