Chapter 1: First Contact

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Authors Note:

Thank you all for waiting! At last, Manifest Fantasy is now out!

Be sure to review the synopsis for a general idea of what this story will be about.

Updates are scheduled once every two weeks.

Author's Note 2 (4/16/2024 Update):

Manifest Fantasy manga/comic is now in the works! Still just setting up the foundation so it might take a while, but I think I've found an artist I can work with. Attached is an example (not related to any particular scene) of what the manga might look like if I continue working with this artist. Feel free to join the discord to stay tuned for updates! Early access content and drafts will be available exclusively for Patrons. If you'd like to support the development of the manga and see WIP pages, please consider becoming a Patron.

Author's Note 3 (4/17/2024):
I have just completed a revision of Chapter 1, updating it to the quality of the later chapters. If the narrative voice in Chapter 2 sounds inconsistent, that's probably why. I'll get around to updating Chapter 2 sometime in the future.




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Groom Lake, Nevada

Area 51

November 3, 2024

The sandstorm was a nuisance, no two ways about it. Captain Henry Donnager grumbled as he fought his way toward the hangar, the wind doing its best to yank his cap right off his head. Sand stung his eyes and scraped at his skin, making it a real bitch to see where he was going. The only consolation was that he wasn't alone in this misery – every poor bastard on base was battling the elements, rushing to secure equipment and seal off doors before the storm could do any real damage.

Even through the chaos, one corner of the base was still active as ever, sandstorm be damned. Henry squinted through the haze, making out the shape of the hangar housing the Manifest Project. He'd been there a million times, but today felt different. Apparently, the inclement weather wasn't enough to convince Dr. Lombard to postpone. Whatever she had planned, it couldn't wait.

The sound of crunching sand drew his attention, and he turned to see Lieutenant Ron Owens trudging towards him, a grin on his face that seemed to defy the raging storm. Ron was a mountain of a man, an imposing figure whose physical prowess could have comfortably secured him a spot on any NFL team. He'd been his wingman since they graduated from the Academy a couple of years back. Why he stuck with the Space Force was a perplexing mystery, his reasoning even more so. Whenever asked about his decision, his answer was unwavering: 'Adventure.'

"Henry! What's good? You excited?" Ron called out, his booming voice carrying over the howling winds.

Henry dapped him up. "Excited? Only thing I'm excited about is getting away from this sand. Coarse, rough, irritating, and all that."

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