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Shit. Shit. Shit.

Of course this would happen.

I had to be best friends who was related to my old crush.

Breathe Ryujin breathe.

Thankfully, she doesn't seem to recognize me let alone remember me. I mean how would she? Her and I only spoke once again, I wasn't the one to stand out.

And maybe I don't want her to remember me.

Just relax.

Maybe she's a terrible person now? Maybe she's just that terrible that— God damn it Hwang, don't smile at me like that.

"I heard so much about you from Hyunjin," she said with a kind smile that made my heart suddenly skip a beat. No no no not again. I forced out a chuckle,

"Good things I hope," I said while winking at Hyunjin playfully. Yeji laughed and ugh, why does her laugh have to sound amazing? She nodded with a small smile,

"Definitely good things," She said while gently biting her lip. 

Was it just me or did her eyes just roam down my body?

"Well, it's nice to officially meet you Yeji," I said while extending my hand out. Okay Ryujin you are just about to touch the hand of Hwang Yeji. Stay cool. You DO NOT like her anymore. Maybe her hand is going to feel rough. Yeah! Maybe her skin won't— Jisoo's Christ her hand is soft!

"It's nice to officially meet you too Ryujin," she said while accepting my handshake. And the moment she looked at me, I knew my feelings that I had from years ago returned.

Well fan-freaking-tastic.

Being this close again my eyes couldn't help but scan every detail of her delicate features. From those eyes that resembled cat eyes which also had a light glint in them, to her sexy eyelashes, to her pointed nose and down her plump pretty pink lips that made me wonder how it would feel against me. Age enhanced her beauty.

I'm doomed, Ma.


Hearing Hyunjin cleared his throat, I quickly removed myself from the trance Hwang had over me and looked back into my eyes that was mixed with amusement and curiosity. I coughed and slowly let go of her hands. I regrettably flicked my eyes to Hyunjin and mentally scowled seeing a knowing smirk plastered on his luscious lips.

"So, Yeji here just came back from Cali and finally decided to visit me after almost three years," he sarcastically said while playfully narrowing his eyes. Yeji laughed,

"Don't be so dramatic! I called almost every weekend," she exclaimed. "And we get to hang out more now that I live here again!" She points out. They were cousins from their dad's side and grew up together. They were best friends.

Hyunjin started talking but I keep my focus on Yeji.

The way her eyes would squint and how her smooth glassy cheeks would puff out as she laughed and the way she would smile so wide till her gums would show was making my mind grow hazy.

Her hazel nut hair was slightly shorter but still long and soft just like it always was. She slowly turned to me and I quickly look away. 

"Well, I don't want to intrude into your cousin reunion so I'll just be in my room if you guys need me," I said while backing away. Yeji then furrowed her eyebrows as she eyed me,

"Wait, you look familiar. Have we met before?" She asked. I felt my smile waver but stayed as calm as I could while shaking my head,

"I don't think so," I chuckled out. Yeji tilted her head and squinted her eyes to scan my face.

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