7. Spanish

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He started to tell his story, at least a part of it.
-When I was a kid, I was bullied a lot because I was different. I am really proud of my name and it is actually a weak spot of mine. The trolls back then got that, and they started making fun of my name, also associating my name with insults which made me feel awful. That actually happened in this world as well, so, that's it. He finished his sentence abruptly feeling more and more ashamed wanting to talk about something else or just don't talk at all.
“It sounds more weird when I say it out loud. I normally don't say this sort of stuff to anybody. Yet, look at me telling my pathethic past to a human...” He couldn't understand how she made him such a softie. Maybe because she was in the same situation as he was.
But Leah was again quiet. Tresillo looked at her and saw that she had tears in her eyes.
-Wha....!? Don't cry now! It was not even so sad. He tried clumsy to cheer her up
-I am so sorry for what happened to you and I perfectly understand how you feel. It is not a stupid reason and I will stop asking your name. But you have to know that I will never, but never make fun of you or your name.
Leah said with a soft voice and still looking sad.
-That will help...now let's go home. He felt a little bad that Leah was sad now, but he didn't imagine that she will be affected by that. He expected that she will laugh or just find it weird.
They got home and her parents were already there.
-Pff, now I have to sneak you inside. You were right, it was better if you remained home but also I am happy that we could talk more. Leah smiled before she frowned and added " let's do this".
For Tresillo was also better than he expected and also he felt again more relaxed. All of a sudden he felt pulled out of the cage, and he was not able to see anything then he just heard a very loud noise. Leah took him out of the cage and put him in her pocket then she just threw the cage upstairs. She started to laugh silly and explain herself to someone.
-He he he, I guess my project cage is strong enough. I will get max points for it.
- You are just a weirdo. A male voice said.
After he went in the kitchen, Leah went upstairs. She took the cage with one hand and with the other one she was keeping Tresillo in her pocket. Once back in a safety place, Leah took Tresillo out and begin to excuse herself.
-I am sooooo sorry! That was an emergency! My brother just got home, and he almost saw you. If that happens they are going to take you and sell you or I don't know what will happen to you! Do you understand me little troll?! Leah was talking very fast and loud, also she was panicking.
The gray troll looked with big eyes at her.
-Um...ok... he said very shortly.
-Sorry again, I didn't want to raise my voice like that, but I was very scared. I will really not be able to forgive myself if something will happen to you. And I hope that I didn't cause any more pain in your condition. Leah pointed to his hurt leg and arm.
-Don't worry, I get it.  The pain it's much better, but my body it is very tired. But what I wanted to ask is if you are so protective with everybody? Tresillo asked finding weird that she only thinks about his safety.
-Well... I actually never had the chance to try it on someone else. I never had friends, not even a pet.
Tresillo already felt bad for asking.
-Ok, I will go eat dinner now. Here are your last gum drops, but don't worry, I will stop tomorrow to buy more. Leah said while she was giving his little plate.
When she came back upstairs he was already asleep. She turned off the light, and she went to bed in silence.
In the same silence she prepared to go to school. Tresillo was still sleeping, so she let a little note in the bars of his cage. She left hoping that he will not do something crazy again.
Because a teacher was sick she could leave 2 hours earlier from school, so she thought that will be the perfect moment to go and see Tambora.
"But maybe he is in danger again." Leah was thinking what happened last time. She decided to not stay too long, so he could also check on Tresillo.
  Once there, she went directly to Tambora.
-Hello again! She said opening the box.
-Hi, human girl. The reggaeton troll was very surprised to see her again.
-You can call me Leah, and I told you that I will come somewhere this week. The girl was already checking her memory.
-You could lie as well... I am actually happy to see you, I was very concerned that you gave up on Tr...my friend and because you couldn't bring it back you just got rid of him somehow. Tambora expressed her deep concern.
-Wow... Am I really looking like such horrible person? Leah asked a bit hurt.
-Umm...no but, I kind of always think og the worst that can happen so...sorry. Tambora smiled guilty.
-About your "Tr...friend" he is actually fine. I really like him.
"She is really weird... how can you like someone you don't know, that doesn't talk, it's gray, sad and maybe hates you?"
Leah saw the expression on Tambora's face, and she started to tell her everything that happened past few days.
The reggaeton troll was amazed.
-Are we talking about the same troll that you took from this shop?
-Yes. Leah laughed.
-The gray, untrusty, sad, hating human troll? The same one? Tambora still couldn't believe.
-Yep. That troll.
Tambora knew Tresillo for so long, and he never but never excuse himself, he never said "sorry" so it was difficult to believe it or imagine him saying that.
-Hey? Are you ok over there? Leah asked a little concerned.
-Ow, umm, yeah. I am fine. I am just glad that he got to you actually. I think that you are a good influence on him.
-Thank you! Are you now going to tell me more stuff about you guys? Leah gave her a big smile showing her theet.
-Yes, right. So we are going to start slowly, step after step. First, you need to know that we are actually talking Spanish and I think if you will say stuff in our language, he will feel more like home, and he will open more. Maybe totally open because I actually hear from you a big opening from him.
-.... stuff in Spa-nish...more open...our lan-guage... Ok! Said Leah proud.
-Are you really taking notes of that?
-Of course! It is very important, so I can't miss anything. Leah explained.
-Oook...then the second thing that you have to know... Can you actually keep it up because I can talk slower if you want. Tambora just interrupt her own sentence.
-Nono! It't fine, continue.
-So, like the name says...reggaeton trolls... we love reggaeton music. Just put this type of songs and maybe try to dance on it. Like that maybe he will start dancing too.
-Everything is noted. I will for sure try those. I would actually ask... when do you think that he will tell me his name. I am actually very curious.
-If you asked me on the day when you took him home, I would say 'never'. But seeing how the situation evolved, I can say that it will happen sooner than you think. He is normally a sassy, confident troll, but this world changed him a lot. I only hope that it will get better with you. No pressure. Added Tambora.
"No pressure, she said" Leah though
In all this time the owner of the shop listen to their conversation.
-Are you having fun over there? He scared them.
-Mr. Frank! For how long did you actually listen? Leah shed.
-For long enough to see that you are doing a good job.
Leah just realized that she was staying too long at the shop.
-I have to get going to check on the little troll. Thank you again Tambora and I will see you again. Also, when your friend trust me enough, I will bring him here so you can see each other. Leah winked at Tambora that looked very enthusiastic.
-Ow! I almost forgot! I need more gum drops!
After she paid the food for Tresillo she was heading home when she just saw a cute book with animals on the cover. Leah thought that she could buy the book for Tresillo so he can learn a few stuff from human world.
Leah got home, and she saw that Tresillo was awake walking in the cage.
-Heyyyy little troll! Look what I just got for you! I hope you can read. Leah opened the little door and let him out to see the book.
-Is that a human scrap book or something?
-Scrap... no. It is a book with our animals. I really have to do something right now, so I will appreciate if you don't pay any attention to me and keep yourself busy with this. Leah pointed to the book.
-What are you going to do? Tresillo asked raising an eyebrow.
-It's a surprise! And you look very cute when you do that. Leah said while she was taking her laptop and went to the other side of the room.
"No I'm not..." He protested for himself but still having a good feeling.
Leah wrote first a big text in English that she was supposed to translate in Spanish, learn it and then telling everything to her little troll.
"Oook, there we go. Spanish, how difficult can it be?" She thought, but when she started to listen to everything, she completly changed her mind. It was way more difficult than she could think of. So she just cut all the sentences till she had "Hello! How are you? My name is Leah. Nice to meet you little troll!" That should be enough. And she got... "Hola. Cómo estás? Mi nombre es Leah. Encantado de conocerte pequeño troll!"
She was trying very hard to pronounce just like the robot did but it was very dificult.
-Halo, noo! Hola, komo e-es-eeeessssttt.... why is that thingy even on the a?? Leah started to talk louder and louder till Tresillo heard her and he recognized his language right away. So he sneaked behind her to watch what she was actually doing. Leah was very focused in her study of the new language.
-En-enchant, pfff no! En-can-ta-do the, de, cono-coooonoooo... aaahhh! Why is this so difficult?
Tresillo was having fun watching her.
" You told me that I am cute but what are you doing it's more cuter." A thought went through his mind.
" Wait what? " he was actually realizing.

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