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"Thank you! Have a nice day!" I said with my work smile. I waved goodbye at the customer as they were leaving then clenched my jaw as I felt a familiar presence standing beside me.

"Ryujin.." a voice whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes,

"If you're going to ask me if I asked Yeji if she's single, then yes. Yes I did," I said in annoyance. I looked over to Kai and gritted my teeth seeing a wide smile plastered on his face.

"Really?" He asked. Excitement was definitely evident on his features. He really likes her. I softened my features and forced out a smile,

"Yeah, she's single," I said.

"That's great!" He said. I dryly chuckled and nodded my head, "Yeah," I said.

He looked at me in confusion from my sudden expression and change of mood but before he was able to ask me what was up, he was called back into the kitchen. He looked at me one last time before turning around. I watched him walk away and immediately dropped my smile.

He looked happy.

He was happy.

This was the first time Kai even showed any interest in anybody.

He's my best friend. And I've always said he deserved happiness. He was there for me from the beginning when Jisu and I split. So, I think it's my turn to return the favor.

Doesn't matter how I feel anymore.

Kai deserves Yeji and Yeji deserves Kai.

"You look a little stressed Ryu. Is everything okay?" I look to my right seeing Yuna watching me in concern as she was making coffee for a customer. I stared at her for a moment before speaking,

"You'd do anything for a friend you care about right?" I asked. Yuna stopped what she was doing and turned her body to face me completely,

"Depends.." she dragged out. I continued, cutting her off and completely ignoring her suspicious eyes,

"Especially to that friend who has been there for you when you needed them the most right?"

"Yeah? I guess but— Wait. What's going with you?" She asked. I sighed in frustration and pinched the bridge of my nose,

"It's nothing just— just forget about it. I'm going on my break," I mumbled out. I walked past her, ignoring the way she was trying to call me back and rushed out through the back.



"Ryujin stop! This isn't like you," Kai called out while rushing to my side and helping me lay on his couch. Jisu had just broken up with me. I was alone all over again. And to numb the pain I went to the bar where Kai found me practically passed out at the bar. I hiccuped and tried to reach for my bottle on the ground but Kai took it right away and placed it somewhere I couldn't reach. I whined,

"I need it," I slurred out. Kai sighed in frustration and gripped onto his hair,

"No you don't! What you need is water," he said and went to turn around to leave to the kitchen until I spoke.

"Yeah, leave me. Everybody leaves me like I'm nothing. They always do and you want to know why?" I sarcastically asked with pain in my laugh. Kai froze but made no move to look at me.

"Because I am nothing but an insecure little bitch." I grumbled out. I was staring up at the ceiling and smiling as tears slid down my cheeks,

Blast From The Past | RyejiDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora