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"Hey!" Summer waved at her friends as her and John b made their way towards them in the boneyard

"There you are, I was starting to think you bailed" JJ said as he put down his beer

"You look amazing, Sum!" Kie ran to hug her best girl friend

"You too Kie, always do" she smiled at the brunette

Soon people started showing up, Kook, Tourons, Pogues, everyone. Summer looked around at all the people socializing until someone hugging her from behind scared her.

"Chill, it's just me" JJ laughed at the Summer's reaction

"I hate you. What do you want?" She asked him

"You were staring" he said and pointed to John b talking with a tourist. He was right, she was staring.

"Shut up, J" she scoffed

"C'mon S, don't be jealous. He is totally into you" JJ said. John b had admitted that to JJ but of course he wouldn't do anything because of the stupid rule he made up years ago.

"I don't know" she sighed but noticed two figures arriving, two familiar figures

"Oh shit! Satan and the spawn of Satan just arrived" JJ commented making Summer chuckle

"I'll handle them" she took two beers and smiled at JJ as she walked away from him

Summer made her way towards her brother and Rafe. Rafe Cameron, her ex-boyfriend and Sarah's brother, he was a dick now but that was because he was always high, he used to be a good guy. Summer didn't like him but had to cope with him as he was his brother's best friend and her ex, actually it made her really sad how much he had changed because of the drugs.

"Two drinks coming this way" she smiled as she handed the two Kook their drinks

"Thank you, sis" Topper kissed her cheek

"You look hot Summer" Rafe commented, he was high again. Summer scoffed at that comment and Topper glared at his friend, he didn't like all the comments he made about her.

"Hey, where is Sarah?" Summer turned to her brother. She was dying to see her friend.

"Uh, I don't know" Topper said looking around for his girlfriend "found her" he said pointing to the girl climbing up a lifeguard's seat

"Sarah! Sarah!" Summer quickly took off running towards the girl making Topper laugh, he loved how much her sister loved Sarah

"Summer? Oh my god you are back!" Sarah said climbing down the tower

When the two girls were at the same level they hugged tightly, they had missed each other a lot. Summer and Sarah met when their first day of kindergarten. Summer was tired of always playing with Topper and wanted female friends so when she spotted the small blonde girl she just walked up to her and started talking. Since then they are best friends, never leaving each other's sides.

"Yeah, I was dying to see you" Summer smiled as Topper arrived and kissed Sarah softly

"You didn't tell me she was back" Sarah said looking at Topper

"I wanted it to be a surprise" Summer told her

"I hate you" Sarah chuckled

"No, you don't" Summer laughed too

Then suddenly Sarah and Topper looked at something behind Summer and just stood there quiet. She turned around and saw John b staring at her from afar, it was fair to say that Topper didn't like him a bit.

summer | john bWhere stories live. Discover now