Chapter Thirteen

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IT'S BEEN two weeks since the disastrous pain, that'd been inflicted in the family

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IT'S BEEN two weeks since the disastrous pain, that'd been inflicted in the family. Kenneth thankfully and gratefully returned to be the kid everyone loved.

The smile on his face brightened the whole day, made the atmosphere more bearable. His frolicking attitude still gave a sense of relaxation.

But Nathaniel didn't know what was wrong with him. He'd been in a foul mood most of the evening. Impatient and restless. Samantha's date had arrived shortly after dinner, and Nathaniel had barely been able to look at the man.

Kenneth had wanted ice cream sometime later, and for no reason at all, Nathaniel found himself saying no. The boy had looked surprised to have Nathaniel snap at him and quickly retreated to his bedroom.

Feeling guilty, Nathaniel had followed him, apologized and then together the two had dished out huge bowls of ice cream. Kenneth had insisted upon putting on their own topping and had smeared chocolate syrup all over the counter. Nathaniel had been sure to clean up the mess.

He didn't want Samantha coming home from her night on the town to find the kitchen a disaster.

The day had been a good one, too, which further confused Nathaniel. If he'd had to deal with one frustrating event after another, he might be entitled to a foul mood. But he hadn't.

The morning had started out great when he'd played basketball with his brothers. Hr had forgotten his much he enjoyed sports.

Samantha and the kids had surprised him by stopping off at the park to watch the last couple of throwing. Damn but it felt good to her Samantha cheering for him from the stands. In all the time he'd known his sister-in-law, Nathaniel couldn't recall ever hearing her raise her voice. Apart from the encounter in the hospital.

He'd played his best when Samantha and the kids were there, and afterwards, for a treat, he'd taken everyone out to a nice Mexico restaurant.

The afternoon gave him no clue to the origin of his rotten mood, either. Everything had gone exceptionally well. He was able to repair the screen in Olivia's bedroom without a hitch. He'd even had time to now the lawn. Kenneth had followed behind him with his plastic mower, blowing bubbles into the bright June sunshine.

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